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a special  MYIS  dedication  to...

American VAs 

Here's a page for the American voice actors. Yay! I wouldn't call them seiyuus, but hey, that's just me, but they get an equally amount of respect. *grins*

See, I haven't forgotten about the American VAs. ^^ You know what? It is pretty damn hard finding info about these people. It's SO MUCH easier finding information about the Japanese seiyuus. Huh. Fancy that. I'm not even Japanese. ^^ I've got the names of them all right, not just about their history and biography. *frowns* Aww, and that's the interesting part about them...

Digimon Voice  Actors

Okay, enough about me, let's talk about them. Anyhoo, here they are: the American Voice Actors!!! *crowd applause and cheers* The VAs' names are under the parts they play. Ya know the drill. If they play one of the kids, their names are under 'The Chosen Children/ The DigiDestined.' If they play one of the Digimon, they're under 'Kids' Digimon (Rookie Form).' It's so simple, it makes my mind hurt trying to put it into words. Oh and I don't have to tell you who does the voice of who, riiight?? You should know. ^^ Well anyhoo, here they are in no particular order. Do not steal this info, puh-leaze. I got most of the info myself. 

Season  1 VAs

Chosen Children/ The DigiDestined

Kids' Digimon (Rookie Form)
Joshua Seth Mari Devon
Michael Reisz Laura Summer
Philece Sampler Jeff Nemoy
Colleen O'Shaughnessy R. Martin Klein
Michael Lindsay Kirk Thorton
Wendee Lee Tom Farm
Mona Marshall Anna Garduno
Lara Jill Miller Tifanie Christun
VA  Information
Click above to learn some info of some of the VAs. ^_^
Hey Mikey NEW!
Just a random miscellany page about Michael Reisz. Ya know, the guy who voices Matt. 


That's all. That is SO all. =P I'll be back if I even get some new stuff. 

Go back to Seiyuu Appreciation.

NOTE: I'm 99% sure that the Digimon voice actors are right. I THINK that they ARE the Digimon voice actors, considering they were on the cr*d*ts, I'm just not sure if I spelt their names right. *sweatdrop* Damn cr*d*ts... too small of a text and too fast... Oh, and please don't steal this info, since I got it myself. If ya do, I'll make Big Fat B*st*rd go to your house and eat all the contents of your fridge and play his bagpipes, while dancing to the Thong Song.  ^^

Disclaimer: The American VAs page of MYIS was created on April 26 and viewed to the public on April . This is copyright © of Mar-San, 2000. All credit for info is given to the sites of E.V.T.D, Where Are They Now?, and many more websites.