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GABRIEL DESCENDS in white flowing robes, his wings spread full, his facing shining from being in the presence of GOD.He tells you your going with him, that JESUS wants you and wants you to meet His Father.

You react - Whoa- wait just minute -the taxi's meter is running. Please NO! He gently takes you hand - you dig in with your heels NOPE ain't gona happen! Please I am so dirty, so unclean so NOT worthy Please GOD can't see me like this!!! Gabriel smiles, I've never seen pure love in someone's eyes. We have to go now He says, and you close your eyes hoping beyond hope for ........WHAT???? . When you open your eyes you're in the City of GOD's new Jerusalem. You hear the babbling of the crystal creek, see the streets lined with gold.

You feel GOD's glory so strong, that you fall to your knees and you're not even passed the gates yet! Gabriel smiles ..Just You Wait... Please I can't go in there You don't understand, I cheated on my taxes, overate, overslept, didn't witness to enough people, didn't give time or money to the poor. I didn't... didn't.....Please Go away from me I am a sinful man! He shakes his head Come Let's go! He takes your hand firmly ( so you don't run away) and leads you into the heart of the City. You are filled with dread ....Do you really want to do this????? . You enter the temple, your shaking with fear.

Gabriel says wait, there is something you must do first. He takes you to a side door and you enter an empty room. You hear the door shut behind you. you look around, Gabriel, is GONE! All of the sudden you look up and see something sticking out of the wall about head high. So you walk over to it. As you stand beneath it,BLOOD

begins to pour out covering you clothes, your hair, your face, even the bottom your feet WHooo Hooo the blood of JESUS covers it all!!!
When the flow stops you are amazed. Instead of being stained red you are clean, sparklingly, glisteningly clean! You feel pure and holy! WHOOOO your going to meet GOD! YES!!!!

Gabriel returns and smiles, in his arms in a beautiful white robe, the softest material you have ever felt! and its warm like towels out of the dryer.

Clean and clothed, Gabriel takes your hand and you start toward the Holy of Holies. The excitement begins to build, you can hardly contain yourself! your steps become little hops, and your hands begin to swing. Hurry Hurry, Let's Go, Are we there yet? HURRY! But you can't you're going to meet GOD and so you want to be mature , make a good impression. Finally Gabriel pulls back the veil........... . You see JESUS standing, smiling, beckoning you to the throne. You run down the aisle, completely forgetting Gabriel. YOU ARE HOME!!!!! GOD sits on the throne, with the most loving, laughing eyes you've ever experienced. You forget everything but this time this place. You run to the throne, When did you get on your knees? Tears of joy stream down your face. He says "Yes, Child?" You have GOD's full attention, his full love, full security. WHAT do you say? you are face to face with GOD, WHAT do you say????? . Well I can tell you what I said. First I got choked up, I mean what do you say to GOD? I saw God open his arms wide and say "Come here" I climbed in to his lap, curled my fingers in his soft hair, and told him everything. I was 2 years old again, sitting on my daddy's lap . Telling him everything I did, wanted to do, wanted for others.... Listening to HIM telling me what to do. talking to me about my mistakes, and how to do better. Suffer not the little children, Come unto me as children..... . You see somewhere along the way I got into the MEAT of the word, you know the deep issues like hell, demons, trinity, end times, the gospel of CHRIST.... BUT how many meals do you have without something to wash down the meat????? the MILK of the word??? The simple fellowship of sitting on your Daddy's lap knowing He will make every hurt better! and cares about my day! And the simple instruction of my life's path! Whooo Hoooo Anyone Got MILK? When was the last time you were 2 and talked to your father, tucked into his arms and talked? and laughed? and cried? When is the last time you went to your fathers house, you took of your jacket, slipped off your shoes and planned to stay awhile? . Come unto me as Children ....I have, have you???

Jesus didn't have to die for us
Fruit of the spirit
Knock, Knock
Sunday Morning Lesson

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