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u p d a t e s

c o w b o y
a n i m e
o r i g i n a l
g u e s t

l i n k s
c o n t a c t

Pss....I apologize for the crappiness of the scans. Also, I'm a big JuliaxSpike fan, so you'll probably see a lot of that here.

September 12
Spike and Ed
Rapper Faye
Meifa sketch

April 27
ED Because you can't have Bebop without Ed. Seriously. Messy little nothing color sketch.
Julia and Chicken Soup Gift art to Agent Orange, for writing such shiznittingly good fanfiction.:)
Faye Sketch I kinda like how this came out... I think I'm finally settling on a style. I like the eyes.:)
Julia and Vicious Mwa ha ha. This was a lesson in hair-highlighting. Spike may be cooler than Vicious, but the evil guy's got perdy hair.^^^

March 2002-
CG Faye(Wow... my first real one. ^_^)

February 2002-
Cool Spike
Gypsy Faye
Spike and Julia, love love
Meifa Sketch
Meifa Sketch, freso style

December 2001-
Pretty, shoujo Julia
Spike and Julia
Spike, sitting on a couch
Sketches of the three CB adults
Technicolor Spike


"The Egg and Us"
Page 1
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Page 4
Short, short J+S gag. I'm just happy I drew this before I saw the Real Folk Blues... man, I would have been way too bummed to draw this kind of thing afterward.