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Here are my favorite links, Pokémon or otherwise. Please go visit them. You don't really have to. I mean, they aren't my sites, so why should I care?

But seriously, check 'em out. They're on here for a reason.

Squirtle Board Site

Spamming Squirtles

Pokémon Links

The Official Pokémon Headquarters

The Pokémon Crater


Spearow's Pokémon Page

Blastoise's Pokémon Information Center

PokeHelp G/S

The Poké-Gym

Pokémon House

Pokémon Watchers' Archive

Message Boards

StarrPika's Forum

Gamer's Forum

Video Gamer X's Message Boards (AKA Khakain) DEAD!

DBZ Vegeta Style

Non-Pokémon Links

The Woofcat Network

DBZ Vegeta Style

Silver & Gold Info | Silver & Gold Info cont. | Silver & Gold Pics
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