Kumiko really loved her boyfriend, and was very dedicated toward his welfare. However, as much satisfaction as she derived from taking care of him, she felt that he didn't appreciate her efforts as much as he should. This in no way made her angry with him, but she did feel a bit disappointed, and more and more she felt that her smiles were hiding a building sadness.

    She didn't know what she could do to open his eyes up to the significance of her love, so that he may return it in kind. However, since she had no idea what kind of attention would turn him around, she could only wish that it were possible to find out.

    And so, to her surprise, a girl that she had never met before, who resembled her boyfriend, came to her the next day and claimed to be said boyfriend. She had pleaded for help, and desperate for someone to believe her.

    She didn't know how this could have happened to her boyfriend, but she knew that she had to believe him when the girl had said: "I really need you!"

    Somehow her prayer had been answered, even if in an outlandish way. But her boyfriend was now completely out of his element, and feared the silliest things now that he had a woman's body. It seemed as if she had to take care of him in all things, as if the difference in his body had made everything else different as well. Which wasn't true in reality, but it was true enough for the lost kitten that he'd become.

    And then the day came when he thanked her for everything, and how he had appreciated everything that she had done for him; even going so far as out of her way to believe what must have been a crazy story.

    It made her heart soar.

    Even now, while she held her boyfriend and promised to always be there for him, she didn't know when or if he'd ever become her boyfriend again. But, for now, she was content. She wanted to savor the moment, lest she never have a chance to do so again.