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Carrara Spline Modeler Pipe Extrusion Tutorial


 I had a few problems trying to get a good pipe extrusion in the Spline modeler. This is why and how to go about fixing it. First look at point three, this is the first cross-section. Point 2 is pointing to the path the top view in the upper left shows the path from the top. Point 1 shows the crossection at the corner, notice the size difference between point 3 and 1. Both crossection are the exact same size for some reason Carrara makes the corner crossection larger.                                           


This is the default setting for Extrusion envelope (NONE) change it to (FREE).

Notice the change in the screen, the green and blue lines are the extrusion envelope. The squares on the green line show where crossection are placed in conjunction with the path line (purple line). The filled square is the active square. Look closely at the green lines on the left notice how they curve inward toward the path line this is the cause of the distortion in your extruded part. The right side has already been corrected. To correct the all you have to do is move the square until you get a straight green line. However look at the left view the blue lines are envelope lines also the right side has already been corrected, but the left side needs to be corrected.

This view shows all envelopes corrected and you can see the straight pipe extrusion without any distortion.

That all for now.