Chapter 7

"Cool breeze and Autumn leaves

Slow motion daylaight

A lone pair of watchful eyes

Oversee the living"

-Savage Garden, "You Can Still Be Free"

The time machine slipped into the dimensional timestream, and glided through, searching for the correct coordinates to set down in. Inside the machine, however, things were not going as expected.

"HOLY SHIT!!!!" Montana screamed, as pain exploded in her abdomen, "WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING TO ME?" Looking down at her stomach, she saw it swelling to an immense size. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Miura turned from her moniter, and glared at her. "Do you think you can keep it down over there-HOLY SHIT!!!"

"The younger girl ran over to Montana as she gripped the console tightly. "What's wrong?"

"I don't know!" Montana looked at the indigo=haired Saiya-jin pleadingly. "If I knew, do think I would be screaming like this?" With that, she let out another scream of as yet another wave of pain engulfed her. Doubling over, Montana fell out of the chair and onto the floor, unconscience.

"Montana!" Miura yelled, trying to wake her up, "Don't you dare die! Oh my god. OH MY GOD!!!" she screamed, and pointed at the ship's screen. Before them was a towering mountain, and it was closing in fast on them.

"You pick the worst times to become weirdly diseased," Miura ranted, as she collected the unconsciece girl in one arm and the virus in the other. "I hope you're happy. Now we're probably going to die. Great. Just Great." She pulled the emergancy exit handle and the hatch popped open. Flying gracefully to the ground, Miura saw their ship explode into the side of the mountain.

"Oh no," Montana muttered, who had regained consciensness. "Our ship..."

"So, our ship blew up," Miura stated, "What else could go wrong?"

Suddenly, Montana's head shot up. "Did you get the virus?"


Breathing a sigh of relief, Montana relaxed. "Good. Did you get the blue prints?"


"What do you mean, oops?" the older Saiya-jin commanded. "Our only way back to that timeline is that ship, and you say OOPS!?!?"

"I'm sorry! I forgot! It was either you or the blue prints to the damn ship, so be thankful you're still alive."

Both fell silent as they tried to think of a way to get into contact with Bulma.

"I have an idea!" Miura proclaimed after a moment, "We could-"

"Can it!!!" Montana interrupted. "Your last idea got us stuck here!"

"Yeah, well if you would've controlled your hormones, we would never be in this situation!"

Montana rose to her full heigth and looked the younger girl straight in the eye and whispered sinisterly,

"What I do on my own time is my business and no one else’s. I suggest you drop the subject...while you're still able to hold it."

Miura cringed and backed away from the half-Saiya-jin. Changing the subject, she said,

"Well, where are we?"

"I don't know. But the screams that I heard the people yelling sounded Japanese, so hopefully, we're in a close vicinity to Capsule Corp. Let's go down to the town and see what we can find. Also, lets keep our power levels down so the androids don't detect us."

Miura agreed and they walked down the mountain and into the city. As the two girls entered downtown, the citizens parted, making a path for them. They had seen the ship explode, and Miura fly out. Needless to say, they were frightened of them.

"Wha...What are you?" one brave person spoke up from the crowd. Montana turned, and faced him.

"We are here to help you," she said in a monotone voice. "Could you direct us to Capsule Corp.?"

The man pointed east. "Go that way, and in about two weeks, you'll enter the city of West Capital. It is the southern most building there. You can't miss it."

"Thank you, sir," Miura stated. "Do you know where we can get a car or something?"

He shook his head. "The androids destroyed everything they saw, including transportation. The only way is to walk."

The girls nodded, then headed out. Taking the most direct route, as the crow flies, they only carried a few items. A compass, a bottle of water, some food, and matches. Miura was to carry their knapsack, because Montana was in no condition to carry anything.

"So, Montana," Miura asked once they had camp settled that night, "I know this is personal for you, but what happened to you on the ship?"

The older Saiaya-jin smiled gentley. "Bulma said we would age seven or eight months when we entered the time stream, right? So, I guess anything in my body would age right along with me. I must have conceived in the past month."

Miura got a glint in her eye as she put two and two together. "Oh! So you and Juunana..." She trailed off, knowing that her suspicions were true.

"Yes, Miura. I am going to have his child."

"OOOOH!" Miura squealed, "That's so great!!! But wait...that would make you eight months pregnant!! Oh god, we have to get to Capsule Corp. quickly!"

Montana nodded in agreement. "You should fly there and give Trunks the virus and I can wait here. Then, you can come back and get me and the baby, if its born yet."

"Are you nuts?" the violet-haired girl stated. "I'm not going anywere without you. What if the androids came and attacked you? You would be defensless against them. And I'm not going to let that happen!"

Montana smiled warmly at her younger counterpart. "I figured you'd say something like that. You're a real freind, ya know that?"

They laughed gentley, and went to sleep under the stars, awaiting the many nights to come before they reached Capsule Corp.


The days went one by one, dragging on and on, each day seeming like the last. The two women hiked through the woods, stopping when they needed to.

When they had three days left to travel, they came upon a small, native town. Walking into it, Miura and Montana went into the nearest building and Montana sat, exhasted. Miura walked up to the bar and asked the bartender, The man behind the bar answered,

"You're in Free Newport. West Capital's about four miles away. With your friend their, it might take you less than two days to get there." "Well, looky here," one snarled, "What's this? An unattended woman. And she's knocked up to boot!"

The other went around her and knelt at her side. "Where's your man?" he oozed, "Why ain't he here to protect a pretty thing like you?"

"Excuse me," Miura said, approaching the scene, "My friend and I have to be going."

"Don't go," the first man growled, "We were just getting to know each other." He put an strong hand on the departing Miura's arm. Without thinking, she spun on him and punched him squarely in the face, feeling the bone beneath her fist crunch. He went flying into the far wall, and she went after him. She grabbed him by the front of the shirt and hit him relentlessly.

"You (punch) fucking (punch) bastard!! (punch punch) How dare you (punch) touch (punch) me and my friend! (punch)"

"Miura!!" Montana grabbed her arm and tried to restrain her friend. "Stop it!! You're going to kill him!!"

It was as if she was in a trance. Miura kept punching the man, and she couldn't stop.

"Miura!! Please!!" her companion pleaded, "You're not like this!!"

Miura halted her merciless attack on the unfortunate man and backed off.

"What have I done?" she muttered, looking down at her blood-stained hands. "What's come over me?"

She turned and ran from the bar, shaking with sobs. Montana worridly waddled after her, concerned for her sanity. She found her sitting underneath a large tree on the outskirts of the town, crying sillently into her stained hands. Shaking, she looked up at Montana with wide eyes.

"I almost killed that man," she mumbled. "I've gone crazy; turned into a homicidle maniac. I can't control my Saiya-jin blood, Montana. What's wrong with me?"

The older women sat by the disturbed girl. "My guess is that you bonded with Trunks, and being seperated from him is driving you insane."

"I don't think that's it," Miura stated, "I felt a great sorrow overwhelm me. Trunks thinks I'm dead." She cried harder, and Montana hugged her and let her cry on her shoulder.

"That was three days ago," she hiccuped, "And ever since we got here, I'v felt edgy. Today, though, I just snapped. I think you should go on without me."

"Are you crazy?" Montana said, soothing her friend. "I need your help. We can't go it alone in this messed up world. And besides, we'll be there in two days, right? You'll be fine once we get there, I promise you."

Once Miura stopped crying, they set out for Capsule Corp. once again.

Right before they set camp, Montana doubled over in pain. She fell to her knees, and gripped the dirt in a tightly clentched fist.

"What is it?" Miura cried, running to her friend, "Are you ok?"

"Yeah," she answered, "Its nothi...OHMYGOD!!!!!!" Screaming in pain, she rolled over on her back and put her hands on her stomach.

"I'm having the baby!" she panted.

"No!! You can't have the baby here!!" the indigo-haired girl cried in desperation.

"I don't think we have a choice in the matter!"

Miura ran around in frantic circles around her friend.

"What are we going to do? What are we going to do?"

Montana said quietly, "Miura, this is no time to panic." As another contraction overwhelmed her, she weazed out, "OK, start panicing."

Three hours later, the peircing cry of a newborn baby penatrated the silence of the forest.

"Congratulations!!" Miura beamed, "Its a boy!!! What are you going to call him?"

Montana gently held her son close to her and answered, "I'm going to call him Ethan." Closely examining him, she observed, "He has his father's eyes."

"He sure does," Miura commented, "And his hair and his face and everything else."

The duo sat by the flickering campfire admiring the baby, unaware of the two figures watching them from the blackness of the forest.

"Well, that was entertaining, brother," the female said, "Can we kill them now?"

"No, there's something special about these girls," the other figure stated. "Did you sense that high power level? One is at least powerful enough to take one of us down, and I don't relish the thought of a late night fight. I need my beauty sleep."

"Oh, puh-lease."

The figures flew off, planning on returning the next day to finish them off.