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Quatre's Corner

she's smiling 'cause KIT IS BACK IN BUSINESS!!
"Just see for yourself- it's a revolution." -Lt. Noin


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Hi, everyone! My name is QuatreBabe, and I am your humble Hostmistress! *sees your skeptical looks* Hey! Don't give me that look, I invented that look!! Besides, it's MY page and I can say whatever I want. So :P. Anyways, most people know me as "Kit". So, welcome to my Gundam Wing page! Or, to be specific, my Quatre page! Quatre, as you may have already figured out, is my fav. Gundam pilot! My favorite non-Gundam pilot is Lt. Noin. But that's off subject, isn't it? Well, this is my page, "Quatre's Corner". Hope ya like it!

Updates- Old: Ok, OK, OK! I know you're mad. Are any of you even left? I promise I'll update... sporadically, yes, but an update's an update, yeah? I know there's no more GW on CN, but hey... I really wanna keep this up, at least until I finish Heero's Insanity. So check out my fanfiction page for a new (albeit small) update on my fic. My lord... I do believe it's been a full year since the last update... now that, my friends, is sad. -_-; Expect an update to the "My Space" section as well... I've got some rants to let out. / New: New "My Space" bit, and more added to Heero's Insanity / Coming soon: Endless Waltz summary, new "GW message boards", more WING radio, Say WHAT?, and the YKYLGW/Q2MW sections, more Heero's Insanity, song contest winners (if you haven't sent in an entry yet- you should!!)

This page was started April 14, 2000
It was last updated NOVEMBER 29, 2003

Quote: "How can he see he's got flies in his eyes if he's got flies in his eyes?" - Orr Catch-22

Favorite songs of the Gundam Wing boys, and others:

Heero: *unknown*

Duo: *unknown*

Trowa: *unknown*

Quatre: Music by Eric Sermon featuring Marvin Gaye

WuFei: Kung Fu Fighting (I couldn't resist!!)

Lady Une: Fallin by Alicia Keys

*** each song by its respective writer, not me!! ***

Well, as you can see I haven't thought of everything. So....I'm having a CONTEST!!! Okay, here's all ya have to do. Fill out the form below. That's about it. If possible, please, in the last box (if you can) put the chorus or somethin, just to help me out, as well as your comments. NOTE: Please don't send in any songs that are already GW-related!! Oh, and if you've got any good ones for other characters than the pilots (Like Noin or Relena or Zechs), then by all means, send 'em in! I might put up the good ones ^.^ Yes, I know that Quatre's song *used* to be up for grabs, but I found a good one for him that I wanted to use. If you find a better one, go ahead and send it in.

Song Contest Entry!

Your name (on-line or real):
Your email address:

What's the song?
Do you know who it's by? If so, who?
Which character do you think it represents?
Why do you think it fits that character?
Anything else you'd like to say before I review it?
FREE feedback form powered by

Now what you've all been waiting for- site stuff!

  • See reasons why (I think) Quatre is an awesome Gundam pilot


  • Info on the Gundam pilots and other characters


  • A summary of the show


  • My view on Gundam Wing


  • Gundam Wing quotes!!


  • My misc. section!! A little bit of everything GW!


  • Gundam Wing Fanfiction


  • Win an Award


  • Picture Gallery


  • Music


  • My Space


  • Links & Link Me


  • Old Guestbook | New Guestbook

    Yo! Hey, everybody- sign up for Neopets and get some cool virtual pets that you can take care of on-line! They're really really cool!. And maybe you could name them after GW stuff, like mecha. "Deathscythe, you've been good, here, have a treat! Want to play Hide and Seek, Sandrock? Nataku, you grew to level 2, yay!" Or maybe you'll get more creative with the "I_Love_Quatre, or Quatre_is_Hot, or Relena_Must_Die...(heh heh....sorry, Relena lovers....)" Anyways, trust me, they're really cool! To sign up, just click the banner below.

    My hit counter as of March 31, 2001 -->

    Gundam Wing and the characters, storyline, etc. are not mine. This is a fan site only. Don't sue please. (not that I have any cash anyways, so why you would want to sue is beyond me...)

    I hope you enjoyed my webpage! Please, drop me a line at