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Listed should be the updates made in the past month; if it's early in the month, the previous month will still be listed. ^^ For the interested parties, the color of the update date notes who did the update, according to the following scheme:

Hotaru updated       Setsuna updated
Michiru updated       Haruka updated

August, 2001
~ Sorry for the lack of updates, 2 new reviews are up.
~ Michiru an Setsuna, please contact me ASAP. I'm missing reviews from both of you. Please come back to life for me.
~ Nomination page has been closed. We don't want to end up with a huge backlog again.
July 28, 2001
~ I've moved a few of the older reviews to a new page.
~ Some older updates were erased.

July 23, 2001
~ A new link was added to the links section.

July 21, 2001
~ Posted another new review. Now we're all caught up and are able to work on some of the more recent nominations.

July 16, 2001
~ Finally, a new review's up. Another should be ready soon.

July 3, 2001
~ Submissions are now open again.

June 18, 2001
~ Gomen everyone, my computer had some major problems. I'm finally back and ready to review ^.~

June 3, 2001
~ Good news! I found Setsuna-sama!!! She's back YAY!!! now hopefully we can get back into reviewing shape X_x;
~ I also added a new WPR called Little Rabbit Reviews...there newbies so go welcome them to the reviewing life ^__^

May 26, 2001
~ Added 4 more WPR's to our list ^_^; I still need Hotaru and Haruka to be fully back before we get our reviews going again, and we might need to get a new Setsuna. Setsuna if you see this contact us so we know your alive!

May 22, 2001
~ I took off White Moons Reviews and will add them again when they re-open this summer, in there replace is Crystal Senshi Reviews a new found WPR!

May 7, 2001
~ I added Senshi Star Reviews to our WPR link list

April 29, 2001
~ I added a button from our Sister site Senshi of 3 (there's a link on the front page to them) they gave us a banner of MWA!!!...that would be me Michiru hehe. Thank you so much you guys are great! ^_~

April 28, 2001
~ Well I got us a *new* guestbook that WORKS!!! so..uhh...go sign it!!! Okay...that's all for now ^^;

April 26, 2001
~ -.-;;; I'm very sorry for the lack of updates...We are all so very busy...I don't even know where Setsuna went...ANYWAY I updated the link section, took down the broken links, changed moved links, added new links...etc...anyway lets hope to see us update more often now -.-;;

April 13, 2001
~ I'm finally more or less back!
~ Added a new link in the links section, also removed a dead link.

February 13, 2001
~Added some more links.
~The review (were only doing one this time) should be done soon.
~Hotaru is still gone. *waves like an idiot* We miss you Hotaru!

January 6, 2001
~Well we havn't updated in awhile due to school and stuff. Hotaru won't be around for about a month so I'm incharge.
~I added 2 new reviews and the others will be added as soon as the majority of us get them done.

And, the very most important update in this site's history (present, and into the future too ;):

March 20, 2000
~ Well...the site was started, that's all I have to say.

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