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Welcome to the Anime Image Archive. I am making this site
because often, when building webpages, or making flyers, posters,
labels for tapes, or adds for my local anime club, I found it took way
too long to find the proper images that would fit whatever I was
making, and it took even longer to edit them. So here, you'll find
images that should make creating webpages, flyers, etc. a much
simpler task. Feel free to use any image on my page, but please don't use them to make an image gallery of your own.


November 29th, 1999:

The Gallerys are being setup. Each Gallery will contain 15 images. At the moment there are only 3 Gallerys, but it's growing.

January 1st, 2000:

I'm gonna upload a bunch more images this week, and put up a new gallery for scans of my LDs and DVDs.

January 21st, 2000:

Uploading a whole bunch of scans from the book that came with the You're Under Arrest! the Movie LD. Haven't scanned the front and back of both LDs (It's 2 LDs) because I just don't have the time to put them together properly since they are bigger than my scanner.

Gallery 1
Gallery 2
Gallery 3
Gallery 4: LD and DVD Scans
