Goku is recovering from the battle against Vegeta while Vegeta is in his space-pod retreating back to Frieza's planet. Popo (Kami's assistant) appears and tells the cast of the existence of Namek's Dragonballs. With this news, Bulma tries to get Nappa's space pod to work, and accidently blows it up! But again Popo comes to the rescue, and shows them Kami's ship with which he travelled to Earth on. Bulma, Gohan, and Krillin prepare a voyage to Namek to gather the other Dragonballs. New hopes arise for the hope of wishing back the deceased warriors Yamcha, Piccolo, Tien and Chiaotzu. The three thenn fly away in the space ship to go to Namek. The journey begins when the Z warriors are captured by nomad aliens who think that the Z's are part of a group of people led by some Frieza. The misunderstanding is resolved when Krillin and Gohan save the aliens when going through a meteor shower. Than they land on a planet that they mistaken as Namek. The two aliens on this planet can read minds so they make up a journey to get some fake dragonballs. They trick them into getting caught so they could steal the Z warriors ship and get off the planet. Well Gohan and Krillin get the ship back and leave. Than they finally arrive on Namek. But they discover that they have company on Namek. The company being known as Frieza is also on Namek. Vegeta meanwhile has gotten to planet Frieza and is getting regenerated. He get's regenerated than leaves for Namek. Freeza along with Vegeta want the dragonballs to wish for immortality. But they are enemies. Frieza already has 4 of the 7 dragonballs when Krillin and Gohan get to Namek. Bulma hides and informs her father Dr. Brief of what's happeneing on Namek. Goku get's some senzu beans from Yajirobe and he get's fully recovered. Dr. Brief makes a ship for Goku to fly in to reach Namek to help. Well anyways Gohan and Krillin go to check out who Frieza is while he's attacking a Namek village. Freeza is accompanied by 2 warriors that seem very strong. Frieza is a little alien that looks and sounds like a woman. One of his men is Dodoria a big fat pink monster that is very strong. The other is Zarbon a green alien that looks sorta human. He's a girly boy though. Well anyways Dodoria is about to kill a child Namek named Dende when Gohan get's fed up and rushes in to save Dende. Krillin comes in and saves Dende and they fly away. They get chased by Dodoria for a bit but they get away. At this time Vegeta is fighting his old nemesis Cui, this purple alien thing. Well Cui makes fun of Vegeta for having a low power level but Vegeta proves that he has a higher power level and sends Cui to another dimension. After killing Cui, he meets up with Dodoria on the way back. They fight and Vegeta defeats Dodoria to!! Before killing Dodoria , Dodoria pleads for his life in exchange for a secret. The secret was that Vegeta's home planet Planet Vegeta wasn't destroyed by a meteor rather Frieza destroyed it. Vegeta didn't really care about this news and he killed Dodoria anyways. Anyways around this time Goku is in space training in 100x earth's gravity! This is making him extremly powerful. And King Kai informs Goku that Tien, Chiaotzu, Yamcha and Piccolo have arrived to recieve his special training. Well Vegeta makes a plan that if he get's one dragonball than freeza can't make his wish. So Vegeta goes to a Namek village and kills the Nameks to get a Dragonball. He hides it in a nearby lake. After that he encounters Zarbon. The two fight and Vegeta is winning. But than Zarbon transforms into a powerful monster and beats the heck out of Vegeta. He takes vegeta and brings him to Frieza's ship to heal him, since they need to know where the other Dragonball is. Well after recovering Vegeta steals all of Frieza's Dragonballs. Frieza is furious and calls for the Ginyu Force. Frieza's unbeatable force of warriors. Zarbon gets mad and wants to prove himself to Frieza so he leaves to go after Vegeta. At this time Krillin arrives back at the cave with a Dragonball he got from the eldest namek Guru. And Gohan left to get the Dragonball that Vegeta left in the lake. Well Vegeta goes after Krillin and takes Krillin's Dragonball. But thenn Zarbon meets up with him. They fight and Vegeta is winning again. Zarbon transfroms and still gets beat by Vegeta. Vegeta flies away with the Dragonball. Well Gohan get's the other dragonball from the lake and is met by Vegeta. Gohan hides the Dragonball and puts it behind a cliff. Then Vegeta knees him in the stomach and leaves. Gohan goes back to the others (Bulma and Krillin) victorious with the Dragonball. Krillin has already unleashed his hidden power by Guru. And he brings Gohan to get his powers unleashed. Vegeta meets with Krillin and Gohan at Guru's house and offers them an alliance. He senses the arrival of the Ginyu Force. The Dragonballs are all gathered and Vegeta is about to wish for immortality to defeat the unbeatable force. They are too late, the Ginyu Force has already arrived. The Ginyu Force is Captain Ginyu who is a big purple alien with horns, Guldo a little green alien with three eyes who has the ability to freeze time but besides that he is a wimp, Recoome who is a big ogre guy with unbelievable power, Jiece who is a little red guy with long hair he looks like a rocker from the 80's, and the last is Berter who is the biggest of the bunch he's a big blue alien and is known as the fastest in the universe. Well to keep the Ginyu Force from making a wish Vegeta, Gohan and Krillin try to destroy a Dragonball but it is intercepted by Berter, the fastest in the universe. Then Captain Ginyu flies away with the Dragonballs to bring them to Frieza. The rest of the Ginyu Force is left behind to fight the Z warriors. Well Gohan and Krillin fight the wimpy Guldo and Guldo proves to be a wimp and all he can do is run away by using his Time Freeze attack. Well after awhile of running he eventually get's lucky and uses his Mind Freeze attack which freezes them in mid-air. Well he's about to make Z warrior shiscabob when Vegeta flies out of nowhere and shoots a beam at Guldo's head which instantly kills him. Than the remaining Ginyu members play rock paper scissors to decide who fights next. It comes out that Recoome has to fight. Recoome beats the heck out of Vegeta and almost kills Krillin and Gohan. Than out of nowhere Goku arrives! He saves Gohan and gives senzu beans to Vegeta, Krillin and Gohan. Goku toys with Recoome by showing his super speed than he elbows Recoome once in the stomach and defeats him! Vegeta marvels at Goku and wonders if Goku is the legendary Super Saiyan. Well angered Jiece and Berter team up on Goku he easily defeats them to!! Jiece get's away to inform Captain Ginyu and Vegeta kills off Recoome and Berter. At this time Captain Ginyu gave the Dragonballs to Frieza and Frieza went to Guru to find out how to use them. At the ship, Jiece meets up with Captain Ginyu and Captain Ginyu goes to fight Goku. Frieza tries to threaten Guru to tell him how to use the Dragonballs but Guru won't tell him. The strongest Namekian, Nail begins to fight Frieza to stall time. Nail is getting whooped. Freeza than learns that Nail was only fighting to stall time because at this time the Dragonballs have been stolen! Freeza get's furious and almost kills Nail. Captain Ginyu begins to fight Goku and Vegeta fights Jiece. Vegeta defeats and kills Jiece. But the fight between Goku and Captain Ginyu isn't so easy. Goku is easily defeating Captain Ginew and as a last resort Captain Ginyu does his body switch move. Goku and Captain Ginyu suddenly change bodies. Everyone is confused but eventually learn of who is who. Vegeta begins to beat on Goku's body with Captain Ginyu in it. Captain Ginyu is made to do the switch again. But Goku throws a frog in front of the attack and Captain Ginyu switches bodies with a frog!! And Goku got his real body back. Goku is taken to a regenerating tank to get healed. Vegeta gives Gohan and Krillin some Saiyan armor to wear. They get the Dragonballs and make a wish using Dende. (The wishes must be made in Namekian language) Well the first wish is for Piccolo to be revived. The second is for Piccolo to be teleported to Namek. And Vegeta is about to make his wish for immortality, when the Dragonballs turn to stone! It seems that Guru has died and now the Dragonballs are worthless. Well Piccolo arrives on Namek and on his way to help he meets up with Nail. Nail is about to die and asks Piccolo to fuse with him. Piccolo is skeptical but fuses. They permantly mix bodies and Piccolo's power level increases! Piccolo now believes he can't be beaten and goes and joins the fight. Now Frieza arrives and he is understandably ticked off. Frieza begins to fight. He almost kills everyone but Piccolo. Piccolo is standing up somehow. And Freeza boasts that he is only in his first form and that he can change forms 3 more times. He changes form and starts to woop Piccolo. Freeza begins to get confused how everyone keeps getting up after his attacks and he learns that Dende has been secretly healing everyone. Well anyways Vegeta makes Krillin shoot him to fataly kill him but survive. Because when a Saiyan is almost killed his power level increases greatly. So he does this but Dende won't heal him. After some talking into, Dende heals Vegeta. Now Vegeta is very powerful. Frieza sees Dende heal Vegeta and get's enraged and kills Dende. The fight goes on and the only damage done to Frieza is when Krillin cut off half of Frieza's tail with a Destructo Disc. Well Goku finally heals and he arrives. Frieza laughs about how Goku can't save them. Frieza boasts that he could beat Goku using only 50% of his power which he has been using all alone. Goku fights him and he is doing good. But Frieza powers up to Freeza form 3! And the fight becomes more even. Than he turns into Perfect Frieza because he can't defeat Goku. Goku begins to lose and makes a huge Spirit Bomb to use on Frieza. He hits Frieza head on and everyone begins to celebrate. But Frieza survived and he gets out with a vengeance he kills Vegeta. Vegeta pleads with Goku to kill Frieza and avenge the Saiyans. Goku says he will and buries Vegeta. Next Frieza shoots a beam straight through Piccolo almost killing him. Than he looks at Krillin and Krillin begins to raise into the air. Krillin then explodes!! Goku looks on in disbelief. Than Frieza says, "Who is next, your son?" At this Goku begins to fill with rage. He tells Gohan to take the surviving Piccolo to the space ship to get away. As they fly away Gohan looks back at his father. Goku begins to glow a gold color and his hair flashes gold. He looks at Frieza and goes insane turning Super Saiyan. Goku is left to do one on one combat with Frieza. Goku evades all of Frieza's attacks. Frieza begins to get scared that he might lose. So he makes a fireball aimed to destroy the whole planet He flies to the air and fires it. The planet starts falling apart. And it is 5 minutes till Namek explodes. At this time on King Kai's planet King Kai asks King Yama to bring the Ginyu Force to his planet to test his warriors. Yamcha, Tien and Chiaotzu had gotten strong enough to defeat the Ginyu Force! And they are sent to Hell. Now that Piccolo has been revived, Kami is also alive. He contacts King Kai and they make a plan to get the earth Dragonballs and revive everyone who died on Namek. Then the Nameks would come back to life and the Namek Dragonballs would be useful again. Well they do this wish and Porunga (the namek dragon) is awaiting everyone on Namek. Frieza sees this and races to it along with Vegeta who was wished back they want immortality and also Dende races to it. Frieza gets there first but his wish is not granted because he did it in the wrong language. And Dende's wish is granted which was changed by goku to leave himself and Frieza behind to fight. Goku fights Frieza and is winning. Frieza begins to know he is no match for the Super Saiyan. In a pathetic attack Freeza fires two energy disks at Goku. Goku maneuvers around them and they come back and cut Frieza in two. Goku gives Frieza some energy to live. And Frieza uses it to make a fireball to kill Goku. Goku counters it and it is overwhelmed. Then Namek explodes. After this a space ship passes by with a man named King Cold in it. He is Frieza's father and he makes his men get Freeza's remains and they rebuild Frieza using robot parts. Now Frieza is Cyborg Frieza. They go to Earth to get revenge on the ones who defeated him. And thus begins the Android/Cell Saga.


Email: dragonballz53@dbzmail.com