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Chapter 5

Darien got up the next morning, ready to face the day. He had to develop a plan to get the girl of his dreams to love him. But how? For now, all she wanted was friendship. How was he going to get her to change her mind?
Darien shouldn't have worried too much. While it would take more work to turn Serena back into the person she had been before, it wouldn't be impossible, especially with the Sailor Scouts on the job!

Raye and Ami took Serena shopping while Mina and Lita went looking for Darien. (Of course, they didn't tell Serena this.) The girls wanted to make sure that Darien and Serena ran into each other often this week. Maybe Serena would think it was destiny.
Raye and Ami couldn't figure out why they took Serena shopping instead of letting Mina and Lita, who were the better shoppers. Ami was busy calculating the exact cost of everything ( to the nearest .00001 cent) and Raye was busy pulling Serena away from the food stores and toward the clothing stores, where she could buy a new red outfit on sale.
After buying the outfit, Raye went to find Serena, who she thought was in the shirt aisle. She was gone!
"Serena! Where are you?" Raye called. Several customers looked at her as if she were crazy.
"Psst! Raye! Over here!" whispered Ami. Raye ran over to where Ami sat.
"What's going on?" asked Raye.
"Darien's here. He saw Serena and struck up a conversation with her. Look! She's so happy!" answered Ami.
It was true. Serena was laughing, and Darien was beaming. If someone saw them, they would have looked like a perfectly loving couple. Outside, Serena was laughing because Darien had a blue ribbon stuck on his back that said, "Best Chocolate Cake in Town!"
"Uh, Darien, I think there's something on your back. Let me get that off for you!" Serena exclaimed. She reached for the ribbon and yanked. "Ha! I didn't know you were made of chocolate, Darien!"
"I didn't either." Darien now understood why it was so funny to Serena. He started laughing out loud, something he rarely did.
Ami and Raye walked out of the store and acted surprised to see Darien standing there with Serena. "Oh, Darien! We were just about to go to the arcade and grab a milkshake. You wanna come with us?" asked Raye, who secretly hoped he would. Wait! What was she thinking? Darien was not hers, nor would he ever be hers. It was hard getting over Darien, and sometimes Raye still had thoughts about him. But in reality, she knew that Serena and Darien were the perfect couple and she would never do anything to keep them apart. "Sure." said Darien.
So, the four of them started walking to the arcade. Raye kept Serena talking so Ami could speak to Darien.
"Where are Mina and Lita?" asked Ami. "Didn't they come with you?"
"What are you talking about?" asked Darien. "I haven't seen Mina or Lita today. Besides, why would I be with them?"
"You mean they didn't tell you to come to the store and find us?" This sparked Ami's interest. "We told them to find you so you could run into us today and see Serena. I wonder where they are?" Maybe it was fate that Darien ran into Serena after all. "Hey, Raye, isn't it amazing that Darien just ran into us?"
Raye caught the meaning behind the question. "Yes. I wonder how he did that."
"Are Mina and Lita going to meet us at the arcade? I was kind of hoping to spend some time with them today." asked Serena. "I'd also like to know what they've been up to this morning."
"Yeah, me too." said Raye. When she realized that Lita and Mina hadn't found Darien that morning, she began to wonder exactly how Darien had come to be at the store. It wasn't where they usually shopped, and it didn't have a men's department. Had Darien followed them, or was it a coincidence? Either way, it got Darien and Serena together for the afternoon.
When they arrived at the arcade, they saw Mina and Lita sitting at the counter. They looked exhausted, but when they saw Darien, surprise overtook their faces.
"Look who we ran into." said Raye. "Where have you guys been this morning?"
"We've been all over the place. We just couldn't find what we were looking for." said Mina. "What have you guys been up to?"
"Well, first I had to drag Serena away from the food stores and pastry shops, then I had to find her in the clothing store, and then we decided to come here." Raye could see that she was making Serena mad.
"You did not lose me in the clothing store! I just stepped outside for some fresh air!" exclaimed Serena defensively.
"Hey! Can I get you guys anything?" asked Andrew as he walked up behind the counter.
Serena took her wallet out of her purse. "Oh dear! I've spent all of my money!"
"Well, you should have left some. You knew we were coming." Raye was just being harsh now.
"Oomph! You're so mean, Mars!" yelled Serena. Everyone looked at her with surprise. "Mars? Where did that come from? Uh, sorry Raye." Their faces fell. For a moment, Serena had remembered.

Neo-Serenity felt herself back into her body again. Did Serena remember? What happened? She was close. Maybe it would come soon. Soon.

"I'll buy your milkshake, Serena." said Darien. "In fact, order whatever you like."
"Are you sure? I mean, you don't mind?" asked Serena. This Darien really was different. "Go ahead."
"In that case," Serena pondered for a moment. "I'll have one large chocolate milkshake, please, with extra chocolate syrup."
At least she was eating normally. Darien would have been even more worried if she hadn't ordered chocolate something or other. He wondered. Had she remembered for a moment? Or was it just a reaction out of habit? Either way, it was a good sign that Serena was getting closer.
As they finished their milkshakes, Serena exclaimed, "I'm going to play Sailor V."
Mina locked eyes with Artemis, who had come along for the ride. He knew what she was thinking. Would Serena be able to play the game without an effect? Would it bring back her memories?
No such luck. The machine that held the Sailor V game was temporarily broken. Mina was surprised. She's been so worried about Serena that she hadn't checked up on the machine lately.
"Andrew, what happened to the machine?" asked Serena.
"Well, that's an interesting story." said Andrew. "The thing just blew up. I remember what day it was because it was the day that Darien came in here and told me about your amnesia."
"Oh? That's so weird." Serena looked confused for a minute and then decided not to ponder about it. "Well, that's okay, Andrew. I guess I'll play some other time." Serena was actually confused about why her heart wasn't beating fast like it usually did around Andrew. She walked over to Raye and Ami and started to tell them the story.
On the other side of the arcade, Mina and Artemis were in their own world talking about what was going on with the machine. They heard what Andrew said, and were coming up with some interesting conclusions.
"I'll bet that thing blew when Serena lost part of her soul." stated Artemis.
"Then we have to find a way to fix it. It might be one route to rejoining Serena and Neo-Serenity." said Mina.
"Actually, if our plan works, I bet it will fix itself when Serena regains her memory!" exclaimed Lita, as she walked over to the counter. "I mean, it only makes sense. Everything else that has to do with the Sailor Scouts is temporarily out, so maybe this is just part of it. "
"You're right." declared Mina. "Besides, what use is it to Serena if she can't remember that she is Sailor Moon?"
"Hey, guys! We're going to the park. You want to come with us?" asked Ami. "Darien's coming too."
"We'll be right with you!" declared Lita. "Hey Raye? Can you and Ami come here for a minute? I got something on my shirt."
"Uh, yeah." answered Raye. She knew that Lita was trying to get Serena and Darien alone for a couple of minutes. "Serena, you and Darien go along without us. We'll catch up in a minute."
"Okay." Serena chirped. She wanted a couple of minutes to talk with Darien anyway, because she wanted to hear more of his wonderful stories.

"So, Darien," Serena was trying to break the silence. It was uncomfortable knowing that he had memories that she didn't, and he was having a hard time sharing them with her. "So, uh, how did we ever get together? I mean, we're not very much alike. I just wish I really knew more about you, now that I know about your past."
"Well, it's a long and involved story. I truly believe that we were made for each other." Darien could have killed himself. It was obvious that she wasn't really ready to hear this yet.
"I bet we were when we were going out. I wouldn't date anybody who I didn't know loved me, and vice versa." Serena grinned. "Call me old-fashioned. So the feeling must have been mutual at the time." Darien noticed that she was being very controlled and mature about the entire situation. This thought almost scared him. He had always been the more controlled one.
Serena had surprised herself. Why was she revealing all of this to Darien? Did she do this all of the time?
"Serena, I'm sorry for blurting that out. The truth of the matter is, I'm confused about everything right now." Darien paused. "Everything except for how I feel about you. Please forgive me." He was obviously very sincere.
"Darien..." Serena turned his face towards hers. "It's my fault. There's nothing you have to be sorry for. The way you feel, it's the only thing you have, and it's beautiful. Stick with it. You've been through so much. Surely something good will happen soon." Their faces were so close, Darien could feel her breath. Serena leaned in; they were almost touching.
Serena felt a surge of love toward this man who was standing before her, basically asking her to love him. She felt so sorry for his predicament and so responsible. She wanted to take away these fears. Protect him.......Endymion.......
Serena pulled back suddenly. Endymion? What was that? Her head hurt. Why was she doing this? Why couldn't she remember everything?
She had taken Darien by surprise. For a moment, he had thought that she was going to kiss him. Then, she pulled back, with a terribly upset look on her face. "Serena, are you feeling okay?" asked Darien.
"...Endymion..." Serena whispered. She was almost in a daze.
"What did you say?" Darien asked, incredulous. He wasn't sure if she had said it or not.
"Nothing." Serena shook her head. She'd ask one of the girls later, if she remembered to. "Let's keep walking. The girls probably took the shortcut to the park."
Sure enough, the girls had gotten there before Serena and Darien. They were looking for the couple at the entrance to the park.
"Where have you been?" asked Lita. "We've been waiting her for about five minutes."
"We just took the long way!" declared Serena. "Anyway, we're here now, so let's get going."
The rest of the day was spent at the park, laughing and playing. First, they went for a swim in the lake, and got on each other's shoulders for a bout of water wresting. Then they took a boat ride and enjoyed the scenery around them. They got ice cream cones and cotton candy, rode the rides and tried their luck at the games. It was a grand afternoon, and it seemed like no time until it was dark.
The girls said good-bye and went their separate ways home. Once again, Darien and Serena walked home together. "Doesn't it seem like we walk home together alot?" asked Serena.
"Yeah, but I'd rather walk home with you than have you by yourself and vulnerable." said Darien.
"Well, I had a great time today. We really beat the girls in the water." Serena laughed. "We'll have to do it again. That was so much fun." Serena turned and started walking to the door. Darien stared after her. Suddenly, Serena turned. She grabbed his hands.
"About this afternoon..." she said. "You know, how you said that the only things you weren't confused about where your feelings for me? I've been thinking about that. The only things I am confused about right now are my feelings for you. Give me time. I feel so guilty for putting you through all of this." Serena was on the verge of tears. She hated to hurt anyone.
"Serena..." Darien didn't know what to do. Dry her tears? Forgive her? "I would forgive you anything, Serena." Her tears started to flow. "Don't cry. Don't blame yourself for my pain. I can't stand to see you cry." He gently caressed the tears from her face.
"Why do you love me? After everything I have done to you? I've put you through too much misery. Maybe it would be better if we had never met." Serena looked down. She didn't really want this. She liked Darien so much. She'd like to see him, but she didn't want to cause him pain. She could see it in his eyes every time he looked at her. Her head started to throb.
"Please, Serena, don't do this. I'll go crazy. Haven't these past days meant anything to you?" Darien was desperate.
"They've meant so much, Darien, but I need more time. Give me time." She looked into his face. "I'm just too confused an disoriented right now." Serena started for the door again. Darien grabbed her hand and pulled her back, folding her into his embrace.
"No matter what happens, I'm here for you, Serena. Please know that." He kissed her hand. Serena stood there, waiting for more of his sonnets. She was starting to enjoy them. When Darien finally let go, Serena tried to get into her house.
Suddenly, she became dizzy. She tried to shake it off, but it wouldn't go away. Her head was hurting worse than ever; it was throbbing, her whole body was shaking. What was wrong with her? She blacked out.

Darien saw her fall. He caught her before her head hit the pavement. He picked her up and opened the door. Unfortunately, her parents weren't home. They left a note that they might not be home until early in the morning; they were visiting a friend.
Darien took Serena up to her room and laid her down on her bed. He tried to wake her up, to no avail. She was feverish and was shaking like a leaf. Luna jumped onto the bed. "What happened?" she asked.
"I don't know. She just started shaking and she collapsed." Darien was crying. He didn't know what to do.
Serena woke up, crying in pain. "Agh! My head! Oh, what is this? Ow....." All she could think of was how she shouldn't be hurting all those people that she loved. Why couldn't she just remember? Thinking of this, her head starting hurting worse. Then she heard a voice.
"Serena? Serena? Wake up! Come on! You've got to wake up! Come on! Tell me what's wrong!" Darien was pleading with her. He was trying to keep her awake.
"Mmm,...Darien?" Serena was struggling to speak. "My head.....Oh, I'm so sorry about tonight, I didn't really m......" She was going in and out of consciousness.
"Okay, Serena, you have to stay awake! Listen to me! Where does it hurt?" Darien asked.
"My head...... Right here......." Serena pointed to her forehead. Darien put his hand on it, and immediately reeled back with the pain he felt. Then he realized. He had taken away part of the pain by touching her. He brace himself and placed his hands on her face and head, gently caressing her. He could barely stand the pain that was running through his arms, to his chest, into his head, but it quickly disappeared. Soon, Serena had stopped whimpering.
"Darien, what did you do?" Her head still ached, but it was vanishing with every touch Darien gave her.
"I don't know." Darien winced as another shot of pain ran through his arm. "Just sleep now. You'll be okay." Darien hoped he wasn't lying. He caressed her softly until she fell into a peaceful sleep.
"Darien......" He heard that familiar voice again. "Darien, what just happened?" Serenity appeared before him.
"I was hoping that you could tell me." he said softly, so as not to wake Serena.
"I know, but I though that you could figure it out. Serena was close to regaining her memories this afternoon, but she pulled away. This was an overload for her brain and body. She's gotten worse all afternoon, but she chose to ignore the pain. You somehow managed to take it away. Do you know how you did that, Darien?"
"No. I wish I did. I just know that her pain went through me and then dissipated." Darien was baffled.
"You and Serena have a soul bond. Serenity and Endymion were bonded, but they could not do what you just did. You were so desperate to save Serena that you physically took the pain out of her." The old queen was impressed. She didn't think that any human could do what Darien had just done. Some moon people couldn't even do it.
"Just tell me. Will she be okay?" asked Darien, the anxiety returning.
"She'll be fine. You both just need to get some rest. Darien?" she asked. "I want to thank you for saving my daughter's life. I just wanted you to know that I do trust you." Serenity disappeared before Darien could even mumble "Thank you, your majesty." Darien fell asleep next to Serena, exhausted from the ordeal that they had both just been through.

Chapter 6