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Pokémon: Silver and Gold - Pokémon Attacks


Attacks: Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 

Aeroblast Flying big beam
Ancient Power Rock rock hits you, may raise all stats
Attract Normal causes the opposite gender to not attack
Baton Pass Normal auto-switch your Pokémon while keeping stat changes
Beat Up Dark your healthy Pokémon each add 10 to attack 
Belly Drum Normal reduces own HP to maximize Attack 
Bone Rush Ground attacks 2-5 times
Charm Normal lowers enemy's Attack
Conversion2 Normal user's type is made resistant
Cotton Spore lowers enemy's speed
Cross Chop Fighting heavy damage
Crunch Dark major damage
Curse Ghost stabs itself, does 50% damage, and puts a curse on the enemy for that number of HP every turn
Destiny Bond Ghost if your Pokémon faints, enemy does too
Detect Fighting evades attacks that turn
Dragonbreath Dragon strong attack
Dynamicpunch Fighting always confuses
Encore Normal clapping hands make enemy repeat last attack
Endure Normal always leaves your Pokémon with at least 1 HP
Extremespeed Normal powerful first-strike move
Faint Attack Dark disappears, then hits enemy 
False Swipe Normal normal damage, but CANNOT lower below 1HP 
Flail Normal stronger if user's HP is low
Flame Wheel Fire fire spins around you, then hits enemy
Foresight Normal attacks enemy after 3 turns
Frustration Normal based on lack of loyalty
Fury Cutter Bug successive hits raise in power
Future Sight Psychic attack hits on 3rd turn
Giga Drain Grass steals 1/2 of enemy's drained HP
Heal Bell Normal eliminates all status problems
Hidden Power Normal power varies by user
Icy Wind Ice may lower enemy's speed
Iron Tail heavy attack that may lower enemy's defense
Lock-On Normal next attack is 100% accurate 
Mach Punch Fighting always hits first
Magnitude Ground 1-10 rocks 
Mean Look Normal blocks switching/running 
Megahorn Bug powerful charge attack
Metal Claw Steel heavy attack; may raise user's Attack
Milk Drink Normal restores HP by 1/2 of full
Mind Reader Normal next attack has 100% accuracy
Mirror Coat counters a special attack with double damage 
Moonlight Normal heals Pokémon more or less depending on time of day
Morning Sun Normal heals Pokémon more or less depending on time of day
Mud-Slap Ground reduces enemy's accuracy
Octazooka Water 1 big bubble; large damage
Outrage Dragon hits 2-3 turns and confuses user
Pain Split Normal adds the two Pokémon's HPs and shares the result
Perish Song Normal 3-turn countdown; if either Pokémon is still out, it is auto-KO'd 
Powder Snow Ice weak Ice attack
Present Normal a bomb that may restore enemy's HP
Protect Normal raises defense
Psych Up Normal copies enemy's stat changes
Pursuit Dark hits retreating enemy hard
Rain Dance Water powers up water attacks for 5 turns
Rapid Spin Normal spins and hits enemy
Return Normal based on loyalty
Reversal Fighting stronger if user's HP is low
Rock Smash Rock hits enemy with rock and may lower enemy's defense
Rollout Rock each time, damage doubles 
Sacred Fire Fire big fire attack
Safeguard Normal prevents enemy's next attack
Sandstorm Rock damages all non-Ground types for multiple turns 
Scary Face Normal lowers enemy's speed
Shadow Ball Ghost big ball of energy which may lower enemy's Special Defense
Sketch Normal 1 pp, copies the enemy's move permanently
Sleep Talk Normal randomly attacks while asleep
Sludge Bomb Poison large damage
Snore Normal attack ONLY when asleep
Spark Electric moderate Electric attack 
Spider Web Bug prevents fleeing or switching
Spikes Ground hurts any non-Flying Pokémon when enemy switches Pokémon 
Spite Ghost cuts the PP of enemy's last move
Steel Wing Steel heavy attack
Sunny Day Fire powers up fire attacks for 5 turns
Swagger Normal confuses your Pokémon but greatly raises Attack
Sweet Kiss Normal kiss confuses enemy
Sweet Scent Grass reduces enemy's evasiveness
Synthesis Grass heals Pokémon more or less depending on time of day
Thief Dark may steal a held item
Triple Kick Fighting 3 kicks
Twister Dragon makes a tornado
Vital Throw Fighting 2nd-strike move; never misses 
Whirlpool Water traps enemy for 2-5 turns; also an HM
Zap Cannon Electric very large bolt; always paralyzes

Name(s): 001-Bulbasaur/002-Ivysaur/003-Venusaur 
Evolution(s): L16 Ivysaur, L32 Venusaur 
Type(s): Poison/Grass 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Tackle Normal 
04 Growl Normal 
07 Leech Seed Grass 
10 Vine Whip Grass 
15 Poisonpowder Poison 
15 Sleep Powder Poison 
20/22 Razor Leaf Grass 
25/29 Sweet Scent Grass reduces enemy's evasiveness
32/38/41 Growth Normal 
39/47/53 Synthesis Grass heals Pokémon more or less depending on time of day
46/56/65 Solarbeam Grass 

Name(s): 004-Charmander/005-Charmeleon/006-Charizard 
Evolution(s): L16 Charmeleon, L36 Charizard 
Type(s): Fire, Fire, Fire/Flying 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
---Scratch Normal 
---Growl Normal 
07 Ember Fire 
13 Smokescreen Normal 
19/20 Rage Normal 
25/27 Scary Face Normal lowers enemy's speed
31/34 Flamethrower Fire 
X/X/36 Wing Attack Flying 
37/41/44 Slash Normal 
43/48/54 Dragon Rage Dragon 
49/55/64 Fire Spin Fire 

Name(s): 007-Squirtle/008-Wartortle/009-Blastoise 
Evolution(s): L16 Wartortle, L36 Blastoise 
Type(s): Water 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Tackle Normal 
04 Tail Whip Normal 
07 Bubble Water 
10 Withdraw Water 
13 Water Gun Water 
18/19 Bite Dark 
23/25 Rapid Spin Normal spins and hits enemy
28/31 Protect Normal raises defense
33/37/42 Rain Dance Water powers up water attacks for 5 turns
40/45/55 Skull Bash Normal 
47/55/68 Hydro Pump Water 

Name(s): 010-Caterpie/011-Metapod/012-Butterfree 
Evolution(s): L7 Metapod, L10 Butterfree 
Type(s): Bug, Bug, Bug/Flying 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
---Tackle Normal 
---String shot Bug 
X/7/X Harden Normal 
X/X/10 Confusion Psychic 
X/X/13 Poisonpowder Poison 
X/X/14 Stun Spore Grass 
X/X/15 Sleep Powder Grass 
X/X/18 Supersonic Normal 
X/X/23 Whirlwind Normal 
X/X/28 Gust Flying 
X/X/34 Psybeam Psychic 
X/X/40 Safeguard Normal prevents enemy's next attack

Name(s): 013-Weedle/014-Kakuna/015-Beedrill 
Evolution(s): L7 Kakuna, L10 Beedrill 
Type(s): Bug/Poison 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Poison Sting Poison 
--- String Shot Bug 
X/7/X Harden Normal 
X/X/10 Fury Attack Normal 
X/X/15 Focus Energy Normal 
X/X/20 Twineedle Bug 
X/X/25 Rage Normal 
X/X/30 Pursuit Dark hits retreating enemy hard
X/X/35 Pin Missle Bug 
X/X/40 Agilty Psychic 

Name(s): 016-Pidgey/017-Pidgeotto/018-Pidgeot 
Evolution(s): L18 Pidgeotto, L36 Pidgeot 
Type(s): Normal/Flying 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Tackle Normal 
05 Sand Attack Ground 
09 Gust Flying 
15 Quick Attack Normal 
21/23 Whirlwind Normal 
29/33 Wing Attack Flying 
36/43/46 Agility Psychic 
47/55/61 Mirror Move Flying 

Name(s): 019-Rattata/020-Raticate 
Evolution(s): L20 Raticate 
Type(s): Normal 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Tackle Normal 
--- Tail Whip Normal 
07 Quick Attack Normal 
13 Hyper Fang Normal 
20 Focus Energy Normal 
X/20 Scary Face Normal lowers enemy's speed
27/30 Pursuit Dark hits retreating enemy hard
34/40 Super Fang Normal 

Name(s): 021-Spearow/022-Fearow 
Evolution(s): L20 Fearow 
Type(s): Normal/Flying 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Peck Flying 
--- Growl Normal 
07 Leer Normal 
13 Fury Attack Normal 
25/26 Pursuit Dark hits retreating enemy hard
31/32 Mirror Move Flying 
37/40 Drill Peck Flying 
43/47 Agility Psychic 

Name(s): 023-Ekans/024-Arbok 
Evolution(s): L22 Arbok 
Type(s): Poison 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Wrap Normal 
--- Leer Normal 
09 Poison Sting Poison 
15 Bite Dark 
23/25 Glare Normal 
29/33 Screech Normal 
37/43 Acid Poison 
43/51 Haze Ice 

Name(s): 025-Pikachu/026-Raichu 
Evolution(s): Thunder Stone Raichu. Breed for Pichu. 
Type(s): Electric 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Thundershock Electric 
---Growl Normal 
06 Tail Whip Normal 
08 Thunder Wave Electric 
11 Quick Attack Normal 
15 Double Team Normal 
20 Slam Normal 
25 Thunderbolt Electric 
33 Agility Psychic 
41 Thunder Electric 
50 Light Screen Psychic 

Name(s): 027-Sandshrew/028-Sandslash 
Evolution(s): L22 Sandslash 
Type(s): Ground 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Scratch Normal 
06 Defense Curl Normal 
11 Sand Attack Ground 
17 Poison Sting Poison 
23/24 Slash Normal 
30/33 Swift Normal 
37/42 Fury Swipes Normal 
45/52 Sandstorm Rock damages all non-Ground types for multiple turns 

Name(s): 029-Nidoran Female/030-Nidorina/031-Nidoqueen 
Evolution(s): L16 Nidorina, Moon Stone Nidoqueen 
Type(s): Poison, Poison, Poison/Ground 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Growl Normal 
--- Tackle Normal 
08 Scratch Normal 
12 Double Kick Fighting 
17/19 Poison Sting Poison 
X/X/23 Body Slam Normal 
23/27 Tail Whip Normal 
30/36 Bite Dark 
38/46 Fury Swipes Normal 

Name(s): 032-Nidoran Male/033-Nidorino/034-Nidoking 
Evolution(s): L16 Nidorino, Moon Stone Nidoking 
Type(s): Poison, Poison, Poison/Ground 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Leer Normal 
---Tackle Normal 
08 Horn Attack Normal 
12 Double Kick Fighting 
17/19 Poison Sting Poison 
X/X/23 Thrash Normal 
23/27 Focus Energy Normal 
30/36 Fury Attack Normal 
38/46 Horn Drill Normal 

Name(s): 035-Clefairy/036-Clefable 
Evolution(s): Moon Stone Clefable. Breed for Cleffa. 
Type(s): Normal 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Pound Normal 
--- Growl Normal 
04 Encore Normal clapping hands make enemy repeat last attack
08 Sing Normal 
13 Doubleslap Normal 
19 Minimize Normal 
26 Defense Curl Normal 
34 Metronome Normal 
43 Moonlight Normal heals Pokémon more or less depending on time of day
53 Barrier Psychic 

Name(s): 037-Vulpix/038-Ninetales 
Evolution(s): Fire Stone Ninetales 
Type(s): Fire 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Ember Fire 
--- Tail Whip Normal 
07 Quick Attack Normal 
13 Roar Normal 
19 Confuse Ray Ghost 
25 Safeguard Normal prevents enemy's next attack
31 Flamethrower Fire 
37 Fire Spin Fire 

Name(s): 039-Jigglypuff/040-Wigglytuff 
Evolution(s): Moon Stone Wigglytuff. Breed for Igglybuff. 
Type(s): Normal 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Sing Normal 
04 Defense Curl Normal 
09 Pound Normal 
14 Disable Normal 
19 Rollout Rock each time, damage doubles 
24 Doubleslap Normal 
29 Rest Psychic 
34 Body Slam Normal 
39 Double-Edge Normal 

Name(s): 041-Zubat/042-Golbat/169-Crobat 
Evolution(s): L22 Golbat, L51 Crobat 
Type(s): Poison/Flying 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Leech Life Bug 
06 Supersonic Normal 
12 Bite Dark 
19 Confuse Ray Ghost 
27/30 Wing Attack Flying 
36/42 Mean Look Normal blocks switching/running 
46/55/55 Haze Ice 

Height: 1.8 M 
Weight: 75kg 

Name(s): 043-Oddish/044-Gloom/045-Vileplume/182-Bellossom 
Evolution(s): L21 Gloom, Leaf Stone Vileplume or Sun Stone Bellossom. 
Type(s): Grass/Poison, Grass/Poison, Grass/Poison, Grass 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Absorb Grass 
07 Lure Normal 
14 Poisonpowder Poison 
16 Stun Spore Grass 
18 Sleep Powder Grass 
23/24 Acid Poison 
32/34 Moonlight Normal heals Pokémon more or less depending on time of day
39/44 Petal Dance Grass 
X/X/X/55 Solarbeam Grass 

Height: 0.4 m 
Weight: 5.8 kg 

Name(s): 046-Paras/047-Parasect 
Evolution(s): L24 Parasect 
Type(s): Bug/Grass 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Scratch Normal 
07 Stun Spore Grass 
13 Poisonpowder Poison 
19 Leech Life Bug 
25/28 Sleep Powder Grass 
31/37 Slash Normal 
37/46 Growth Normal 
43/55 Mega Drain Grass 

Name(s): 048-Venonat/049-Venomoth 
Evolution(s): L31 Venomoth
Type(s): Bug/Poison 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack
--- Tackle Normal 
--- Disable Normal 
--- Foresight Normal attacks enemy after 3 turns
09 Confuse Ray Ghost 
17 Confusion Psychic 
20 Poisonpowder Poison 
25 Leech Life Bug 
28 Stun Spore Grass 
X/31 Gust Flying 
33/36 Psybeam Psychic 
36/42 Sleep Powder Grass 
41/52 Psychic Psychic 

Name(s): 050-Diglett/051-Dugtrio 
Evolution(s): L26 Dugtrio 
Type(s): Ground 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Scratch Normal 
05 Growl Normal 
09 Magnitude Ground 1-10 Rocks... 
17 Dig Ground 
25 Sand Attack Ground 
33/37 Slash Normal 
41/49 Earthquake Ground 
49/61 Fissure Ground 

Name(s): 052-Meowth/053-Persian 
Evolution(s): L28 Persian 
Type(s): Normal 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
---Scratch Normal 
---Growl Normal 
11 Bite Dark 
20 Coin Toss Normal 
28 Faint Attack Dark disappears, then hits enemy 
35/38 Screech Normal 
41/46 Fury Swipes Normal 
46/53 Slash Normal 

Name(s): 054-Psyduck/055-Golduck 
Evolution(s): L33 Golduck 
Type(s): Water 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Scratch Normal 
05 Tail Whip Normal 
10 Disable Normal 
16 Confusion Psychic 
23 Screech Normal 
31 Psych Up Normal copies enemy's stat changes
40/44 Fury Swipes Normal 
50/58 Hydro Pump Water 

Name(s): 056-Mankey/057-Primeape 
Evolution(s): L28 Primeape 
Type(s): Fighting 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Scratch Normal 
--- Leer Normal 
09 Low Kick Fighting kicks enemy
15 Karate Chop Fighting 
21 Fury Swipes Normal 
27 Focus Enegy Normal 
X/28 Rage Normal 
33/36 Seismic Toss Fighting 
39/45 Cross Chop Fighting heavy damage 
45/54 Screech Normal 
51/63 Thrash Normal 

Name(s): 058-Growlithe/059-Arcanine 
Evolution(s): Fire Stone Arcanine 
Type(s): Fire 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Bite Dark 
--- Roar Normal 
09 Ember Fire 
18 Leer Normal 
26 Take Down Normal 
34 Flame Wheel Fire fire spins around you, then hits enemyenemy
42 Agility Psychic 
50 Flamethrower Fire 

Name(s): 060-Poliwag/061-Poliwhirl/062-Poliwrath/186-Politoed 
Evolution(s): L25 Poliwhirl, Water Stone Poliwrath, trade Poliwhirl with a King's Rock for Politoed
Type(s): Water, Water, Water/Fighting, Water 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Bubble Water 
07 Hypnosis Psychic 
13 Water Gun Water 
19 Doubleslap Normal 
25 Rain Dance Water powers up water attacks for 5 turns
31/35 Body Slam Normal 
37/43 Belly Drum Normal reduces own HP to maximize Attack 
43/51 Hydro Pump Water 
X/X/X/--- Perish Song Normal 3-turn countdown; if either Pokémon is still out, it is auto-KO'd 
X/X/X/51 Swagger Normal confuses your Pokémon but greatly raises Attack

Height: 1.1m 
Weight: 33.9 kg 

Name(s): 063-Abra/064-Kadabra/065-Alakazam 
Evolution(s): L16 Kadabra, trade for Alakazam 
Type(s): Psychic 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
---/--- Teleport Psychic 
X/--- Kinesis
X/16 Confusion 
X/20 Disable Normal 
X/24 Psybeam Psychic 
X/28 Recover Normal 
X/31 Future Sight Psychic attack hits on 3rd turn 
X/38 Psychic Psychic 
X/45 Barrier Psychic 

Name(s): 066-Machop/067-Machoke/068-Machamp 
Evolution(s): L28 Machoke, trade for Machamp 
Type(s): Fighting 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Low Kick Fighting 
--- Leer Normal 
07 Focus Energy Normal 
13 Karate Chop Fighting 
19 Seismic Toss Fighting 
25 Foresight Normal attacks enemy after 3 turns
31/34 Vital Throw Fighting 2nd-strike move; never misses 
37/43 Cross Chop Fighting heavy damage 
43/52 Scary Face Normal lowers enemy's speed
49/61 Submission Fighting 

Name(s): 069-Bellsprout/070-Weepinbell/071-Victreebel 
Evolution(s): L21 Weepinbell, Leaf Stone Victreebel 
Type(s): Grass/Poison
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Vine Whip Grass 
06 Growth Normal 
11 Wrap Normal 
15 Sleep Powder Grass 
17 Poisonpowder Poison 
19 Stun Spore Grass 
23/24 Acid Poison 
30/33 Sweet Scent Grass reduces enemy's evasiveness
37/42 Razor Leaf Grass 
45/54 Slam Normal 

Name(s): 072-Tentacool/073-Tentacruel 
Evolution(s): L30 Tentacruel 
Type(s): Water/Poison 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Poison Sting Poison Supersonic Normal 
12 Wrap Normal 
19 Acid Poison 
25 Bubblebeam Water 
30 Constrict Normal 
36/38 Barrier Psychic 
43/47 Screech Normal 
49/55 Hydro Pump Water 

Name(s): 074-Geodude/075-Graveler/076-Golem 
Evolution(s): L25 Graveler, trade for Golem 
Type(s): Rock/Ground 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Tackle Normal 
06 Defense Curl Normal 
11 Rock Throw Rock 
16 Magnitude Ground 1-10 rocks 
21 Selfdestruct Normal 
26/27 Harden Normal 
31/34 Rollout Rock each time, damage doubles 
36/41 Earthquake Ground 
41/48 Explosion Normal 

Name(s): 077-Ponyta/078-Rapidash 
Evolution(s): L40 Rapidash 
Type(s): Fire 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Tackle Normal 
04 Growl Normal 
08 Tail Whip Normal 
13 Ember Fire 
19 Stomp Normal 
26 Fire Spin Fire 
34 Take Down Normal 
X/40 Fury Attack Fire 
43/47 Agility Psychic 
53/61 Fire Blast Fire 

Name(s): 079-Slowpoke/080-Slowbro/199-Slowking
Evolution(s): L37 Slowbro, trade Slowpoke with King's Rock for Slowking
Type(s): Water/Psychic 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Tackle Normal 
--- Curse Ghost it lowers/raises stats
06 Growl Normal 
15 Water Gun Water 
20 Confusion Psychic 
29 Disable Normal 
34 Headbutt Normal 
X/37 Withdraw Water 
43/45/X Amnesia Psychic 
X/X/43 Swagger Normal confuses your Pokémon but greatly raises Attack
48/54 Psychic Psychic 

Height: 2.0 m 
Weight: 79.5 kg 

Name(s): 081-Magnemite/082-Magneton 
Evolution(s): L30 Magneton 
Type(s): Electric/Steel 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Tackle Normal 
06 Thundershock Electric 
11 Supersonic Normal 
16 Sonic Boom Normal 
21 Thunder Wave Electric 
27 Lock-On Normal next attack is 100% accurate 
33/35 Swift Normal 
39/43 Screech Normal 
45/53 Zap Cannon Electric very large bolt; always paralyzes

Name(s): 083-Farfetch'd 
Evolution(s): none 
Type(s): Normal/Flying 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Peck Flying 
07 Sand Attack Ground 
13 Leer Normal 
19 Fury Attack Normal 
25 Swords Dance Normal 
31 Agility Psychic 
37 Slash Normal 
44 False Swipe Normal normal damage, but CANNOT lower below 1HP 

Name(s): 084-Doduo/085-Dodrio 
Evolution(s): L31 Dodrio 
Type(s): Normal/Flying 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Peck Flying 
--- Growl Normal 
09 Pursuit Dark hits retreating enemy hard 
13 Fury Attack Normal 
21 Tri Attack Normal 
25 Rage Normal 
33/38 Drill Peck Flying 
37/47 Agility Psychic 

Name(s): 086-Seel/087-Dewgong 
Evolution(s): L34 Dewgong 
Type(s): Water, Water/Ice 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
---Headbutt Normal
05 Growl Normal 
16 Aurora Beam Ice 
21 Rest Psychic 
32 Take Down Normal 
37/43 Ice Beam Ice 
48/55 Safeguard Normal prevents enemy's next attack

Name(s): 088-Grimer/089-Muk 
Evolution(s): L38 Muk 
Type(s): Poison 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Poison Gas Poison 
--- Pound Normal 
05 Harden Normal 
10 Disable Normal 
16 Sludge Poison 
23 Minimize Normal 
31 Screech Normal 
40/45 Acid Armor Poison 
50/60 Sludge Bomb Poison large damage

Name(s): 090-Shellder/091-Cloyster 
Evolution(s): Water Stone Cloyster 
Type(s): Water, Water/Ice 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Tackle Normal 
--- Withdraw Water 
09 Supersonic Normal 
17 Aurora Beam Ice 
25 Protect Normal raises defense
33 Leer Normal 
41 Clamp Water 
X/41 Spike Cannon Normal 
49 Ice Beam Ice 

Name(s): 092-Gastly/093-Haunter/094-Gengar 
Evolution(s): L25 Haunter, trade for Gengar 
Type(s): Ghost/Poison 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
---Hypnosis Psychic 
--- Lick Ghost 
08 Spite Ghost cuts the PP of enemy's last move
13 Mean Look Normal blocks switching/running 
16 Curse Ghost stabs itself, does 50% damage, and puts a curse on the enemy for that number of HP every turn
21 Night Shade Ghost 
2/31 Confuse Ray Ghost 
33/39 Dream Eater Psychic 
36/48 Destiny Bond Ghost if your Pokémon faints, enemy does too

Name(s): 095-Onix/208-Steelix 
Evolution(s): trade with Metal Coat for Steelix 
Type(s): Rock/Ground, Steel/Ground 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Tackle Normal 
--- Screech Normal 
10 Bide Normal 
14 Rock Throw Rock 
23 Harden Normal 
27 Rage Normal 
36 Sandstorm Rock damages all non-Ground types for multiple turns 
40 Slam Normal 
X/48 Crunch Dark major damage 

Height: 9.2 m 
Weight: 400.0 kg 

Name(s): 096-Drowzee/097-Hypno 
Evolution(s): L26 Hypno 
Type(s): Psychic 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Pound Normal 
--- Hypnosis Psychic 
10 Disable Normal 
18 Confusion Psychic 
25 Headbutt Normal 
31/33 Poison Gas Poison 
36/40 Meditate Psychic 
40/49 Psychic Psychic 
43/55 Psych Up Normal copies enemy's stat changes
45/60 Future Sight Psychic attack hits on 3rd turn

Name(s): 098-Krabby/099-Kingler 
Evolution(s): L28 Kingler 
Type(s): Water 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Bubble Water 
05 Leer Normal 
12 Vice Grip Normal 
16 Harden Normal 
23 Stomp Normal 
27 Guillotine Normal 
34/38 Protect Normal raises defense
41/49 Crabhammer Water 

Name(s): 100-Voltorb/101-Electrode 
Evolution(s): L36 Electrode 
Type(s): Electric 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Tackle Normal 
09 Screech Normal 
17 Sonic Boom Normal 
23 Selfdestruct Normal 
29 Rollout Rock each time, damage doubles 
33/34 Light Screen Psychic 
37/40 Swift Normal 
39/44 Explosion Normal 
41/48 Mirror Coat counters a special attack with double damage 

Name(s): 102-Exeggcute/103-Exeggutor 
Evolution(s): Leaf Stone Exeggutor 
Type(s): Grass/Psychic 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Barrage Normal 
--- Hypnosis Psychic 
07 Reflect Psychic 
13 Leech Seed Grass 
19 Confusion Psychic 
X/19 Stomp Normal 
25 Stun Spore Grass 
31 Poisonpowder Poison 
37 Sleep Powder Grass 
43 Solarbeam Grass 

Name(s): 104-Cubone/105-Marowak 
Evolution(s): L28 Marowak 
Type(s): Ground 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Growl Normal 
05 Tail Whip Normal 
09 Bone Club Ground 
13 Headbutt Normal 
17 Leer Normal 
21 Focus Energy Normal 
25 Bonemerang Ground 
29/32 Rage Normal 
33/39 False Swipe Normal normal damage, but CANNOT lower below 1HP 
37/46 Thrash Normal 
41/53 Bone Rush Ground attacks 2-5 times

Name(s): 106-Hitmonlee 
Evolution(s): none 
Type(s): Fighting 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Double Kick Fighting 
06 Meditate Psychic 
11 Rolling Kick Fighting 
16 Jump Kick Fighting 
21 Focus Energy Normal 
26 Hi Jump Kick Fighting 
31 Mind Reader Normal next attack has 100% accuracy
36 Foresight Normal attacks enemy after 3 turns
41 Endure Normal always leaves your Pokémon with at least 1 HP
46 Mega Kick Normal 
51 Reversal Fighting stronger if user's HP is low

Name(s): 107-Hitmonchan 
Evolution(s): none 
Type(s): Fighting 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Comet Punch Normal 
07 Agility Psychic 
13 Pursuit Dark hits retreating enemy hard
26 Fire Punch Fire 
26 Ice Punch Ice 
26 Thunderpunch Electric 
32 Mach Punch Fighting always hits first
38 Mega Punch Normal 
44 Detect Fighting evades attacks that turn

Name(s): 108-Lickitung 
Evolution(s): none 
Type(s): Normal 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Lick Ghost 
07 Supersonic Normal 
13 Defense Curl Normal 
19 Stomp Normal 
25 Wrap Normal 
31 Disable Normal 
37 Slam Normal 
43 Screech Normal 

Name(s): 109-Koffing/110-Weezing 
Evolution(s): L35 Weezing 
Type(s): Poison 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Poison Gas Poison 
---Tackle Normal 
09 Smog Poison 
17 Selfdestruct Normal 
21 Sludge Poison 
25 Smokescreen Normal 
33 Haze Ice 
41/44 Explosion Normal 
45/51 Destiny Bond Ghost if your Pokémon faints, enemy does too

Name(s): 111-Rhyhorn/112-Rhydon 
Evolution(s): L42 Rhydon 
Type(s): Rock/Ground 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
---Horn Attack Normal 
---Tail Whip Normal 
13 Stomp Normal 
19 Fury Attack Normal 
31 Scary Face Normal lowers enemy's speed
37 Horn Drill Normal 
49/54 Take Down Normal 
55/65 Earthquake Ground 

Name(s): 113-Chansey/242-Blissey 
Evolution(s): L51 Blissey 
Type(s): Normal 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Pound Normal 
05 Growl Normal 
09 Tail Whip Normal 
13 Softboiled Normal 
17 Doubleslap Normal 
23 Minimize Normal 
29 Sing Normal 
35 Egg Bomb Normal 
41 Defense Curl Normal 
49 Light Screen Psychic 
57/X Double-Edge Normal 

Height: 1.5 meters 
Weight: 46.8 kg 

Name(s): 114-Tangela 
Evolution(s): none 
Type(s): Grass 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Constrict Normal 
04 Sleep Powder Grass 
10 Absorb Grass 
13 Poisonpowder Poison 
19 Vine Whip Grass 
25 Bide Normal 
31 Mega Drain Grass 
34 Stun Spore Grass 
40 Slam Normal 
46 Growth Normal 

Name(s): 115-Kangaskhan 
Evolution(s): none 
Type(s): Normal 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Comet Punch Normal 
07 Leer Normal 
13 Bite Dark 
19 Tail Whip Normal 
25 Mega Punch Normal 
31 Rage Normal 
37 Focus Energy Normal 
43 Dizzy Punch Normal 
49 Reversal Fighting stronger if user's HP is low

Name(s): 116-Horsea/117-Seadra/230-Kingdra 
Evolution(s): L32 Seadra, trade with King's Rock for Kingdra 
Type(s): Water, Water, Water/Dragon 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Bubble Water 
08 Smokescreen Normal 
15 Leer Normal 
22 Water Gun Water 
29 Twister Dragon makes a tornado
36/40 Agility Psychic 
43/51 Hydro Pump Water 

Height: 1.8 m 
Weight: 152.0 kg 

Name(s): 118-Goldeen/119-Seaking 
Evolution(s): L33 Seaking 
Type(s): Water 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
---Peck Normal 
--- Tail Whip Normal 
10 Supersonic Normal 
15 Horn Attack Normal 
24 Flail Normal stronger if user's HP is low
29 Fury Attack Normal 
38/41 Waterfall Water
43/49 Horn Drill Normal 
52/61 Agility Psychic 

Name(s): 120-Staryu/121-Stamie 
Evolution(s): Water Stone Starmie 
Type(s): Water, Water/Psychic 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Tackle Normal 
--- Harden Normal 
07 Water Gun Water 
13 Rapid Spin Normal spins and hits enemy
19 Recover Normal 
25 Swift Normal 
31 Bubblebeam Water 
37 Minimize Normal 
43 Light Screen Psychic 
50 Hydro Pump Water 

Name(s): 122-Mr. Mime 
Evolution(s): none 
Type(s): Psychic 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Barrier Psychic 
06 Confusion Psychic 
11 Substitute Normal 
16 Meditate Psychic 
21 Doubleslap Normal 
26 Reflect Psychic 
26 Light Screen Psychic 
31 Encore Normal clapping hands make enemy repeat last attack
36 Psychic Psychic 
41 Baton Pass Normal auto-switch your Pokémon while keeping stat changes
46 Safeguard Normal prevents enemy's next attack

Name(s): 123-Scyther/212-Scizor 
Evolution(s): trade with a Metal Coat for Scizor 
Type(s): Bug/Flying, Bug/Steel  
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Quick Attack Normal 
--- Leer Normal 
06 Focus Energy Normal 
12 Pursuit Dark hits retreating enemy hard
18 False Swipe Normal normal damage, but CANNOT lower below 1HP 
24 Agility Psychic 
30/X Wing Attack Flying 
X/30 Steel Claw Steel heavy attack; may raise user's Attack
36 Slash Normal 
42 Swords Dance Normal 
48 Double Team Normal 

Height: 1.8 m 
Weight: 118.0 kg 

Name(s): 124-Jynx 
Evolution(s): breed for Smoochum 
Type(s): Ice/Psychic 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Pound Normal 
--- Lick Ghost 
--- Powder Snow Ice weak Ice attack 
--- Lovely Kiss Normal 
21 Doubleslap Normal 
25 Ice Punch Ice 
35 Mean Look Normal blocks switching/running 
41 Body Slam Normal 
51 Perish Song Normal 3-turn countdown; if either Pokémon is still out, it is auto-KO'd 
57 Blizzard Ice 

Name(s): 125-Electabuzz 
Evolution(s): breed for Elekid 
Type(s): Electric 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Quick Attack Normal 
--- Leer Normal 
09 Thunderpunch Electric 
17 Light Screen Psychic 
25 Swift Normal 
36 Screech Normal 
47 Thunderbolt Electric 
58 Thunder Electric 

Name(s): 126-Magmar 
Evolution(s): breed for Magby 
Type(s): Fire 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Ember Fire 
07 Leer Normal 
13 Smog Poison 
19 Fire Punch Fire 
25 Smokescreen Normal 
33 Sunny Day Fire powers up fire attacks for 5 turns
41 Flamethrower Fire 
49 Confuse Ray Ghost 
57 Fire Blast Fire 

Name(s): 127-Pinsir 
Evolution(s): none 
Type(s): Bug 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Vice Grip Normal 
07 Focus Energy Normal 
13 Constrict Normal 
19 Seismic Toss Fighting 
25 Harden Normal 
31 Guillotine Normal 
37 Submission Fighting 
43 Swords Dance Normal 

Name(s): 128-Tauros 
Evolution(s): none 
Type(s): Normal 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Tackle Normal 
04 Tail Whip Normal 
08 Rage Normal 
13 Horn Attack Normal 
19 Scary Face Normal lowers enemy's speed 
26 Pursuit Dark hits retreating enemy hard
34 Rest Psychic 
43 Thrash Normal 
53 Take Down Normal 

Name(s): 129-Magikarp/130-Gyarados 
Evolution(s): L20 Gyarados 
Type(s): Water, Water/Flying 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
X/--- Thrash Normal 
---/X Splash Normal 
15/X Tackle Normal 
X/20 Bite Dark 
X/25 Dragon Rage Dragon 
30/X Flail Normal stronger if user's HP is low
X/30 Leer Normal 
X/35 Twister Dragon makes a tornado
X/40 Hydro Pump Water 
X/45 Rain Dance Water powers up water attacks for 5 turns
X/50 Hyper Beam Normal 

Name(s): 131-Lapras 
Evolution(s): none 
Type(s): Ice/Water 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Water Gun Water 
--- Growl Normal 
--- Sing Normal 
08 Haze Ice 
15 Body Slam Normal 
22 Confuse Ray Ghost 
29 Perish Song Normal 3-turn countdown; if either Pokémon is still out, it is auto-KO'd 
36 Ice Beam Ice 
43 Mist Water 
50 Safeguard Normal prevents enemy's next attack
57 Hydro Pump Water 

Name(s): 132-Ditto 
Evolution(s): none 
Type(s): Normal 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Transform Normal 

Name(s): 133-Eevee 
Evolution(s): Fire Stone: Flareon, Water Stone: Vaporeon, Thunder Stone: Jolteon, tamed by day: Espeon, tamed by night: Umbreon 
Type(s): Normal, Fire, Water, Electric, Psychic, Dark
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Tackle Normal 
--- Tail Whip Normal 
08 Sand Attack Ground 
16 Growl Normal 
23 Quick Attack Normal 
30 Bite Dark 
36 Focus Energy Normal 
42 Take Down Normal 

Name(s): 134-Vaporeon 
Evolution(s): none 
Type(s): Water 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Tackle Normal 
--- Tail Whip Normal 
08 Sand Attack Ground 
16 Water Gun Water 
23 Quick Attack Normal 
30 Bite Dark 
36 Aurora Beam Ice 
42 Haze Ice 
47 Acid Armor Poison 
52 Hydro Pump Water 

Name(s): 135-Jolteon 
Evolution(s): none 
Type(s): Electric 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Tackle Normal 
--- Tail Whip Normal 
08 Sand Attack Ground 
16 Thundershock Electric 
23 Quick Attack Normal 
30 Double Kick Fighting 
36 Pin Missle Bug 
42 Thunder Wave Electric 
47 Agility Psychic 
52 Thunder Electric 

Name(s): 136-Flareon 
Evolution(s): none 
Type(s): Fire 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Tackle Normal 
--- Tail Whip Normal 
08 Sand Attack Ground 
16 Ember Fire 
23 Quick Attack Normal 
30 Bite Dark 
36 Fire Spin Fire 
42 Smog Poison 
47 Leer Normal 
52 Flamethrower Fire 

Height: 0.9 m 
Weight: 26.5 kg 

Umbreon : 
Height: 1.0 m 
Weight: 27.0 kg 

Name(s): 137-Porygon/233-Porygon 2 
Evolution(s): trade with Upgrade for Porygon 2 
Type(s): Normal 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Conversion Normal 
--- Tackle Normal 
--- Conversion2 Normal user's type is made resistant
09 Agility Psychic 
12 Psybeam Psychic 
20 Recover Normal 
24/X Sharpen Normal 
X/24 Defense Curl Normal 
32 Lock-On Normal next attack is 100% accurate 
36 Tri Attack Normal 
44 Zap Cannon Electric very large bolt; always paralyzes

Porygon 2 
Height: 0.6 m 
Weight: 32.5 kg 

Name(s): 138-Omanyte/139-Omastar 
Evolution(s): L40 Omastar 
Type(s): Rock/Water 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Wrap Normal 
--- Withdraw Water 
13 Bite Dark 
19 Water Gun Water 
31 Leer Normal 
37 Protect Normal raises defense
X/40 Spike Cannon Normal 
49/54 Ancient Power Rock rock hits you, may raise all stats
55/65 Hydro Pump Water 

Name(s): 140-Kabuto/141-Kabutops 
Evolution(s): L40 Kabutops 
Type(s): Rock/Water 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Scratch Normal 
--- Harden Normal 
10 Absorb Grass 
19 Leer Normal 
28 Sand Attack Ground 
37 Focus Energy Normal 
X/40 Slash Normal 
46/51 Mega Drain Grass 
55/65 Ancient Power Rock rock hits you, may raise all stats

Name(s): 142-Aerodactyl 
Evolution(s): none 
Type(s): Rock/Flying 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Wing Attack Flying 
08 Agility Psychic 
15 Bite Dark 
22 Supersonic Normal 
29 Ancient Power Rock rock hits you, may raise all stats
36 Scary Face Normal lowers enemy's speed 
43 Take Down Normal 
50 Hyper Beam Normal 

Name(s): 143-Snorlax 
Evolution(s): none 
Type(s): Normal 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Tackle Normal 
08 Amnesia Psychic 
15 Defense Curl Normal 
22 Belly Drum Normal reduces own HP to maximize Attack 
29 Headbutt Normal
36 Snore Normal attack ONLY when asleep 
36 Rest Psychic 
43 Body Slam Normal 
50 Rollout Rock each time, damage doubles 
57 Hyper Beam Normal 

Name(s): 144-Articuno 
Evolution(s): none 
Type(s): Ice/Flying 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Gust Flying 
--- Powder Snow Ice weak Ice attack 
13 Mist Ice 
25 Agility Psychic 
37 Mind Reader Normal next attack has 100% accuracy
49 Ice Beam Ice 
61 Reflect Psychic 
73 Blizzard Ice 

Name(s): 145-Zapdos 
Evolution(s): none 
Type(s): Electric/Flying 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Peck Flying 
--- Thundershock Electric 
13 Thunder Wave Electric 
25 Agility Psychic 
37 Detect Fighting evades attacks that turn
49 Drill Peck Flying 
61 Light Screen Psychic 
73 Thunder Electric 

Name(s): 146-Moltres 
Evolution(s): none 
Type(s): Fire/Flying 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Wing Attack Flying 
--- Ember Fire 
13 Fire Spin Fire 
25 Agility Psychic 
37 Endure Normal always leaves your Pokémon with at least 1 HP
49 Flamethrower Fire 
61 Safeguard Normal prevents enemy's next attack
73 Sky Attack Flying  

Name(s): 147-Dratini/148-Dragonair/149-Dragonite 
Evolution(s): L30 Dragonair, L55 Dragonite 
Type(s): Dragon, Dragon, Dragon/Flying 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Wrap Normal 
--- Leer Normal 
08 Thunder Wave Electric 
15 Twister Dragon makes a tornado
22 Dragon Rage Dragon 
29 Slam Normal 
36/38 Agility Psychic 
43/47 Safeguard Normal prevents enemy's next attack
X/X/55 Wing Attack Flying 
50/56/61 Outrage Dragon hits 2-3 turns and confuses user
57/65/75 Hyper Beam Normal 

Name(s): 150-Mewtwo 
Evolution(s): none  
Type(s): Psychic 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Confusion Psychic 
--- Disable Normal 
11 Barrier Psychic 
22 Swift Normal 
33 Psych Up Normal copies enemy's stat changes
44 Future Sight Psychic attack hits on 3rd turn.. 
55 Mist Ice 
66 Psychic Psychic 
77 Amnesia Psychic 
88 Recover Normal 
99 Safeguard Normal prevents enemy's next attack

Name(s): 151-Mew 
Evolution(s): none 
Type(s): Psychic 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Pound Normal 
10 Transform Normal 
20 Mega Punch Normal 
30 Metronome Normal 
40 Psychic Psychic 
50 Ancient Power Rock rock hits you, may raise all stats

Name(s): 152-Chikorita/153-Bayleef/154-Meganium 
Evolution(s): L16 Bayleef, L32 Meganium
Type(s): Grass 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Tackle Normal 
--- Growl Normal 
08 Razor Leaf Grass 
12 Reflect Psychic 
15 Poisonpowder Poison 
22/23 Synthesis Grass heals Pokémon more or less depending on time of day
29/31 Body Slam Normal 
36/39/41 Light Screen Psychic 
43/47/51 Safeguard Normal prevents enemy's next attack
50/55/61 Solarbeam Grass 

Chikorita Bayleef Meganium 
Height: 0.9 m 1.2m 1.8m 
Weight: 6.4 kg 15.8kg 100.5 kg 

Name(s): 155-Cyndaquil/156-Quilava/157-Typhlosion 
Evolution(s): L14 Quilava, L36 Typhlosion 
Type(s): Fire 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Tackle Normal 
--- Leer Normal 
06 Smokescreen Normal 
12 Ember Fire 
19/21 Quick Attack Normal 
27/31 Flame Wheel Fire fire spins around you, then hits enemy
36/42/45 Swift Normal 
46/54/60 Flamethrower Fire 

Cyndaquil Quilava Typhlosion 
Height:0.5m 0.9 m 1.5 m 
Weight: 7.9 kg 19.0kg 79.5 kg 

Name(s): 158-Totodile/159-Croconaw/160-Feraligatr 
Evolution(s): L18 Croconaw, L30 Feraligatr 
Type(s): Water 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Scratch Normal 
--- Leer(?) Normal 
07 Rage Normal 
13 Water Gun Water 
20/21 Bite Dark 
27/28 Scary Face Normal lowers enemy's speed
35/37/38 Slash Normal 
43/45/47 Screech Normal 
52/55/58 Hydro Pump Water 

Totodile Croconaw Feraligatr 
Height: 0.6 m 1.1 m 2.3 m 
Weight: 9.5kg 25.5kg 88.8 kg 

Name(s): 161-Sentret/162-Furret 
Evolution(s): L15 Furret 
Type(s): Normal 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Tackle Normal 
05 Defense Curl Normal 
11 Quick Attack Normal 
17/18 Fury Swipes Normal 
25/28 Slam Normal 
33/38 Rest Psychic 
41/48 Amnesia Psychic 

Sentret Furret 
Height: 0.8 m 1.8 m 
Weight: 6.0 kg 32.5 kg 

Name(s): 163-Hoothoot/164-Noctowl 
Evolution(s): L20 Noctowl 
Type(s): Normal/Flying 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Tackle Normal 
--- Growl Normal 
06 Foresight Normal attacks enemy after 3 turns
11 Peck Flying 
16 Hypnosis Psychic 
22/25 Reflect Psychic 
28/33 Take Down Normal 
34/41 Confusion Psychic 
48/57 Dream Eater Psychic 

Hoothoot Noctowl 
Height: 0.7 m 1.6 m 
Weight: 21.2 kg 40.8 kg 

Name(s): 165- Ledyba/ 166-Ledian 
Evolution(s): L18 Ledian 
Type(s): Bug/Flying 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Tackle Normal 
08 Supersonic Normal 
15 Comet Punch Normal 
22/24 Safeguard Normal prevents enemy's next attack
22/24 Reflect Psychic 
22/24 Light Screen Psychic 
29/33 Baton Pass Normal auto-switch your Pokémon while keeping stat changes
36/42 Swift Normal 
43/51 Agility Psychic 
50/60 Take Down Normal 

Ledyba Ledian 
Height: 1.0m 1.4m 
Weight: 10.8 kg 35.6 kg 

Name(s): 167-Spinarak/168-Ariados 
Evolution(s): L22 Ariados 
Type(s): Bug/Poison 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Poison Sting Poison 
--- String Shot Bug 
06 Scary Face Normal lowers enemy's speed
11 Constrict Normal 
17 Night Shade Ghost 
23/25 Leech Life Bug 
30/34 Fury Swipes Normal 
37/43 Spider Web Bug prevents fleeing or switching
45/53 Screech Normal 
55/63 Psychic Psychic 

Spinarak Ariados 
Height: 0.5 m 1.1 m 
Weight: 8.5 kg 33.5 kg 

Name(s): 170-Chinchou/171-Lanturn 
Evolution(s): L27 Lanturn 
Type(s): Electric/Water 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Bubble Water 
--- Thunder Wave Electric 
05 Supersonic Normal 
13 Flail Normal stronger if user's HP is low 
17 Water Gun Water 
25 Spark Electric moderate Electric attack 
29/33 Confuse Ray Ghost 
37/45 Double-Edge Normal 
41/53 Hydro Pump Water 

Chinchou Lanturn 
Height: 0.5 m 1.2 m 
Weight: 12.0 kg 22.5 kg 

Name(s): 172-Pichu 
Evolution(s): Pikachu by kindness
Type(s): Electric 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Thundershock Electric 
--- Charm Normal lowers enemy's Attack
06 Tail Whip Normal 
08 Thunder Wave Electric 
11 Sweet Kiss Normal kiss confuses enemy

Height: 0.3 m 
Weight: 2.0 kg 

Name(s): 173-Cleffa 
Evolution(s): Clefairy by kindness
Type(s): Normal 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Pound Normal 
--- Charm Normal lowers enemy's Attack
04 Encore Normal clapping hands make enemy repeat last attack
08 Sing Normal 
13 Sweet Kiss Normal kiss confuses enemy

Height: 0.3 m 
Weight: 3.0 kg 

Name(s): 174-Igglybuff 
Evolution(s): Jigglypuff by kindness 
Type(s): Normal 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Sing Normal 
--- Charm Normal lowers enemy's Attack
04 Defense Curl Normal 
09 Pound Normal 
14 Sweet Kiss Normal kiss confuses enemy

Height: 0.3 m 
Weight: 1.0 kg 

Name(s): 175-Togepi/176-Togetic 
Evolution(s): Togetic by kindness 
Type(s): Normal, Normal/Flying 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Growl Normal 
--- Charm Normal lowers enemy's Attack
07 Metronome Normal 
18 Sweet Kiss Normal kiss confuses enemy 
25 Encore Normal clapping hands make enemy repeat last attack
31 Safeguard Normal prevents enemy's next attack
38 Double-Edge Normal 

Togepi Togetic 
Height: 0.3 m 0.6 m 
Weight: 1.5 kg 3.2 kg 

Name(s): 177-Natu/178-Xatu 
Evolution(s): L25 Xatu 
Type(s): Psychic/Flying 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Peck Flying 
--- Leer Normal 
10 Night Shade Ghost 
20 Teleport Psychic 
30/35 Future Sight Psychic attack hits on 3rd turn
40/50 Confuse Ray Ghost 
50/65 Psychic Psychic 

Natu Xatu 
Height: 0.2 m 1.5 m 
Weight: 2.0 kg 15.0 kg 

Name(s): 179-Mareep/180-Flaaffy/181-Ampharos 
Evolution(s): L15 Flaaffy, L30 Ampharos 
Type(s): Electric 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Tackle Normal 
--- Growl Normal 
09 Thundershock Electric 
16/18 Thunder Wave Electric 
23/27 Cotton Spore Grass lowers enemy's speed
X/X/30 Thunderpunch Electric 
30/36/42 Light Screen Psychic 
37/45/57 Thunder Electric 

Mareep Flaaffy Ampharos 
Height: 0.6 m 0.8 m 1.6 m 
Weight: 7.8 kg 13.3 kg 61.5 kg 

Name(s): 183-Marill/184-Azumarill 
Evolution(s): L18 Azumarill 
Type(s): Water 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Tackle Normal 
--- Defense Curl Normal 
06 Tail Whip Normal 
10 Water Gun Water 
15 Rollout Rock each time, damage doubles 
21/25 Bubblebeam Water 
28/36 Take Down Normal 
36/48 Rain Dance Water powers up water attacks for 5 turns

Marill Azumarill 
Height: 0.4 m 0.8 m 
Weight: 8.5 kg 28.5 kg 

Name(s): 185-Sudowoodo 
Evolution(s): none 
Type(s): Rock 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Rock Throw Rock 
--- Mimic Normal 
10 Flail Normal stronger if user's HP is low 
19 Rolling Kick Fighting 
28 Rock Slide Rock
37 Faint Attack Dark disappears, then hits enemy 
46 Slam Normal 

Height: 1.2 m 
Weight: 38.0 kg 

Name(s): 187-Hoppip/188-Skiploom/189-Jumpluff 
Evolution(s): L18 Skiploom, L27 Jumpluff 
Type(s): Grass/Flying 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Splash Normal 
--- Synthesis Grass heals Pokémon more or less depending on time of day
05 Tail Whip Normal 
10 Tackle Normal 
13 Poisonpowder Poison 
15 Stun Spore Grass 
17 Sleep Powder Grass 
20/22 Leech Seed Grass 
25/29/33 Cotton Spore Grass lowers enemy's speed
30/36/44 Mega Drain Grass 

Hoppip Skiploom Jumpluff 
Height: 0.4 m 0.6 m 0.8 m 
Weight: 0.5 kg 1.0 kg 3.0 kg 

Name(s): 190-Aipom 
Evolution(s): none 
Type(s): Normal 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Scratch Normal 
--- Tail Whip Normal 
06 Sand Attack Ground 
12 Baton Pass Normal auto-switch your Pokémon while keeping stat changes
19 Fury Swipes Normal 
27 Swift Normal 
36 Screech Normal 
46 Agility Psychic 

Height: 0.8 m 
Weight: 11.5 kg 

Name(s): 191-Sunkern/192-Sunflora 
Evolution(s): Sun Stone Sunflora 
Type(s): Grass 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
---/--- Absorb Grass 
X/--- Pound Normal 
4/4 Growth Normal 
10/X Mega Drain Grass 
X/10 Razor Leaf Grass 
19/19 Sunny Day Fire powers up fire attacks for 5 turns
31/X Synthesis Grass heals Pokémon more or less depending on time of day
X/31 Petal Dance Grass 
46/X Giga Drain Grass steals 1/2 of enemy's drained HP
X/46 Solarbeam Grass 

Sunkern Sunflora 
Height: 0.3 m 0.8 m 
Weight: 1.8 kg 8.5 kg 

Name(s): 193-Yanma
Evolution(s): none 
Type(s): Bug/Flying 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Tackle Normal 
--- Foresight Normal attacks enemy after 3 turns
07 Quick Attack Normal 
13 Double Team Normal 
19 Sonic Boom Normal 
25 Detect Fighting evades attacks that turn
31 Supersonic Normal 
37 Swift Normal 
43 Screech Normal 

Height: 1.2 m 
Weight: 38.0 kg 

Name(s): 194-Wooper/195-Quagsire 
Evolution(s): L20 Quagsire 
Type(s): Water/Ground 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Water Gun Water 
--- Tail Whip Normal 
11 Slam Normal 
21/23 Amnesia Psychic 
31/35 Earthquake Ground 
41/47 Rain Dance Water powers up water attacks for 5 turns
51/59 Haze Ice 
51/59 Mist Ice 

Wooper Quagsire 
Height: 0.4 m 1.4 m 
Weight: 8.5 kg 75.0 kg 

Name(s): 196-Espeon 
Evolution(s): none 
Type(s): Psychic 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Tackle Normal 
--- Tail Whip Normal 
08 Sand Attack Ground 
16 Confusion Psychic 
23 Quick Attack Normal 
30 Swift Normal 
36 Psybeam Psychic 
42 Psych Up Normal copies enemy's stat changes
47 Psychic Psychic 
52 Morning Sun Normal heals Pokémon more or less depending on time of day

Height: 0.9 m 
Weight: 26.5 kg 

Name(s): 197-Umbreon 
Evolution(s): none 
Type(s): Dark 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Tackle Normal 
--- Tail Whip Normal 
08 Sand Attack Ground 
16 Pursuit Dark hits retreating enemy hard
23 Quick Attack Normal 
30 Confuse Ray Ghost 
36 Faint Attack Dark disappears, then hits enemy 
42 Mean Look Normal blocks switching/running 
47 Screech Normal 
52 Moonlight Normal heals Pokémon more or less depending on time of day

Height: 1.0 m 
Weight: 27.0 kg 

Name(s): 198-Murkrow 
Evolution(s): none 
Type(s): Dark /Flying 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Peck Flying 
11 Pursuit Dark hits retreating enemy hard
16 Haze Ice 
26 Night Shade Ghost 
31 Faint Attack Dark disappears, then hits enemy 
41 Mean Look Normal blocks switching/running 

Height: 0.5 m 
Weight: 2.1 kg 

Name(s): 200-Misdreavus 
Evolution(s): none 
Type(s): Ghost 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Growl Normal 
--- Psywave Psychic 
06 Spite Ghost cuts the PP of enemy's last move
12 Confuse Ray Ghost 
19 Mean Look Normal blocks switching/running 
27 Psybeam Psychic 
36 Pain Split Normal adds the two Pokémon's HPs and shares the result
46 Perish Song Normal 3-turn countdown; if either Pokémon is still out, it is auto-KO'd 

Height: 0.7 m 
Weight: 1.0 kg 

Name(s): 201-Unown 
Evolution(s): none 
Type(s): Psychic 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Hidden Power Normal power varies by user

Height: 0.5 m 
Weight: 5.0 kg 

Name(s): 202-Wobbuffet 
Evolution(s): none 
Type(s): Psychic 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
---Counter Fighting
---Mirror Coat counters a special attack with double damage 
---Safeguard Normal prevents enemy's next attack
---Destiny Bond Ghost if your Pokémon faints, enemy does too

Height: 1.3 m 
Weight: 28.5 kg 

Name(s): 203-Girafarig 
Evolution(s): none 
Type(s): Normal/Psychic 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Tackle Normal 
--- Growl Normal 
07 Confusion Psychic 
13 Stomp Normal 
20 Agility Psychic 
30 Baton Pass Normal auto-switch your Pokémon while keeping stat changes
41 Psybeam Psychic 
54 Crunch Dark major damage 

Height: 1.5 m 
Weight: 41.5 kg 

Name(s): 204-Pineco/205-Forretress 
Evolution(s): L31 Forretress 
Type(s): Bug, Bug/Steel 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Tackle Normal 
--- Protect Normal raises defense
08 Selfdestruct Normal 
15 Double-Edge Normal 
22 Rapid Spin Normal spins and hits enemy
29 Bide Normal 
36/39 Explosion Normal 
43/49 Spikes Ground hurts any non-Flying Pokémon when enemy switches Pokémon 
50/59 Take Down Normal 

Pineco Forretress 
Height: 0.6 m 1.2 m 
Weight: 7.2 kg 125.8 kg 

Name(s): 206-Dunsparce 
Evolution(s): none 
Type(s): Normal 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Rage Normal 
05 Defense Curl Normal 
13 Glare Normal 
18 Spite Ghost cuts the PP of enemy's last move
26 Pursuit Dark hits retreating enemy hard
30 Screech Normal 
38 Double-Edge Normal 

Height: 1.5 m 
Weight: 14.0 kg 

Name(s): 207-Gligar 
Evolution(s): none 
Type(s): Ground/Flying 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Poison Sting Poison 
06 Sand Attack Ground 
14 Harden Normal 
20 Quick Attack Normal 
28 Faint Attack Dark disappears, then hits enemy 
36 Slash Normal 
44 Screech Normal 
52 Guillotine Normal 

Gligar : 1.1 m 
Weight: 64.8 kg 

Name(s): 209-Snubbull/210-Granbull 
Evolution(s): L23 Granbull 
Type(s): Normal 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Tackle Normal 
--- Leer Normal 
04 Tail Whip Normal 
08 Charm Normal lowers enemy's Attack
13 Bite Dark 
19 Lick Ghost 
26/28 Roar Normal 
34/38 Rage Normal 
43/51 Double-Edge Normal 

Snubbull Granbull 
Height: 0.6 m 1.4 m 
Weight: 7.8 kg 48.7 kg 

Name(s): 211-Qwilfish 
Evolution(s): none 
Type(s): Water/Poison 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Tackle Normal 
--- Poison Sting Poison 
10 Harden Normal 
10 Minimize Normal 
19 Water Gun Water 
28 Pin Missle Bug 
37 Double-Edge Normal 
46 Hydro Pump Water 

Height: 0.5 m 
Weight: 3.9 kg 

Name(s): 213-Shuckle 
Evolution(s): none 
Type(s): Bug/Rock 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Constrict Normal 
--- Withdraw Water 
09 Wrap Normal 
14 Encore Normal clapping hands make enemy repeat last attack
23 Safeguard Normal prevents enemy's next attack
28 Bide Normal
37 Rest Psychic 

Height: 0.6 m 
Weight: 20.5 kg 

Name(s): 214-Heracross 
Evolution(s): none 
Type(s): Bug/Fighting 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Tackle Normal 
--- Leer Normal 
06 Horn Attack Normal 
12 Focus Energy Normal 
19 Fury Attack Normal 
27 Counter Fighting
35 Double-Edge Normal 
44 Reversal Fighting stronger if user's HP is low
54 Megahorn Bug powerful charge attack

Height: 1.5 m 
Weight: 54.0 kg 

Name(s): 215-Sneasel 
Evolution(s): none 
Type(s): Dark /Ice 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Scratch Normal 
--- Leer Normal 
09 Quick Attack Normal 
17 Screech Normal 
25 Faint Attack Dark disappears, then hits enemy 
33 Fury Swipes Normal 
41 Agility Psychic 
49 Slash Normal 
57 Beat Up Dark your healthy Pokémon each add 10 to attack 

Height: 0.9 m 
Weight: 28.0 kg 

Name(s): 216-Teddiursa/217-Ursaring 
Evolution(s): L30 Ursaring 
Type(s): Normal 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Scratch Normal 
--- Leer Normal 
08 Lick Ghost 
15 Fury Swipes Normal 
22 Faint Attack Dark disappears, then hits enemy 
29 Rest Psychic 
36/39 Slash Normal 
43/49 Snore Normal attack ONLY while asleep 
50/59 Thrash Normal 

Teddiursa Ursaring 
Height: 0.6 m 1.8 m 
Weight: 8.8 kg 125.8 kg 

Name(s): 218-Slugma/219-Magcargo 
Evolution(s): L38 Magcargo 
Type(s): Fire, Fire/Rock 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Smog Poison 
08 Ember Fire 
15 Rock Throw Rock 
22 Harden Normal 
29 Amnesia Psychic 
36 Flamethrower Fire 
43/48 Rock Slide Rock
50/60 Body Slam Normal 

Slugma Magcargo 
Height: 0.7 m 0.8 m 
Weight: 35.0 kg 55.0 kg 

Name(s): 220-Swinub/221-Piloswine 
Evolution(s): L33 Piloswine 
Type(s): Ice/Ground 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Tackle Normal 
10 Powder Snow Ice weak Ice attack 
19 Endure Normal 
28 Double-Edge Normal 
X/33 Fury Attack Normal 
37/42 Haze Ice 
46/56 Ice Beam Ice 

Swinub Piloswine 
Height: 0.4 m 1.1 m 
Weight: 6.5 kg 55.8 kg 

Name(s): 222-Corsola 
Evolution(s): none 
Type(s): Rock/Water 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Tackle Normal 
07 Harden Normal 
13 Bubble Water 
19 Recover Normal 
25 Bubblebeam Water 
31 Spike Cannon Normal 
37 Mirror Coat counters a special attack with double damage 
43 Ancient Power Rock rock hits you, may raise all stats

Height: 0.6 m 
Weight: 5.0 kg 

Name(s): 223-Remoraid/224-Octillery 
Evolution(s): L25 Octillery 
Type(s): Water 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Water Gun Water 
11 Lock-On Normal next attack is 100% accurate 
22 Bubblebeam Water 
22 Psybeam Psychic 
22 Aurora Beam Ice 
X/25 Octazooka Water 1 big bubble; large damage
33/38 Focus Energy Normal 
44/54 Ice Beam Ice 
55/70 Hyper Beam Normal 

Remoraid Octillery 
Height: 0.6 m 0.9 m 
Weight: 12.0 kg 28.5 kg 

Name(s): 225-Delibird 
Evolution(s): none 
Type(s): Ice/Flying 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Present Normal a bomb that may restore enemy's HP

Height: 0.9 m 
Weight: 16.0 kg 

Name(s): 226-Mantine 
Evolution(s): none 
Type(s): Water/Flying 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Tackle Normal 
--- Bubble Water 
10 Supersonic Normal 
18 Bubblebeam Water 
25 Double-Edge Normal 
32 Agility Psychic 
40 Wing Attack Flying 
49 Confuse Ray Ghost 

Height: 2.1 m 
Weight: 220.0 kg 

Name(s): 227-Skarmory 
Evolution(s): none 
Type(s): Steel/Flying 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Leer Normal 
--- Peck Flying 
13 Sand Attack Ground 
19 Swift Normal 
25 Agility Psychic 
37 Fury Attack Normal 
49 Steel Wing Steel heavy attack

Height: 1.7 m 
Weight: 50.5 kg 

Name(s): 228-Houndour/229-Houndoom 
Evolution(s): L24 Houndoom 
Type(s): Dark /Fire 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Leer Normal 
--- Ember Fire 
07 Roar Normal 
13 Smog Poison 
20 Bite Dark 
27/30 Faint Attack Dark disappears, then hits enemy 
35/41 Flamethrower Fire 
43/52 Crunch Dark major damage 

Houndour Houndoom 
Height: 0.6 m 1.4 m 
Weight: 10.8 kg 35.0 kg 

Name(s): 231-Phanpy/232-Donphan 
Evolution(s): L25 Donphan 
Type(s): Ground 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Tackle Normal 
--- Growl Normal 
09 Defense Curl Normal 
17 Flail Normal stronger if user's HP is low 
25 Double-Edge Normal 
X/25 Fury Attack Normal 
33/33 Rollout Rock each turn, damage doubles 
41/X Focus Energy Normal 
X/41 Rapid Spin Normal spins and hits enemy
49/X Take Down Normal 
X/49 Earthquake Ground 

Phanpy Donphan 
Height: 0.5 m 1.1 m 
Weight: 33.5 kg 120.0 kg 

Name(s): 234-Stantler 
Evolution(s): none 
Type(s): Normal 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Tackle Normal 
08 Leer Normal 
15 Hypnosis Psychic 
23 Stomp Normal 
31 Sand Attack Ground 
40 Double-Edge Normal 
49 Confuse Ray Ghost 

Height: 1.4 m 
Weight: 71.2 kg 

Name(s): 235-Smeargle 
Evolution(s): none 
Type(s): Normal 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Sketch Normal 1 pp, copies the enemy's move permanently
11 Sketch Normal 1 pp, copies the enemy's move permanently
21 Sketch Normal 1 pp, copies the enemy's move permanently
31 Sketch Normal 1 pp, copies the enemy's move permanently
41 Sketch Normal 1 pp, copies the enemy's move permanently
51 Sketch Normal 1 pp, copies the enemy's move permanently
61 Sketch Normal 1 pp, copies the enemy's move permanently
71 Sketch Normal 1 pp, copies the enemy's move permanently
81 Sketch Normal 1 pp, copies the enemy's move permanently
91 Sketch Normal 1 pp, copies the enemy's move permanently

Height: 1.2 m 
Weight: 58.0 kg 

Name(s): 236-Tyrogue 
Evolution(s): L20 Hitmonchan or L20 Hitmonlee or L20 Hitmontop, depending on Attack vs Defense
Type(s): Fighting 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Tackle Normal 

Height: 0.7 m 
Weight: 21.0 kg 

Name(s): 237-Hitmontop 
Evolution(s): none 
Type(s): Fighting 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Rolling Kick Fighting 
07 Focus Energy Normal 
13 Pursuit Dark hits retreating enemy hard
19 Quick Attack Normal 
25 Rapid Spin Normal spins and hits enemy
31 Counter Fighting
37 Agility Psychic 
43 Detect Fighting evades attacks that turn
49 Triple Kick Fighting 3 kicks 

Height: 1.4 m 
Weight: 48.0 kg 

Name(s): 238-Smoochum 
Evolution(s): L30 Jynx 
Type(s): Ice/Psychic 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Pound Normal 
--- Lick Ghost 
09 Sweet Kiss Normal kiss confuses enemy 
13 Powder Snow Ice weak Ice attack 
21 Confusion Psychic 
25 Sing Normal 
33 Mean Look Normal blocks switching/running 
37 Psychic Psychic 
45 Perish Song Normal 3-turn countdown; if either Pokémon is still out, it is auto-KO'd 
49 Blizzard Ice 

Height: 0.4 m 
Weight: 6.0 kg 

Name(s): 239-Elekid 
Evolution(s): L30 Electabuzz 
Type(s): Electric 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Quick Attack Normal 
--- Leer Normal 
09 Thunderpunch Electric 
17 Light Screen Psychic 
25 Swift Normal 
33 Screech Normal 
41 Thunderbolt Electric 
49 Thunder Electric 

Height: 0.6 m 
Weight: 23.5 kg 

Name(s): 240-Magby 
Evolution(s): L30 Magmar 
Type(s): Fire 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Ember Fire 
--- Leer Normal 
13 Smog Poison 
19 Fire Punch Fire 
25 Smokescreen Normal 
31 Sunny Day Fire powers up fire attacks for 5 turns
37 Flamethrower Fire 
43 Confuse Ray Ghost 
49 Fire Blast Fire 

Height: 0.7 m 
Weight: 21.4 kg 

Name(s): 241-Miltank 
Evolution(s): none 
Type(s): Normal 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Tackle Normal 
04 Growl Normal 
08 Defense Curl Normal 
13 Stomp Normal 
19 Milk Drink Normal restores HP by 1/2 of full
26 Bide Normal
34 Rollout Rock each turn, damage doubles 
43 Body Slam Normal 
53 Heal Bell Normal eliminates all status problems

Height: 1.2 m 
Weight: 75.5 kg 

Name(s): 243-Raikou 
Evolution(s): none 
Type(s): Electric 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Bite Dark 
--- Leer Normal 
11 Thundershock Electric 
21 Roar Normal 
31 Quick Attack Normal 
41 Spark Electric moderate Electric attack 
51 Reflect Psychic 
61 Crunch Dark major damage 
71 Thunder Electric 

Height: 1.9 m 
Weight: 178.0 kg 

Name(s): 244-Entei 
Evolution(s): none 
Type(s): Fire 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Bite Dark 
--- Leer Normal 
11 Ember Fire 
21 Roar Normal 
31 Fire Spin Fire 
41 Stomp Normal 
51 Flamethrower Fire 
61 Swagger Normal confuses your Pokémon but greatly raises Attack
71 Fire Blast Fire 

Height: 2.1 m 
Weight: 198.0 kg 

Name(s): 245-Suicune 
Evolution(s): none 
Type(s): Water 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Bite Dark 
--- Leer Normal 
11 Water Gun Water 
21 Roar Normal 
31 Gust Flying 
41 Bubblebeam Water 
51 Mist Ice 
61 Mirror Coat counters a special attack with double damage 
71 Hydro Pump Water 

Height: 2.0 m 
Weight: 187.0 kg 

Name(s): 246-Larvitar/247-Pupitar/248-Tyranitar 
Evolution(s): L30 Pupitar, L55 Tyranitar 
Type(s): Rock/Ground, Rock/Ground, Rock/Dark 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Bite Dark 
--- Leer Normal 
08 Sandstorm Rock damages all non-Ground types for multiple turns  
15 Screech Normal 
22 Rock Slide Rock
29 Thrash Normal 
36/38 Scary Face Normal lowers enemy's speed
43/47 Crunch Dark major damage 
50/56/61 Earthquake Ground 
57/65/75 Hyper Beam Normal 

Larvitar Pupitar Tyranitar 
Height: 0.6 m 1.2 m 2.0 m 
Weight: 72.0 kg 152.0 kg 202.0 kg 

Name(s): 249-Lugia 
Evolution(s): none 
Type(s): Psychic/Flying 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Aeroblast Flying big beam 
11 Safeguard Normal prevents enemy's next attack
22 Gust Flying 
33 Recover Normal 
44 Hydro Pump Water 
55 Rain Dance Water powers up water attacks for 5 turns
66 Swift Normal 
77 Whirlwind Normal 
88 Ancient Power Rock rock hits you, may raise all stats
99 Future Sight Psychic attack hits on 3rd turn

Height: 5.2 m 
Weight: 216.0 kg 

Name(s): 250- Houou 
Evolution(s): none 
Type(s): Fire/Flying 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Sacred Fire Fire big fire attack 
11 Safeguard Normal prevents enemy's next attack
22 Gust Flying
33 Recover Normal 
44 Fire Blast Fire 
55 Sunny Day Fire powers up fire attacks for 5 turns
66 Swift Normal 
77 Whirlwind Normal 
88 Ancient Power Rock rock hits you, may raise all stats
99 Future Sight Psychic attack hits on 3rd turn

Height: 3.8 m 
Weight: 199.0 kg 

Name(s): 251-Celebi
Evolution(s): none 
Type(s): Psychic/Grass 
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Leech Seed Grass 
--- Confusion Psychic 
--- Heal Bell Normal eliminates all status problems
--- Recover Normal 
10 Safeguard Normal prevents enemy's next attack
20 Ancient Power Rock rock hits you, may raise all stats
30 Future Sight Psychic attack hits on 3rd turn
40 Baton Pass Normal auto-switch your Pokémon while keeping stat changes
50 Perish Song Normal 3-turn countdown; if either Pokémon is still out, it is auto-KO'd