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Untitled List Fiction
submitted by Bokono Maii Huro

By the wonderful people of the Final Fantasy Worship Mailing List



"My arm's tired... you almost done?" Cloud looked underneath the bed he was holding up for Cid. Tifa's birthday was tomorrow and since Cid was never that great at remembering dates, he thought it would be a good idea to get her gift one month in advance. The thing was, he had no idea where he hid the present.

"Hold on! I'm sure it's under here. Damncluttershouldn'tletitgetthatmessyinth'firstplace!" Cid responded. Just then, he remembered and just then, he slammed his head on the bottom of the bed. "Fuck!"

"You alright?" Cloud peaked under the bed again. It was like a whole different world under there. There were exotic animals and plants and mountains and everything you could possibly imagine! Cid wasn't the messy sort, but when it came to the world under the bed, the rules just didn't apply. "What happened?"

"I hit my head," and Cid popped out. "It's not under here. I remember where I put it"

"Thank god," he sighed as he put the bed down. After giving Cid a kiss on top of his head he asked, "Well, where is it?"


Cid smiled and jumped to his feet, somewhat sad to abandon all the fascinating creatures that lived under the bed. He ran over to the closet, opened it up, and pulled out a medium-sized square box with shiny blue wrapping paper, turquoise ribbons, and... curious-looking little holes poked throughout the top and sides of the box. Cid peeked in, and smiled as the box meowed.

"You got her a cat?" Cloud said with more than a little glee. "She'll be overjoyed!"

"I couldn't really think of anything else she'd like... I know she loves animals. But those little demons under the bed are just plain evil, and dogs smell. Besides, only we can see the demons under the bed, methinks."

"You're a riot, Cid Highwind."

"Uhm... thanks?" Cid said, unsure of exactly what Cloud meant by that. He shot Cloud quite a look and set the box on the nightstand next to the bed. "Don't worry, he's got food and stuff," Cid noted.

"Cid... you know, it sure has been awhile since we last, you know... made love." Cloud looked at Cid mischeviously, almost seductively.

-Kitsuko (proud to cross that little red line)-

Cid laughed. "Yeah. Would j'ya look at that! Almost 24 hours." Cid tisked. "Only three more hours to go."

"Yes, but... more importantly, how long have you kept that cat in that box? You got the gift a month ago and it's been hidden long enough for you to forget where you put it? Is the kitten healthy?" Cloud looked at Cid with sad eyes. "How could you keep the poor thing in a closet?? And what made you think that you would put it under the bed?"

-Bokono (i pay a little too much attention to the details, ne?)

"I was talking about the /other/ gift, you dolt!" Cid snickered. "Who do you think I am? He's only been in there for two days, and I've been feeding him..."

"You got her /two/ gifts, Cid? Aren't we being a bit generous here?" Cloud looked at Cid with a tinge of artificial jealousy. "Do I sense feelings of love here for a certain Miss Lockheart?"

"Of -course- not, Cloud! We have a purely platonic relationship, you should know that." Cid frowned. "As for that /other/ gift... I have no idea where it is. I'll just have to give it to her some other time. The cat should be enough for now."

"Oh, geez, Cid... I'm afraid that Tifa will hate you and cast you into the tenth circle of hell." Cloud giggled. "I guess that what she doesn't know about, she won't miss... but I do feel bad."

"Love, please don't say that. I'm sure she'll be delighted by what you've gotten her." "I certainly do hope so..."


Cid stirred in his sleep. He opened his eyes slowly. Cloud's silky blue hair was a blur in Cid's vision. Just a dream. Thank god. Cid loved Cloud, but he would hate it if he ever got caught up in a relationship like /that/.

Yes, he did love Cloud. He would never say anything about it. They were friends. He could ruin a perfectly great friendship if he ever said anything. They were best friends who were always there for each other. They were the closest friends in the world. They even shared a bed. That was enough... right?

-bokono (wanted to make this one serious...)

//What kind of sadist jerk would keep a cat in a closet?// Cid thought, trying to contain his tired laughter. //Weird people get weird dreams,// he reasoned. He stretched and looked at the clock, and as the numbers came into focus, he saw that it was shortly after 3:30 in the morning. "Shit," he said softly to himself. //One hell of a time to wake up,// he thought. He closed his eyes again. In five minutes, he was sound asleep again.

"Cid... Cid, wake up..." Cloud said as he gently shook him awake. Cid opened those pretty blue eyes of his and closed them again, feeling as though he had just gotten to sleep again. Fortunately, no more alternate-universe dreams come into his mind in the last five hours of sleep he's gotten. Hopefully he got at least eight last night.

"Barret made breakfast again," Cloud said with a touch of sarcasm. "We wouldn't want to miss that."

"No, I guess not. Nothing like his famous Jamacian-style black pancakes, huh?" Cid almost felt sick as he remembered the last time Barret cooked. "Ew."


"SHH! If he hears you, he will surely behead you!" Cloud laughed. "And they are 'golden' ...not black." They could both hear Barret's beckonings from the distance.

"YO! Get a move on it!"

Many nights and many mornings like this came again and again. Nothing ever seemed to happen. Nothing exciting, anyways.

All this was about to change...


Cid pressed buttons on the TV remote control aimlessly, just as he had been doing for the past two hours. He had been experiencing such ennui more and more frequently, and if this were to continue- well, he'd just have to find something better to do.

But Cid had little to do here in Junon. Nothing needed to be fixed, no one needed to go anywhere, no one needed complicated math equations from there to Wutai solved, and he didn't have anyone to boss around. Even if he did choose to boss anyone around, he'd have to be ready for quite the deathmatch- unlike Shera, who seldom carried around anything but a frying pan or a wrench. //And even those proved to be formidable weapons,// Cid thought as he remembered the scar on his right cheek.

//Bored, bored, bored.//

Cloud lay asleep on the couch next to Cid, probably tired out from the recent heat and boredom. Too bad they were all just short of enough money to get a decent air conditioning system. The SNN weatherman said that the temperatures in Junon had reached the 100's in the past week, and it wasn't letting up anytime soon. There was, though, the occasional midsummer thunderstorm, which usually temporarily knocked the power out in lower Junon.

//Damn electric towers.//

But just then, as the stoic weatherman once again finished his dreary predictions, a faint glimmer of hope- that maybe, just maybe, Cid Highwind's boredom would be alleviated came. A knock on the door. It wasn't much, probably the mailman or the crazy old fisherman next door, but it gave him the chance to get his tired, hot body up and moving. He stood up, being careful not to awaken Cloud, and answered it.

-Kitsuko (lovin 'dem cliffhangers)-

Before Cid knew it, he was on the floor. His head throbbed. He looked up. Something was coming. Closer and closer. It all seemed like it was in slow motion. The black figure sped towards Cid's face until it met. Cid was no longer conscious.

Rude dragged Cid out of the house, careful not to make any noise. Once out, he gestured for Reno to move in and get the other one. Once Getting Cloud, Cid, and Barret out of there, raiding the house would be simple. Fun missions like this were great. The Turks rarely got any pleasure out of their work.



Cloud, no longer sleeping, sat up with such a speed that rivaled Wutai's finest martial artists. Without thinking, he grabbed something he saw out of his peripheral vision- which, he realized only nanoseconds later, was no other than the arm of Jonathan Reno. And at the end of this arm was a nice, shiny piece of black metal, pressing into Cloud's temple. He squeezed his eyes shut, hoping that this was just another dream, and that he would wake up soon. But this was no dream, it was a living nightmare.

The pressure of the gun to Cloud's head already created a fair amount of dull pain. "Good morning," Reno said tauntingly, brushing a stroke of fire-engine red hair out of his eyes with his free hand. Cloud silently made the decision that he would not say a word unless specifically told to. If his friends were in trouble, what good would he be if he were killed? "This shouldn't be too hard," Reno said, pulling Cloud off the couch with his free arm. "Stand up," he said, gun still pointed at Cloud's head. Cloud stood up quickly, shutting his eyes once again as dizziness took him. After regaining his focus, he looked at Reno, who was handcuffing him from behind.

"Well, you're not putting up much of a fight," Reno said as he locked the handcuffs into place. "Guess that's the smart thing to do. We Turks can be pretty brutal if orders aren't followed without a fight." Reno led Cloud outside, and the two were silent until they reached the middle of the walkway, where Cloud stopped. Reno gave him a questioning glance. "What'd you stop for?" Cloud swallowed, remembering that Cid wasn't in the living room when he woke up, but there was quite a bloodstain on the floor by the front door. He was too shocked from the Turks' arrival to realize it until now, but Cid could be in some big trouble.

"Where's Cid?" Reno gave no response, and continued to drag Cloud to the black van that was parked in the front yard. He threw Cloud in through the back, and there was his answer. Cid lay in a battered heap on the floor, blood still dripping from a fairly deep gash in his head. He opened his eyes wearily. "Oh god..." Cloud said as Reno slammed the back doors shut.


Cloud reached out to hold Cid and flinched at a sudden pain. He looked at his bleeding wrist with one half of a broken handcuff on each side. The link between the cuffs must have gotten caught on something sharp on Cloud's belt and broke easily when he reached out for Cid. Shinra never bothered to put much money into such things.

Cloud decided to ignore the small scratches around his wrists. He cradled Cid's head in his arms. The black van started off on its course back to Shinra. Reno wouldn't worry about Barret just yet. It would be too risky to have all three of them together. He would take them back to Shin-ra and let the president take care of them. Then he and Rude would worry about Barret.


Cid stared at Cloud blankly, conscious, but spaced out. He weakly reached up to wipe a trickle of blood out of his eyes, his heart twisting at the realization that soon enough, they would be at the Shinra headquarters, and that the gods only knew what would become of them when they were sent to see president Shinra. Tales of sadism, violence, and rape flowed into his mind whenever the name 'Rufus Shinra' was said. Hopefully these were only rumors designed to decrease the young presidents' popularity.

"Your handcuffs... pretty cheap," Cid said with a smirk. "It's locked, though. From outside."

"Yeah, I know." Cloud paused. "You alright?"

"I'll be fine. Just a bump," he said. The van started, and the four were on their way to Shinra. Once they were there, the amount of security on the premises would determine how long it would take, if ever, for them to escape. Cloud hoped that at least they would get a doctor to look at Cid. He was almost positive that Rufus wanted them alive.

-Kitsuko, she of few words-

Reno approached Rufus. Rufus, as usuall, was sitting at his desk on the top floor of the Shin-ra building. His hair was unusually messy today. Reno figured he had just finished with one of the prisoners recently caught. He was one of their own, caught snooping around on an unauthorized private floor. Obviously he had stolen the keycard. "We have Cloud and Cid in our possession," Reno stated, a hint of glee in his voice. He rarely ever did anything that pleased the President. He was hoping that this time he had. "Rude is with them downstairs."

Rufus' eyes lit up. He doubted his Turks, and when they did something right it was a moment worth noting. "Really?" Reno nodded. He had done it! He had pleased the president. Surely he would be rewarded. "Well, which one do you want?" Rufus said, almost casually.

"Excuse me?" Reno was puzzled.

"You know what I mean, Jon. I'm giving you a choice. Take whichever one of them you like.

Reno understood. "Th-thank you, sir," this was his reward. Although he was expecting a raise, this would definitely do. Reno could be just as sick and twisted as the President himself.

"Well? Which will it be?"

Reno had to think. It was hard to decide which he found more attractive. He might say Cloud, because of his youthfulness and his innocent appearance. But he liked just the opposite in Cid. Cid came across as rough, more manly.

Cloud was beautiful. Cid was handsome. Cloud was more aggressive and would definitely put up a fight. He was sure of that. He knew from experience that Cid wouldn't fight but would rather get it over with.

He needed something new. Cloud it was. His struggling may make it more fun. "Cloud."

"Alright. You have Cloud." The President's smile was evil. "Have Rude bring them up." //Cid... what is this... my eighth time already?// Rufus snickered.


Cid didn't struggle as Rude led him and Cloud up the stairs to the president's office. He was too dizzy and tired to. But as a precautionary measure, Rude held guns to both of their backs. A bullet in the spine would most likely kill them on impact, so he jabbed the deadly weapons just below their shoulder blades- which would hurt them, but most likely not kill them right away, in the event that he had to shoot in self defense. And as they reached the end of the staircase, Cid and Cloud looked at each other in horror upon seeing the wild look in the eyes of Rufus Shinra. Something in their guts twisted- and snapped- at the realization that after what was to come, their lives may never be the same.


Barret arose from his deep sleep. The house seemed unusually quiet. The TV was on... but no flip-flip-flip. He got out of bed and walked downstairs.


Two guards took Rude's place. "I'm sending you and Tseng back to Junon to get Barret." Rude bowed to Rufus and turned, obeying his orders.

Rufus turned to the prisoners. "Well, you did a fine job getting yourselves caught." A smile spread across Rufus' face. "Cid, you will be staying with me." He turned to Reno. "Take Cloud to your room."

-Bokono, who would write much more because she's having fun... but has to call it a night /_\ -

Cid watched in quiet agony as Reno led Cloud down from the president's office to his own quarters. He debated with himself as to whether or not it was even worth it to attempt to escape and risk being shot. Was he even strong enough to try? The more Cid pondered over this, the closer Rufus was getting, and the wider his maniacal grin.


Barret entered the living room. He gasped at the sight of the blood all over the rug. Before he did anything drastic, he had to find out who was missing, if anybody, and what happened. He rushed from room to room waking everyone up and gathering them downstairs.

Rufus rested his hand on Cid's shoulder. He gestured for the two guards that were there to leave. They waited just outside the office, ready to burst in if the President ordered so. "How does it feel being back in my wonderful domain? Actually... I don't believe we ever did this in this office before," Rufus said with a grin.

Cid spat in his face. It was a daring move, one he wished he refrained from doing. Rufus wiped the trail of spit off his cheek. Not so much as a moment later did his hand go flying to meet Cid's face. Cid, on the floor now, looked up at Rufus. His cheek throbbed. Even with his hands handcuffed behind is back, he managed to flip the president off . . . and get him to notice it.

Rufus kicked Cid's rib cage. "Get up, you pathetic little fuck."


<Obi-Wan Reference>

Reno led Cloud down the hall. Cloud had to cooperate, unless he wanted Reno to crush him, grind him into tiny pieces, and BLAST him into oblivion.

</Obi-Wan Reference>

In another words, Reno was holding a gun up to Cloud's head.


Cloud was led into a room he had never seen before. It was the Turks' HQ. He took a deep breath. Reno was willing to let Cloud see this place, which meant Cloud should give up all hope leaving this place alive. He was led down another hall. He could barely move his head to look around; Reno was jamming that gun into his head pretty hard. But out of his peripheral vision he could see the names "Reno", "Rude", "Elena", and "Tseng". He passed another door with someting written that he couldn't make out.

Reno took Cloud in the room "Meeting". It was a small room with a single table in the middle and four chairs circling it. The room was dark and had no windows. The door almost seemed as if it dissapeared when Reno closed it. "It's locked from the outside. Don't even bother trying to get out." Reno looked Cloud up and down. Cloud knew he was lying. Reno would never lock himself in a room with a supposed maniac with no means of escaping.


Gods, how his ribs ached. Cracked? Probably. But Cid knew he had to brush it off. Letting something as stupid as a cracked rib affect him would certainly prove he’d lost his fighting spirit. //Get it over with, you bloody fucking bastard. Get it over with. I swear to the gods if Cloud is hurt..//

Cid’s line of thinking was cut off by Rufus’ oil-slick voice. “So tell me, Koi, would you like it over the desk or in front of the windows?” He purred into Cid’s ear, pausing to run his tongue across the outer shell. Cid’s body tensed, enough so that Rufus noticed. He’d *remembered* what it felt like when Cid tensed - and he knew it was because he’d called him Koi.

Cid concentrated on zoning out. He kept his eyes focused on the floor. //Gritty pattern. There’s a speck of dust on the floor. Gritty pattern, gritty pattern..//

“Answer me!” Rufus hissed, his boot connecting with Cid’s aching ribs once more.


Reno brought Cloud over to the table. Cloud didn't give any resistance. He'd be of no use to his friends if he did get shot, after all. Reno took off Cloud's new handcuffs. This pair, unlike the last, seemed impossible to break. His new location was the leg of the table, which was attached to the floor. Reno handcuffed one of his wrists to that leg of the table. He tossed the gun over by the door, far out of Cloud's reach. This was Cloud's chance to try and break the handcuffs. Reno noticed Cloud's small struggling, and smiled. "Thank god. I thought you were just going to sit there. You've shown me a sign! This will be fun after all."

"Fuck you," Cloud spat.

Tisking, Reno walked closer to Cloud. "You'd best watch your tongue, pretty boy." Cloud reached out to hit Reno with his free hand. Reno easily dodged it. Reno took out another pair of handcuffs and placed them on Cloud's other wrist and the same table leg. Holding his legs down, Reno easily straddled Cloud. Now he didn't have to worry about getting kicked. He could feel Cloud struggling underneath him and this pleased him.

He took Cloud's face in his hands. He leaned forward. He noticed Cloud's ever-tensing body and smiled before shoving his tongue down his throat. Fortunately for Reno, Cloud was wearing a button down shirt (how convenient) and proceeded to unbutton this shirt. It wasn't long before his tongue founds its way to Cloud's chest.

Cloud was jerking his legs under Reno. He was desperately trying to break free. Reno was much larger than he was, and heavier as well. All this going on under Reno was getting him quite excited. He couldn't wait any longer. He unbottoned . . . unzipped Cloud's fly. He had to be careful in taking Cloud's pants off, if he didn't want to get kicked in the face.

Holding down Cloud's legs with his own, he managed to get his pants pulled to just below his knees. He didn't want to stop there. He wanted Cloud to be naked, to see him naked. Without much ease, and getting kicked in the stomach a few times, Reno got Cloud's pants (and shoes and boxers ^_~) off. He stood for a moment to look upon Cloud. He was beautiful. Even as he desperately tried to break the handcuffs, he was the most beautiful creature Reno had ever laid eyes on.

Cloud would not go through with this without a fight. He couldn't let this happen to him. Not again. Reno took off his own clothes. He was so anxious. He wanted to feel Cloud's body against his. He had forgotten the real reason he was supposed to do this for and now only wanted this for pleasure. He once again stradled Cloud. Cloud closed his eyes and couldn't keep a disgusted expression off his face. This was a nightmare.

As Reno explored his body, he tried to think of a way to escape. "You might as well just relax," Reno licked Cloud's lips. "I haven't even started!"


Rufus hoisted Cid up and threw him facedown onto his desk, which had just been sufficently cleared off by a sweep of Rufus' arm. He was thrust down with such a force that he was sure that whatever had previously been cracked just snapped violently.

Rufus undid the handcuffs that bound Cid's wrists together, and threw them on the floor with the rest of the mess. He reached under Cid, undid the two belts he always wore, unzipped his fly, and shoved both Cid's pants and his boxers to his knees. Rufus smiled, satisfied by both the fact that Cid was in extreme pain- he had sworn he had heard something akin to the sound of stepping on shattered glass when he threw Cid on the desk, and the fact that Cid was so damn sexy. //He conceals it well,// Rufus thought with a smirk. He jumped up to join Cid on the desk, sat on the poor bastard's legs, and mercilessly shoved two fingers up Cid's ass. Maybe he would make him bleed as badly as he did the last time. Too bad Shera wasn't here to see it this time.

It would be a long afternoon.
