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Up and running since March 11, 2000...

Ran into a lamp post (Because Mari-San sucks) sometime in October 2001...

Has officially been admitted to the Happy Holland Hills Mental Hospital on February 23, 2002.

Thanks for everything! *mwah* Thank you, and you, and YOU.

==>Links <==*
"There's a train everyday leaving either way
There's a world, you know
There's a way to go
And you'll soon be gone -- that's just as well
This is my opening farewell"
~Jackson Browne, "My Opening Farewell"


I'm sorry, I just can't seem to shut my trap up. *sweatdrop* I just wanna say 'Thank you!' so many times! Ten million more times! Thanks to everyone who I've ever had contact with, thanks to ya'll who have liked my site, thanks to anyone who visit just to get away from life's daily problems!  Oh, I've had such a blast. Now, you may continue to curse and throw rotten tomatoes at me.

And, uh, to make matters worst... I have not checked my Hotmail account since last OCTOBER, so if anybody sent me any e-mails, I'm sorry. This is what I regret most of all. Please don't think that I didn't want to respond to you, I really love everyone's e-mails. It's just that late last year was a weird, time for me. So yeah, continue the vegetable chucking.


*Visit the links section because there's a ton of other Yama sites that are way better than mine! ^_^

This site reached 30,000. You have officially broken Mari-San. *sniffle* I love you.
Legal Disclaimer: Hmm, yeah. Why do I still have this? The ambiguous "they" says I must, so I must. *clears throat* Please do not steal, because stealing is really really bad. (Shame on stealers!) This site may be sleeping right now, but that doesn't give you an excuse to borrow here, take that, or steal this. So just don't. As they say, give hugs, not drugs. (That doesn't really apply to the site, but it's a good saying!) If you want to make me feel all loved, you can e-mail me. I love you all so very very much! *huggles everyone*