Xelloss: Welcome to the Slayers section! I am Xelloss Meatllium, and Princess Kimberly let ME be in charge of this section.
Zelgadiss: Yeah, right. She said that we were both in charge of this section.
Lina: Both of you, shut up. I'M in charge of this section!
Xelloss + Zelgadiss> *say nothing for a moment, in fear of being blown to smithereens*
Xelloss: Uhm...yeah... Anyway, I am her favorite character.
Zelgadiss: You are not you dumb Mazoku!
Xelloss:Are too!
Zelgadiss: Are not!
Lina: You both are her favorites! And I am her favorite girl!
Xelloss: Really, Lina-Chan?
Lina: Yep, I asked her, and that was exactly what she said.
Zelgadiss: ...Whatever.
Xelloss: Soooooo bored.....
Lina: What now Xelloss?
Xelloss: *notices the characters section* Ooooooh! Another section to haunt~! C'ya! *disappears*
Lina: Xelloss, wait!
Zelgadiss: Let him go, Lina.... Let's just shut up for now, and then split up whan Kimberly adds more sections to this page.
