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Ghost In The Shell Review

This anime has been, and always will be, my personal fav. It is the first anime I ever watched and I would recommend this one to ANYONE. This awesome movie is set in the future, where people are no longer human, but just robots with human consciousness' the only thing to detirmine who is alive and who is simply a robot. The robot bodies are called 'shells' and the human consciousness are called 'Ghosts', hence the name Ghost In The Shell. The lead character, Major Matoko Kusanagi, an elite member of the Security Police Section 9, is a robot who is so heavily modified that little more than her ghost remains. This movie has the perfect mixture of sci-fi, robots, cool animated graphics, and good ol' fashioned big guns (A very good example of this is Bateaus' "Standard Issue Big-Gun"). However it has more than that, there's also a serious side to it, with self discovery and actual emotion. As the Puppetmaster (thanks to Chuck for pointing out that it was the Puppetmaster and NOT Kusanagi who said this) said,

"...and can you offer me proof of your existence? How can you when neither modern science nor philosophy can explain what life is?".

All things aside, this is a very good anime, which has earned the respect of many critics and fans alike. This is a must-see for any anime fan.

Otaku's Rating:
