Pretear's Transformations

Wind Pretear ~ This Transformation occurs when Himeno joins with Hayate, and the attack consists of Kaze no Sword, or the Wind Sword.
Sound Pretear ~ This Transformation occurs when Himeno joins with Sasame, and the attack consists of Sound Arrow. It also gives Pretear an amazing sense of hearing.
Fire Pretear ~ This Transformation occurs when Himeno joins with Goh, and the attack cousists of the Flame Axe.
Light Pretear ~ This Transformation occurs when Himeno joins with Kei.
Ice Pretear ~ This Transformation occurs when Himeno joins with Mannen.
Water Pretear ~ This Transformation occurs when Himeno joins with Hajime.

And Shin has no way of combining with Pretear, because *someone* has to hold up the sheild. ^^