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Here is the section of my site where all the rules and procedures that take place during a request or a trade are explain.

          This are the most important rules on how to order.
    1. Please no mixing and matching of tapes. Example: I will not mix episodes 120,221,96 on one tape. You must order the tape that each episode is on. I will only mix and match episodes if we are trading. E-mail me and I'll tell you if I can do it.
    2. The cost of each tape is listed in the price section of the site if you want order from me. I will trade if you have something that I like. This is not business for me, the purpose of this site is to help other people see the true world of Dragon Ball
    3. I ship via Priority mail.
    4. Cash is used at your own risk, i'm not responsible for lost cash. I accept Money    Orders, no checks because they take too long to clear.
    5. I will work on your order as soon as I recieve payment or the tapes.
    6. You must E-mail me first, for permission. When I grant permission I will send you the address to which you can send the money or tapes.
    7. The tape minimum is 2 and there is no set limit.
    8. After you got the rules set, go down and see how to make a request,  and check out what you gotta do.
    9. If you want to trade: Email me (there's enough links to e-mail me) what you want from me, and tell me what you are willing to trade for it or send me your website URL. In the subject box for the Email put, "Trade"
   10. Turnaround time is usually between 3 and 18 days. This depends on how many you order, the more you order the longer it will take. This also depends on how busy I am. Turnaround time begins when I recieve your payment. Add three day to the estimated turnaround time, for shipping, and that's how long it will take to get your order.
   11. If you have bought or traded tapes from me, I will often give deals or free tapes with your next order. This should encourage you to order from me again! Also if we have traded before, I will send the tapes the same time as you do, I have to build my confidence in you.

           How to make a request :
When requesting an order, please send me an EMAIL with your:
1) Name
2) Address
3) The specific episodes you are requesting
4) Number of tapes you are requesting
5) E-mail address
6) Form of payment
here is a sample request:
1) John Smith
2) 1234 Dragonball St.
Mt Paozu CA 00000
3) DragonballZ 66-69, 70-73, DBZ Movie 12, DragonballGT 1-4
4) 4 Tapes
6) Money order

If you do not follow the rules when making a request, your request may be deleted. (to be fair to those who read the rules and read through the site before requesting)
you will know your order has been approved when i respond with further instructions.
DO NOT send in multiple requests, they will be deleted! And Please do not request daily, they too will be deleted.

   Tips on how to make your order approved faster
*Please make sure that you have the right info in your request, and don't leave anything out. Many people forget to put their city, state, and zip.
*Have your questions answered before making a request. Requests with questions are usually not approved right away. When emailing with questions, put "question" in the subject line.
*Request from the email address you want me to respond to.
*Put "request" in your subject line of your email.
*List episodes you are requesting as 66-69, 70-73 instead of 66-73.
* Follow directions, requests that don't may be delayed or deleted.
Now on with the rest of the rules..
• I only tape in SP modes. Tapes have to be ordered as listed.
• Please do not ask me to tape mixed up episodes.
• I use TDK-EHG(extra high grade) Or TDK-DSP for taping. You'll need to specify which tape you want in your request.
• I use Priority Mail. This usually takes 2-3 days, sometimes more of shipping time.
• I accept money orders or cash (cash at your own risk). I prefer Postal money orders and cash. No checks or credit cards.

   Grading Scale
• A - Excellent Picture. Very Very Clear.
• B - Very Good Quality. Not as good as A, very few glitches, picture is still very good. Subtitles are still very clear.
• C - Good picture, some fuzziness, picture is good and subtitles are still clear.
• D - Fair Quality. Subtitles are readable, but may not be very clear. Picture may be more fuzzy and blurry, subtitles may be hard to read at times.
• F - Don't get anything in this grade.

   Trading rules..
 1. If you trade one or more tapes with me, please do not lie about the quality. Do not say it's an A when it's really a C. If you are trading with me, and if you do lie about the quality, i will send the tape back and not finish the trade. I'm not real strict on this, but and A grade and a C is completely different. And sometimes i trade to get a better quality tape.
 2. i will not start off a trade.
 3. Please do not use cheap generic or used old tapes. (i've actually had this happen) Please use TDK EHG or TDK HiFi, and i will use the same tapes that you do. Or i will send your tape back.
Please do not ask to trade unless you are ready to send the tape off within a week or so from exchanging addresses.