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THE SAIWOR KAWAII PROJECT..BE AFRAID BE VERY AFRAID... 1 year ago a little girl went into the web and was never seen again...1 year later..her footage wuz found..... hehe Hewwo, welcome to ze Saiwor Kawaii`s SD anime page, i`m saiwor Kawaii ze masta of this page,so enjoy dis page or saiwor kawaii calls you ebil( by the way, if any of this stuff was scanned by you, email me and i`ll either put your link/banner on my page or..i`ll take it off my page if you request it, but i`ll still put a link to your page if ya want n.n and if you have an anime site that you want me to link on my page, or more pictures i`d be happy to put them up if i think its worth it! n.n)) enjoy your stay here! and if yaz dun sawoir kawaii will call you ebil and poke you with a stick(with a little moon taped to it
the song playing is When i grow up by garbage.. i like the song, the band, plus it kinda fits the page..

Cuties - A Cyber Anime Petz Center

hehe loooooooky i adopted my fav gundam character from a yyh adoption page n.~ you can adopt alot of yer fav yyh characters thar too!

pick your poison

smsds(still under construction, gomen)
my darkstalker kawaii page n.n ( still under construction too)
my ranma sd section
my yu yu hakusho sd section
my misscellanious anime page
sign my guestbook!!
