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Picture Gallery
"There is no black and white, only shades of grey." -Duo


All right! You asked for it, so you got it! By popular demand, here's the PICTURE GALLERY! Currently, the links to the pictures are text links. The text links will be replaced by thumbnails as soon as I get off my lazy ass and make them. Oh, and I'm sorry if my collection seems rather pathetic. I've mostly collected Quatre ones and group ones. I'll get more of the others soon.

Quatre / Sandrock

Quatre playing violen
A collage of Quatre pictures (put together by me)
Quatre in Sandrock's cockpit
Quatre shielding his face from the light?
Quatre looking sad
Quatre piloting his Gundam and smiling
Quatre playing the violen
Quatre looking angry
Quatre playing the violen with Sandrock in the background
Quatre piloting his Gundam and looking upset
Quatre with a small smile on his face
A very large picture of Quatre & Sandrock (meant to be used as a desktop background)
Sandrock slicin' and dicin'
Sandrock and the Maguanac corp.
Sandrock with a gun and its scythe
Sandrock, poised and ready to kill

Lt. Noin

Noin smiling
Noin in the cockpit of a mobile suit
Noin in civilian clothes
Lt. Noin with goggles and a headset

Trowa / Heavyarms

(taken by my friend Rose from the Cartoon Network episodes)Trowa in an OZ uniform looking cocky
Trowa in his space suit, smiling
Trowa playing chess
Trowa looking quiet and serious (as always)
Trowa looking mysterious
Trowa in an OZ uniform
Trowa looking sweet

Heero / Wing Gundam / Wing ZERO

Heero laughing (from Endless Waltz)
Heero in his Gundam
Heero gets shot (animated)
Heero looks soooo hot!
Heero posing
NEW! Heero with a bleeding hand

Duo / Deathscythe

Duo looking scared
Duo in red
Duo looking confused

Lady/Colonel Une

(taken from the Cartoon Network version by my friend Rose) Lady Une in a Mobile Suit with her hair flowing, looking sad
NEW! Photos of the Lady/Colonel

Milliaro Peacecraft/Zechs Merquis / Tallgeese / Epyon

Zech's mask breaking
Zechs with a beer and no shirt

Wufei / Shenlong / Altron

Wufei turning away (from the ending credits)
Wufei and his motorcycle

Doubles (2 characters together)

Duo and Heero sitting together
Quatre playing the violen and Trowa playing the flute
Quatre and Heero together, looking angry
Quatre and his sister Urea (or however you spell it)
(Endless Waltz) Relena holding Heero
Lady Une and Colonel Triez standing together
"Trowa" and the REAL Trowa Barton
Lt. Noin and Milliardo


The pilots standing in front of their Gundams
The guys chillin with Espion and Wing ZERO in the background
5 pilots, Zechs, Triez, with ZERO and Espion
(Endless Waltz) 5 pilots and Wing ZERO
The pilots holding weapons
The guys just being themselves
The guys looking angry
The 5 pilots just chillin (in weird uniforms)
The guys hanging out at sunset
The 5 pilots in civilian clothes
(Endless Waltz) The 5 pilots walking up some stairs
(Endless Waltz)4 gundam heads around Wing ZERO
(Endless Waltz) The 5 pilots and Wing ZERO

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