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Bitter and Sweet and Red as Wine
Part Three
by Dark Angel


"Sweet like candy to my soul
Sweet you rock and sweet you roll
Lost for you, I'm so lost for you...
Oh, when you come crash into me, baby,
And I come into you..."
~~Dave Matthew's Band

Marron moved quietly through the trees, glancing around from time to time at the soft green beauty of the foliage around him, his white-slippered feet silent on the forest floor. He moved in and out of patches of sunlight, the warm glow gleaming on his glossy black hair and turning his ivory skin to a faded, washed-out shade of the same liquid amber that colored his eyes. Careful not to snag his loose clothing on any of the vegetation growing around him, the young Hunter stepped gingerly over fallen branches and tree roots that jutted out of the soft soil below him. Life was all around him: The voices of birds chirping merrily floated down from the leafy green canopy, somewhere in the distance a fox barked, and all around him the underbrush rustled. A small smile tugged at the corners of the young man's mouth as he continued to walk forward slowly, seeming to ignore the pale, willowy form that darted in and out of the trees a short distance from him.

Menkari flitted through the trees like some fey creature, as graceful as a deer, leaping about in reckless abandon. Marron never knew exactly where the wild boy was, only able to gauge his location by the sounds in the underbrush . . . sometimes the leaves rustled on one side, sometimes on the other, then in front of him, or behind, once even overhead, although he did not know how the boy had found the time to climb up a tree and back down with all the running about he was doing. It was enough to make Marron wonder if Menkari really was human after all.

Suddenly the brown-haired slave burst out of the bushes and charged up to Marron, breathless and giggling, thrusting his hands forward. A wide smile split the boy's pretty face, and his soft brown eyes sparkled like semiprecious stones, thin red scratches tracing across the bare skin of his arms and chest from his exertions in the underbrush. Marron stopped mid-stride and looked down at the small pile of tiny, wild strawberries cupped in Menkari's thin hands. He looked up at the younger boy questioningly, and Menkari giggled again, his lips already stained faintly red from the juice.

"Have some," the younger boy said, lifting his hands slightly. "They're good."

Marron's white-clad shoulder lifted almost imperceptibly in what might have been a shrug as he slipped long fingers over the skin of Menkari's palm to grasp one of the berries delicately. Brown eyes fixed on Marron's mouth as his lips parted, tongue snaking out to flick over the soft skin of the strawberry before slim fingers pushed it into his mouth, lips closing around the pale digits and sucking softly for a moment before he pulled them out of his mouth to reach for another of the small fruits.

"I love strawberries . . ." Marron said softly, smiling.

"Me, too." Menkari raised his cupped hands to his mouth, trying to nose one of the berries out of his palm.

"I can get it for you . . ." Marron murmured, reaching towards him. The back of his hand slid across Menkari's cheek as he reached past the boy's face to dip his hand into his cupped palms. Menkari lifted his head slowly, rubbing his cheek against the smooth white linen covering Marron's forearm like a pampered cat. He moved away only when the raven-haired boy withdrew his hand from Menkari's cupped palms, a pair of small, sweet berries caught between his fingers. Marron touched the strawberries to Menkari's lips and the boy opened his mouth, taking in the fruit and the tips of Marron's fingers. He flicked the strawberries out of the older boy's grasp with his tongue, pushing them against his cheek as he sucked softly on Marron's fingers, tracing the planes of the other boy's fingertips with his tongue, his gaze almost coy as he looked up at him, doe-brown eyes glittering mutedly. Marron watched him in silence, mesmerized, his eyes slipping half closed and his breath coming in shallow gasps through his parted lips.

What am I doing? Marron's mind whimpered, his heart fluttering in his chest like a caged bird, half in fear and half in heated excitement as Menkari continued to suckle his fingers. My brother certainly would not approve of this.....

But Brother is not here, another part of his mind whispered. No one is here, no one... no one ever has to know about Menkari. No one ever has to know that you stole a slave from auction, that you kissed him, or the things running through your head that you would like to do to him, what little you can think of... not Chocolate, not Tira, and certainly not Carrot or Gateau. No one has to know... not a soul.

Menkari dropped half of the berries onto the ground, cradling the rest of them against his flat, bare stomach as he moved closer to Marron, running his now empty hand down the front of the older boy's white robe. Marron sighed and reached out to trace his fingertips lightly over the smooth, pale skin of Menkari's shoulder, the depths of his molten amber eyes filled with uncertainty. But once again Menkari made the decision for him, drawing his mouth away from Marron's fingers and moving closer to him, tilting his head back and pressing his lips against the older boy's.

Marron's eyes slipped closed completely as he returned Menkari's kiss, the younger boy tilting his head slightly to the side and shaping his mouth to fit perfectly against the Hunter's. Marron's tongue probed shyly into the warm cavern of Menkari's mouth, the tip tracing slowly over the boy's lips and teeth. Menkari shivered, slipping his arm around Marron's waist and pulling him closer, his own tongue brushing against Marron's softly. A faint moan slipped from the raven-haired boy's throat and was lost in the press of Menkari's lips as Marron's arms snaked around the slave's slim waist, pulling the young boy tight against his slender frame and trapping Menkari's hand between them. Menkari jumped at the sudden feel of warm, oozy wetness against his stomach.

Marron pulled away from him and looked down at him, golden eyes bright with concern. Menkari looked down at himself, drawing his hand away from his stomach, a mess of slimy red berries and juice staining the pale flesh like a wound.

"Oops..." Menkari giggled.

"I can get it for you," murmured Marron, placing a warm, lingering kiss on Menkari's temple. The young slave-boy's eyes widened slightly as Marron dropped to his knees in front of him. And then he closed his eyes and moaned as the long haired boy began to lazily lap up the squished strawberries.

"Ohh, Marron..." Menkari reached towards the older boy, and Marron grabbed his wrist before Menkari could smear berries throughout his glossy black hair. His tongue swiped slowly over the pale flesh of Menkari's stomach until all the crushed strawberries and juice had been removed, and then he licked the mess off of the slave boy's hand. Menkari looked down at him, thick, dark eyelashes lowered over his gaze, a fire burning in the depths of his doe-brown eyes as he slowly tangled his fingers in Marron's silky black hair, mussing the neat plait. Marron looked up at him, smiling softly as his tongue darted in between Menkari's slender fingers, licking up the last traces of strawberry left on the boy's palm.

"There. All better," Marron said quietly.

Menkari grinned. "Um... thanks."

Marron smiled up at him and then he shook his head slightly, feeling the unfamiliar weight of the plait against his back. "Menkari? Could you... ah... undo this for me? I fear that I may look rather silly."

"You don't look silly at all, Marron. You look beautiful," Menkari reassured him, stepping around behind him and dropping to his knees. He unbraided the end of the plait deftly, and then worked his way up Marron's glossy ravenblack hair, running his fingers through the silky ebon locks and humming once again. Marron sighed softly and smiled, enjoying the attention. Menkari tugged at the interwoven strands and ran his fingers over Marron's scalp, unbraiding the other boy's hair completely, and then he pushed the wealth of it over Marron's white-clad shoulders and kissed the back of the young Sorcerer Hunter's long, pale neck. Marron shivered. Menkari smiled a bit to himself and then began to trace designs on the back of the other's neck with the tip of his tongue. Marron exhaled softly, twisting his elegant hands around the soft crimson fabric of his sash.



"Um... have you ever been with a man before?"

Menkari nuzzled the back of Marron's neck, pressing his face against it. "Yes."

"Have you been with a woman?"


"No? Really?"

"Yes..." Menkari sighed softly, wrapping his arms around Marron's shoulders. "Men would buy me for pleasure. Women would buy me to watch their children, wash their laundry and do household chores, and to fix their hair, just as you did. I am very good at it, my fingers are so thin..."

Marron placed his hands lightly upon Menkari's forearms, noting to himself that Menkari's fingers were just as thin and elegantly tapered as his own. He winced slightly at the younger boy's words, having forgotten for a time that Menkari was a slave. "The men who bought you... were they like me?"

"Oh no, they were nothing like you..." Menkari winced slightly, burying his face against the back of Marron's neck. "They were cruel..."

"Cruel?" Marron twisted around within the circle of Menkari's arms, cupping the slave-boy's chin in his hand and lifting his head so that he could look into his eyes. "They hurt you?"

Menkari remained still for a moment, and then he nodded slowly. Marron made a soft noise in his throat and slipped his arms around Menkari's waist, pulling the boy tightly against him. Menkari sighed softly and pressed his cheek against Marron's shoulder, his breath warm on Marron's pale throat.

"I will not allow anyone to hurt you ever again, Menkari... as long as you are with me, I will not let anyone hurt you."

Menkari nodded, kissing the side of Marron's neck softly. "Thank you, Marron."

"What else could I do?" Marron asked softly. He slowly stood, his lean body unfolding as gracefully as the branch of a weeping willow, gently drawing Menkari to his feet as well. He looked down at the top of the younger boy's wild, dark hair as Menkari continued to nuzzle his shoulder, wondering how he had become attached to the slave so quickly. Perhaps it was the way his eyes sparkled, the sweet innocence of his features or the laughter that almost always seemed present in his voice. Or perhaps it was the way Menkari looked at him... the way those soft brown eyes seemed capable of melting his insides and gave him strange, tingly feelings across his skin. Desire was in the boy's gaze, that much he recognized from looking into Gateau's eyes, and the eyes of others, but there was something else there as well. Marron was startled to find himself musing whether or not there was such a thing as love at first sight... and then all thoughts flew from his mind completely as the tip of Menkari's warm tongue flicked against his throat.

"Menkari..." he murmured, his eyes automatically drifting closed.

"Marron," Menkari whispered in reply, pressing himself against Marron's slender frame, his hands sliding up the other's back and caressing the planes of lean muscle through the layers of fabric that separated skin from skin.

Marron squeezed his eyes tightly shut, a brief tremor passing through him at the feel of Menkari's breath on his throat, and then thin, pale fingers were at his collar, tugging it open, the young slave nosing past his own hand and the gold-trimmed linen to delve the warm tip of his tongue into the hollow of Marron's throat. A long, slow sigh escaping from between his parted lips, Marron tilted his head back, pale, elegant hands rising automatically to rest against Menkari's sides as the boy continued to trace designs on his throat with the tip of his tongue, the golden clasps of Marron's robe slipping open one by one beneath Menkari's nimble fingers. Unfastening the front of the robe completely, Menkari pushed the fabric slightly aside and ran his hands over the crisp fabric of the shirt Marron wore underneath, tipping his head upward to catch Marron's lips in a passionate kiss. Marron responded hungrily, his grip on Menkari's waist tightening as he drew the young slave more tightly against him, intoxicated by the sweetness of Menkari's mouth. The boy made a soft, desperate noise deep in his throat, a shiver passing down his spine as he fumbled with the buttons of the shirt Marron wore under his robe, almost frantic with his desire to touch the golden-eyed youth's skin. Menkari popped off the last few buttons in his haste, the small bits of mother of pearl trapped between their warm, entangled bodies for a moment before escaping to drop, forgotten, onto the forest floor, as the boy ran light fingertips over the newly revealed ribbon of flesh running from Marron's collarbones to his well-muscled stomach. Marron tore his lips away from Menkari, throwing his head back with a gasp as the slave boy ran his hands up and over his chest and shoulders, pushing aside the cloth and baring his torso before pressing himself against him once again, flesh to warm, pale flesh. Menkari promptly began to lap at the other's pale throat once again, snaking his arms around him to thread his fingers through the ebon silk of Marron's hair, the tight, supersensitive buds of his nipples hard enough to dig slightly into the other boy's flesh.

Nipping lightly at the young Hunter's flesh, Menkari pressed against him firmly, forcing him to lean back until his back rested against the soft moss that covered the ground, his silky black hair fanning out around his head. Then the slave boy moved up to kiss Marron again, gently, his soft, slender hands moving over the other's pale flesh in light, skin-shivering caresses. Marron twisted out of his garments completely, wrapping his arms around Menkari's shoulders as he unconsciously arched his body toward those warm, exploring hands, a small, almost pleading sound bubbling from his throat to be muffled against the press of rosepetal-soft lips. Lean-muscled white-clad thighs slid apart unconsciously, and Menkari insinuated his narrow hips between them, causing Marron to gasp against his mouth at the sudden warm pressure. Menkari tilted his head to the side to trace a line of warm kisses up the delicate curve of Marron's jaw, leaving the golden-eyed boy to stare up at the sunlit canopy with eyes half-lidded and hazy, liquid amber orbs darkened in color to a brass bordering on bronze and burning with desire.

Marron's mind was a riot of confusion. He was drowning.... Drowning in red, searing, pulsating heat, muscles involuntarily twitching beneath satin-smooth skin as the slave boy's fingertips continued to play across his flesh, drowning in the chocolate velvet of Menkari's eyes. He was helpless, each nerve ending sparking and raw beneath his skin, shivering violently as Menkari's tongue made paths of warm wetness across his ivory skin, dropping his hands to claw at the mossy earth as he arched almost wantonly toward the other, his breath coming in ragged, panting gasps. A soft, involuntary cry was torn from his lips as Menkari flickered his tongue over his nipple, blunt nails raking lightly over the small of his back. No longer aware of himself, Marron whimpered helplessly, trapped in the tide of heat that flowed throughout his body. He was barely aware of the slave boy's thin fingers curled about the waist of his trousers, and offered no resistance as the fabric was drawn downward over his narrow hips, only whimpering again as the cloth scraped over his turgid need and opening his mouth willingly to the tender violation of Menkari's tongue as the younger boy slid up his body to kiss him feverishly.

Then his new lover touched him, and Marron thought he would die. His body arched up off of the ground, trembling, moaning into Menkari's mouth as skilled fingers moved feather-light over his sex, sending waves of redflash heat spiraling out from his groin to every cell in his body and making him feel lightheaded and dizzy. More warm kisses pressed to his feverish skin, a soft, sweet line traced down the smooth ivory column of his neck, meandering over his chest, kisses touching each rib as it briefly showed with his heaving, shuddering breath, making the skin of his stomach twitch beneath those sweet lips, that warm mouth pausing for just a moment to make love to his navel, the quick wetness of Menkari's tongue making Marron rock his head back and forth in some unconscious denial. He lifted his hips up off of the ground as nails raked harshly over his skin, down his spine and over his rear and across the backs of his thighs, and then Menkari slid lower and-


Long, tapered fingers ripped furrows in the soft, mossy earth on either side of Marron's torso as wet heat closed around his sex, his body trembling and taut as a bowstring as he arched from the ground so that none of him touched it, save for his head, shoulders, and feet. His body moved on its own, bucking toward Menkari's mouth, he was drowning, drowning, he was no longer aware of the world around him, of the involuntary cries that rung out crystal pure in the warm afternoon air with each lash of his lover's tongue, of the smell of the loamy earth or his own sweat and desire, he was awash in sensation, lost, he felt as if he had swallowed the sun and it threatened to burst through his skin and shatter him into a million pieces. Copper flowed into his mouth as serpents crawled beneath his skin, his teeth piercing his lip as he bit it, so sweetly and completely out of control, surrendering himself to this gentle, pale fey boy, to the promises whispered in the depths of those chocolate brown eyes. And surrender he did, his body growing rigid once more, every muscle tensed and quivering as, with a soft gasp, he gave to Menkari what he had never given to anyone ever before. Closing his softly glittering eyes, Menkari took everything he was into himself.

Slowly, as limp and shaky as a newborn child, Marron sank to the ground, Menkari's hands sliding up to his back to support him. Marron's eyes were closed, the dark fringe of his eyelashes making numerous, perfect crescents against his pale skin. The slave boy kissed the young Hunter hesitantly, sucking upon the soft curve of his bottom lip, the taste of blood mingling with the taste of his desire in his mouth. Marron groaned softly, stirring just slightly as he extracted his fingers from the torn earth, dirt clinging to his fingertips. Errant wisps of ravenblack hair clung to his slightly damp skin, and Menkari brushed it out of his face tenderly, the boy's smooth brow furrowing slightly with worry.


"Mmmmmmmm?" Marron turned his face toward him, golden eyes glazed over and hazy as they cracked open to mere glimmering slits, the tip of his tongue snaking over his injured lip and delicately tracing the wound there.

"Are you all right?"

"Mmmm-hmmm...." Marron's eyes slipped closed once again. Menkari smiled softly, kissing him on his cheek, stretching his lean frame over the other's and nuzzling the side of his neck as he snuggled against him. Marron sighed, already beginning to slip into the suede darkness of sleep.

"I love you, Marron," Menkari breathed against his skin.

The golden-eyed boy made a small noise in his throat, draping one arm over Menkari's back before the blackness and silence claimed him.


Part Two