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  • General
  • 2.It takes 3 days to travel, train for a move (power ups take 5 days),search for something (2 days if you have a scouter or can detect PL)NOTE:Dragonball search time is different check the dragonball section to find the search time.
  • 3.You can start out with any move.
  • 4.You may have a total of 2 henchmen/biomen BUT you can have as many saibamen as you want (see SAIBAMEN for details)
  • 5. You may have as many children as you want but I wouldn't reccomend having over 2.
  • Fights
  • 1.You cant steal someones space-stations,pods,add ons, henchmen, biomen, saibamen,etc.
  • 2.You can steal 50% of someones money + 50% of someones stealable items.(rounded down)
  • 3.There can be up to 10 people in a fight henchmen and biomen are not counted but saibamen are)
  • 4.Fights need to be good and legible.
  • 5.Winner gets 50% of losers PL and Loser gets 25% of winners PL.
  • 6.After a fight, if you win, the loser's PL will be subtracted from your current PL. It takes 3 days to heal unless you use a senzu bean. A senzu bean = instant recovery.*Note: If you don't tell me how you want to heal I'll assume you want to heal over the 3 days.*
  • Saibamen
  • There are three types of saibamen:
  • level 1 saibaman: Cannot be used again after being killed in battle.PL stays at a constant 3000.The only move it can know is the "generic ki blast"
  • level 2 saibaman:PL can be increased but only to 20000 but otherwise the same as a level 1 saibaman
  • level 3 saibaman:PL can be increased,no limit, and can be used after being killed. It can also learn moves (just like a henchman.)THE GOOD PART IS...Each level 3 saibaman starts out with a move called switch form and the move you choose for it.(switch form will be explained in the trainer section but you can't learn it.)
  • Teams
  • 1.Limit of 6 people per team (not including henchmen, biomen, or saibamen.)
  • 2.Tell me what planet you'd like your team to be based on and who the team leader is.
  • Rules in the Next Dimension
  • 1.You can't steal in the next dimension.
  • Sparring
  • 1.You gain 30% of your partners PL and they get 30% of yours.
  • 2.You can spar as much as you want.
  • Power-Ups
  • 1) Only Saiya-jins and half Saiya-jins can go Oozaru and Super Saiya-jin.
  • Oozaru: Pl x 5
  • You need to know Oozaru control in order to go Oozaru. If you don't know Oozaru control and go Oozaru in a battle you die along with your opponent. There will be full moons on planets on certain days but you can also learn Simulated Moon Blast. Any Saiya-jins on a planet when the moon comes out have a 1/3 chance of going Oozaru and living.(I will roll a die. If I roll a one or a four you live, otherwise you die.)
  • Golden Oozaru: Pl x 25
  • Minimum PL: 800 000
  • You must be a full blooded saiya-jin. There must be a natural full moon. Simulated moon's are not alowed. Must know control oorzaru.
  • Super Saiya-jin: SSJ x 10, SSJ2 x 15, SSJ3 x 20, Ultimate-SSJ x 30
  • SSJ - Minimum Pl 100 000
  • SSJ2 - Minimum PL 200 000
  • SSJ3 - Minimum PL 350 000
  • Ultimate-SSJ- Minimum PL 1 400 000, ability to go Golden Oozaru
  • 2) Only Nameks can do these power-ups:
  • Super-Namek: PLx15
  • Minimum PL 300 000 must know Control Super Namek
  • Absorb-Namek: Only works if the other Namek is willing or very weak. You get 50% of his PL on top of the 50% you get for winning. If performed with another player he just goes to the ND. It takes 4 days to hunt for a Namek on planet Namek and 6 days on any other planets(with or w/o a scouter). Their Max.PL is 75,000. If you have a scouter their PL would be lower than yours but if you don't own one there is a chance that their PL is higher than yours(die roll:1,3,5 higher; 2,4,6 lower)
  • 3) Only Androids can do this power-up:
  • Absorb-Android:
  • Only works if the other Android is very weak. You get 50% of his PL on top of the 50% you get for winning. If performed with another player he just goes to the ND. It takes 4 days to hunt for a Android on planet Earth, Yardat and 6 days on any other planets(with or w/o a scouter). Their Max.PL is 100,000. If you have a scouter their PL would be lower than yours but if you don't own one there is a chance that their PL is higher than yours(die roll:1,3,5 higher; 2,4,6 lower)
  • 4) Transformation can only be done by Characters in the show that has the ability to tranform:
  • Transform: Level1 x5, Level2 x10, level3 x15, level4 x20
  • Level1- Minimum PL 50 000
  • Level2- Minimum PL 100 000
  • Level3- Minimum PL 200 000
  • Level4- Minimum PL 400 000
  • 5) Kaioken: All characters can learn Kaioken.
  • Kaioken 1 - Minimum PL = 1000 - PL increase = x1.5
  • Kaioken 2 - Minimum PL = 2 000 - PL increase = x2
  • Kaioken 3 - Minimum PL = 4 000 - PL increase = x3
  • Kaioken 4 - Minimum PL = 8 000 - PL increase = x4
  • Kaioken 5 - Minimum PL = 12 000 - PL increase = x5
  • Kaioken 6 - Minimum PL = 20 000 - PL increase = x6
  • Kaioken 7 - Minimum PL = 35 000 - PL increase = x7
  • Kaioken 8 - Minimum PL = 70 000 - PL increase = x8
  • Kaioken 9 - Minimum PL = 130 000 - PL increase = x9
  • Kaioken 10 - Minimum PL = 200 000 - PL increase = x10
  • Kaioken 11 - Minimum PL = 250 000 - PL increase = x11
  • Kaioken 12 - Minimum PL = 300 000 - PL increase = x12
  • Kaioken 13 - Minimum PL = 350 000 - PL increase = x13
  • Kaioken 14 - Minimum PL = 400 000 - PL icrease = x14
  • Kaioken 15 - Minimum PL = 500 000 - PL icrease = x15
  • Max Kaioken - Minimum PL = 1 000 000 - PL increase = x20

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