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For pictures, info, movies, sound clips, stories and practically anything else you could want in an anime website.

I'm Yonaka Miko, but you can call me Miko-chan. I am the goddess for the planet of Eden, Sailor Eve. Eden is on the very edge of this solar system, just past Nemesis. My powers rule over telekinesis, and electric kinetics. I am very wise, and many senshi often look to me for guidance. To look at my profile, click here or on Sailor Eve, on the menu. Also, feel free to browse the information booth, art museum, music hall, theatre, or library. Enjoy your visit to Eden!

Ni banme no Eden,

~ Yonaka Miko ~

Sailor Eve / Yonaka Miko

Information Booth

Art Gallery

Music Hall




If you would like to use any of the items in my website, please e-mail me first. And absolutely no direct-linking, so don't bother to ask, you'll just lose time, my mailbox space, and my respect.

And don't write me annoying sorry e-mails about how you don't like Moon, or Mars, or even ME, and especially not the "pink-haired demon". I don't care. I don't like her that much, either, but leave it alone, there's nothing to be done about it. Others demand her, so she's here to stay. And for goodness sake, don't complain, it's annoying. I hate whiners. Geez. If she really bothers you THAT much, browse a different site or avert your eyes.

Updates: Okay, I don't have anything new, seeming this page has only been up a short while. Also, most of the links don't work yet. To be honest, only two work right now. I'm still doing tons of construction, so please be patient, I promise this'll look great when I'm done!!! Well, it'll look at least decent.

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If you hate my webpage, or like it, or really don't care, but want someone to talk to, email me. Oh, and please sign my guestbook!

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