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Alas! The long awaited arrival of Shin Kidousenki Gundam Wing on Cartoon Network has arrived! I was thrilled when I found out I would get to see my precious wittle Wufei every weekday ^^.Anyways, I'm Neko-chan and this is my page...yada yada.. hope you like it!Click on the pic of Duobat down there to mail me. Panpan-chan, if you're out there, you BETTER be workin on that page of yours!Oh, and if you don't do it for me, then do it for Good Ol' Duo! (scroll down to see what I'm talkin about)Say hello to my new baby mecha while you're down there!

Anime Adoption Agency:Adopt a pet Today!

Shampoo-chan, adopted daughter of Neko-chan!

I know, you're gonna kill me for that, aren't you?