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The Agony and the Ecstasy
by Zen



"Take me, take me in your arms my love and rape me
I know you love me, and always will
You're my possession; of that, my love there really is no question
I know you love me, and always will....."

                                 --London After Midnight, "Kiss"


The first thing that Marron Glace became aware of was the pain; his arms hurt terribly, and felt oddly....light somehow, as though they were halfway numb. He tried to move them, but found that he couldn't--and discovered that the attempt only sent further pain shooting through his shoulders, quickly prompting him to cease the activity.

It was cold, and dark. He didn't know if it was because there was no light in his current location, or because he had his eyes closed; he couldn't seem to feel enough of his body to tell if his eyes were open or not--stranger and stranger. It was as though he was floating in some black limbo, and the only anchor that held him to reality was that single discernible point of pain. Confusion swam in dull colors throughout his brain, making it nearly impossible for him to ascertain anything, but from what he could tell he was suspended by his arms--that explained the excruciating pain; no one could support their own weight, no matter how strong they were, without straining their muscles severely.

Where was he? He tried to think, tried to remember something, anything; faint flashes of memory burst, star-bright, before his eyes before they vanished. He remembered making plans to attack the sorcerer Dalzien, remembered skulking in the shadows outside of the Dark Tower, remembered his older brother Carrot giving the order to split up, remembered sneaking away with Gateau and Tira--but after that, everything was a blank. Had the mission failed? Where were the others? For that matter, where was he? For the normally cool, collected Marron Glace, the inability to control his own mind was frustrating....but his rising irritation was momentarily forgotten as he was made aware of one other thing: a voice.

But not just any voice. This voice was a physical sensation in and of itself, velvet slithering over steel and whispering across his skin, bringing him to a sudden awareness of his body other than the pain in his arms--awareness of the tingling rippling like caged electricity over his form, making him want to shiver despite the fact that he seemed unable to move. Low, husky, compelling, the voice made Marron's stomach tremble with dread and a terrible delight.

"So. My pet awakens."

So his eyes were closed--and there was someone there, apparently his captor. Marron felt the fog over his brain lifting somewhat, and he spared a moment to collect himself; there was no point in descending into irrational panic. The important thing is not to lose control.

He tried to open his eyes; he couldn't. Annoyed, he tried again, nearly commanding his lids to part with the force of years of self-control....and slowly, unwillingly, heavy black lashes parted over glittering golden orbs--and abruptly squeezed shut again as they were assaulted by the pain of flickering torchlight.

Ignore the pain. Again Marron forced his eyes open, and managed to keep them that way as he squinted through the errant strands of his tumbling, raven-black hair at the black and orange blur before his eyes, trying to focus--and most importantly, to find the source of that sultry, nerve-shivering voice. He wanted answers, and he wanted them now. Gritting his teeth, he managed to focus rigidly on a pale blur against the blackness--and then, suddenly, his vision clarified sharply, and he gasped as his eyes fell upon the face of his captor.

A proud figure stood before him, impossibly tall, so thin as to be aesthetic without appearing wasted; the torchlight flickered over his face, seeming to reach for him, yearning to caress his pale, fragile skin with its hot light and highlighting delicately sculpted features so sensual as to be almost lovely, inhuman. A thin upper lip parted from its fully curving mate in a slow, easy smile, and as he took a step towards Marron the young Sorcerer Hunter could only marvel at his languid grace. A slender hand lifted to brush night-black hair over his shoulder, hair as thick and lush as Marron's own but perhaps even longer, parted by delicately pointed ears and falling artfully into that achingly beautiful face.

"It took you long enough to wake, " the fey creature murmured, and Marron had to fight not to shiver again as the power of that voice reached out to claim him again. Piercing eyes bored into his own, eyes that he thought at first were grey but another look revealed to be silver, the color of moonlight that has been captured, but never tamed. His gaze sparked with a strange, hypnotic light, malevolent and cruel; whoever the man was, he was fascinating in his dark, finely made clothing that was tailored to fit his slim frame perfectly, and the prisoner felt his stomach jump inexplicably as the other took another step closer to him.

Closing his eyes to break the spell of that mesmerizing stare, Marron took a deep breath and once more forced himself to relax. There must be some bewitchment involved, he thought. His captor must have been attempting to beguile him, lull him into a false sense of security for some reason. Marshalling every last drop of his reserves of control, Marron opened his eyes again, fixing defiant golden eyes on the beautiful man and stating calmly, "What do you want with me? Are you a servant of Dalzien?"

"A servant?" A laugh, soft and chilling, like the shattering of fine crystal, and another step closer--too close, in Marron's opinion, and enough to make him shrink against the wall at his back in inherent distaste. "You could say that. Allow me to introduce myself, my pet." The stranger's lithe form folded in a graceful, sweeping bow that seemed to mock Marron in his imprisonment, and he fought not to scowl in reply. "Dalzien d'Enthres, Lord of the Dark Tower, at your service."

"A pleasure, " Marron answered smoothly, his quiet tone betraying not the slightest hint of sarcasm or the sudden flash of panic that had slammed through him and then disappeared. So this was Dalzien....which meant that the mission had failed, although that still did not explain his inability to remember the events that had led to his present situation.

A quick glance around at his surroundings revealed that he was in the stereotypical dungeon--dark, dank, its confines lit only by a single torch and the slight hint of moonlight that managed to force its way through a barred slit of a window. A wooden slab scattered with moldy hay sat against the opposite wall, obviously intended for use as a bed--but Marron doubted that he would be given occasion to make use of it, considering that he was chained against the rough stone, his arms held in place above his head by painfully chafing wrist cuffs and his ankles spread wide and clamped to the wall as well. There was no doubt that his ofuda would have been removed from his now tattered and dirty robes; there was no route of escape--he was effectively captured, the graceful dove caged and at the hungry cat's mercy.

The "hungry cat" was, at the moment, watching him with faint amusement, as though he knew Marron's thoughts and could almost see the moment that the Sorcerer Hunter's rapidly calculating mind concluded the futility of attempting to escape. Sighing, for the moment resigned to his current situation, Marron slid carefully shielded golden eyes to meet their dark silver counterparts and once more spoke calmly, refusing to release his cool serenity even in his rather bedraggled and helpless state. "Where are my companions?"

"Somewhere." A nonchalant shrug, a dismissive wave of wraithlike fingers. "No doubt plotting your rescue."

He was so smug. Marron felt an inexplicable rage building in his chest, irrational, surprising, and was overwhelmed by a sudden urge to simply reach out and slap him until that lazy smile melted away. Shocked at his own thoughts, he frowned; what had come over him? He should be relieved that his brother and the others were safely away from this place, and instead he was visualizing inflicting bodily harm upon his captor; apparently his imprisonment was wearing at his nerves more than he was willing to admit even to himself.

Still, other concerns nagged at the corner of his ever-rational mind. "Tell me what you want with me. Why haven't you killed me yet?"

"Curious little thing, aren't you?" Another smile, lazy, taunting--and Marron was sure that he did not imagine the faint, torchlit gleam of pristine white fangs. "So many questions, my pet....so many questions. Don't worry, you'll know enough in time...have patience." Dalzien moved even closer to him, and once more Marron had to fight not to shiver; the pale man seemed to exude a chill that was nearly palpable, and tinted with a sickening darkness that revolted the golden-eyed youth.

"So pretty..." came the whispered words, cold breath washing over Marron's skin and making it crawl, but he would not flinch, not even as icy fingertips trailed over his cheek, ivory caressing a lily's soft petals. Instead, he only stared into those hard silver eyes defiantly, refusing to even move or allow the snarl building in his throat to release; never would he let this creature see him react, let him see how much he was disgusted by him even as he was enthralled.

Still, he could not help but gasp as a sudden sharp bite of pain blossomed just below his jawline as Dalzien's fingertips ventured downwards; a single fingernail sliced the smooth, moon-pale skin of Marron's throat as it was dragged slowly down the line of his jugular, leaving behind a thin, shimmering ribbon of crimson against the pristine backdrop. He could only stare in wide-eyed horror as Dalzien drew his finger away and slowly, lazily, snaked a pink tongue-tip out to lap the scarlet liquid from his slender fingertip, savoring it with an almost sensual languor that caused bile to well in the golden-eyed young man's throat.

"Mmm...." Something like a purr rumbled in the silver-eyed man's throat as he licked at his finger, and Marron felt even more revolted as he discovered that he could not tear his gaze away from the path of Dalzien's roving tongue. "You are...sweeter than I had imagined...."

The indignity of it was too much to bear. "Animal, " Marron hissed, his teeth gritting and golden eyes sparking with bubbles of molten, angry amber.

To his growing anger, Dalzien only appeared amused, meeting his rage-filled gaze with a calm, smoky one, quite obviously taking a sadistic pleasure in his revulsion. "I do so love seeing you angry, " he whispered--and then, to Marron's disgust, the cupid's bow of the Lord of the Dark Tower's frosty lips touched his own in a soft, feather-light kiss. He tried to wrench away, making a noise of disgust deep in his throat, but fingers that had seemed fragile clamped rigidly down on his chin, holding him forcefully still as Dalzien continued to kiss him--only the lightest touch, but still enough to make him wonder if he was about to vomit right then and there.

After a moment, the dark sorcerer withdrew with a parting flick of his tongue over Marron's lips, serpentine, light. "Feisty, " he murmured with a soft chuckle, releasing the robe-clad youth's face and taking a step back. Marron only glared at him in mute fury, hatred welling deep in his soul. How dare this...this...thing take such liberties with him? He felt violated, tainted--infinitely more so than anyone had ever made him feel; even Gateau's blatant advances had only left him with a lingering sense of embarrassment, not this miasma of overwhelming corruption.

Torchlight flickered in the silence, shining in orange on nearly twin heads of glossy ebon locks, melting amber in golden eyes, reflecting in broken shards from silver--and gleaming red from wet stains on cat-like white teeth that were revealed as lips parted in yet another mocking smile. "I'll leave you be for now, my pretty pet, " he said. "I have other business to attend to--but I'll return for you later."

"I'll try to contain my enthusiasm and anticipation, " Marron snarled through gritted teeth.

Dalzien only smiled again, infuriatingly undaunted; his sinister amusement only served to irritate Marron further. "Of course, " he murmured softly, and then turned away, his luxurious hair swirling behind him like dark wings and the ends flicking at Marron's delicate nose and eliciting a small scowl. "Until later, pet, " came his mocking reply, and then he was gone, slipping past the heavy, iron-bound oak slab of a door and out of sight. The heavy "chunk" of a lock sliding into place followed, and then Marron was left alone in the chill, drafty silence.

Pet. Hmph. Marron Glace would never be anyone's pet, no matter how many chains bound him--and he'd be damned if he would surrender his dignity to that creature. How dare that monstrosity kiss him as though he were some kind of captive pleasure sla--

Horrified, Marron drew up short, staring at the cold stone floor with wide, panic-stricken eyes. Surely that couldn't be why Dalzien had captured him; surely even someone as black-hearted as the dark sorcerer would not dare to subject him to that. Oh gods above....If only he had his ofuda, something, anything to enable him to escape; he couldn't imagine the horror of being abused as some evil creature's sexual toy. But there had been no mistaking the hunger in Dalzien's eyes as he had looked upon the beautiful young Sorcerer Hunter; inhuman, bestial, alien, but the desire had been as familiar as the look in Gateau's eyes when he spoke to Marron.

Marron shivered. Rather that Dalzien kill him than touch him with those icy fingers.....not again. That kiss...To his own surprise, he flushed at the memory of the kiss; despite the brutal hold that the sorcerer had had upon him, the kiss itself had been tender, Dalzien's lips soft, like satin....no one had ever kissed him like that.

And no one ever will, he thought fiercely, aghast at his own drifting thoughts. He would find a way to escape this place and rejoin his companions, before Dalzien could carry out whatever he had planned for his prisoner. And when he did.....

......he would take a much-needed bath. He didn't know how long he had been in this dungeon, but it positively stank.

There is nothing that I can do right now, though. He would have to wait until an opportunity presented itself, for his current situation offered no options; for now, he would have to simply wait. Boredom set in quickly, as it always did when he had nothing to occupy his mind--and within the course of half an hour, he was sleeping, nervously and fitfully, his slim frame shivering slightly with each chill draft that passed through the tiny window.

He would see what tomorrow would bring.

He's perfect. As he climbed the steps from the dungeon, Dalzien couldn't seem to take his thoughts from his prisoner. When he had first surprised the young man and his party and overwhelmed them, he had intended to kill them all--much as they had intended to kill him; the female and the other man had escaped to rejoin their companions, and he had found himself in possession of the beautiful raven-haired youth. After looking at that angelic face, studying those liquid golden eyes, he couldn't bring himself to destroy such loveliness. Instead...he wanted to own it.

He didn't truly know what he would do with his prisoner. Ravishing him senseless came to mind, but somehow.....the thought disturbed him--and then his own discomfort disturbed him. He had no qualms about killing anyone and everyone, and acts of cruelty were his life's blood--literally. So what did it matter if the boy in his dungeon was more beautiful than anyone he had ever seen--as beautiful as Dalzien himself, but warmer, more alive, burning with a hidden fire beneath his serenity that captivated the dark sorcerer....made him want to touch that flame at the same time that he wanted to crush and extinguish it.

Kissing him had been an impulse--a gratifying one, but an impulse nonetheless. The taste of his lips had been sweeter than the delightful taste of his blood, and his struggles had pleased Dalzien immensely. He wanted to dominate him...but not forcefully. No...rather that gorgeous creature submit to him willingly; he would take more pleasure from the boy's pliant surrender than from taking him forcefully and against his will--and that in itself was strange.

A sigh escaped his lips as he stepped from the dark, spiraling stairwell and padded on silent, boot-clad feet towards the door of his chamber. He supposed that in the morning he might move him from the dungeon into a proper room; if he planned to keep the youth for any length of time, the dank, moldy cell was not the place for him. His health would suffer--and with his health, that perfect beauty. That in itself would be a shame; he preferred to take care of his toys, rather than destroying them through carelessness.

Now that he thought about it, he might want to ask the young man his name as well.

As he stepped into his private chamber and closed the door behind him, Dalzien wondered how long it would take to break him. Frankly, he wondered if he even wanted to; there was a difference between listlessness and the golden-eyed youth's current enigmatic serenity, and he rather preferred the latter. It was interesting, in a world where there was little left to hold the Lord of the Dark Tower's interest.

Silent, catlike, Dalzien paced across the cold stones of the floor towards his bed, unbuttoning his doublet with nimble fingers and flinging it carelessly onto the silken coverlet; moments later, the flowing white linen of his shirt followed, and his bare chest gleamed sleek and white in the silver moonlight spilling through the windows. Hello, my precious, he thought almost absently as he strode on long, lean legs towards the pedestal-mounted orb of crystal that rested next to his silk-draped bed; the smoky darkness that surged within seemed to shift in response to his thought, swelling towards the wall of the orb facing him as though it might reach through to touch the dark-haired man, and he smiled slightly. Brother, father, companion, lover....the blackness within the orb was all of that and more to him. It was his creator, in a way....it had accepted him, loved him, enfolded him and remade him in its image.

My Maelstrom, he thought, almost lovingly. What resided within the orb was only a minute fraction of the Maelstrom's true essence; the substance--or being--itself was infinite, and the space within the orb as well as the fathomless pit beneath the tower were only outlets that allowed the Maelstrom to bleed from the space between crossworlds rifts into this reality. It was the source of his power, and his strength; it ran in his very veins, shifted behind his gaze, colored his very thought processes with an ineffable darkness, cool and soothing.

Silver eyes gleamed like twin pinpoints of obsidian surrounded by fields of cracked ice as he traced pale, slender fingers over the surface of the crystalline orb; the murky substance within strained towards his touch hungrily, longing to draw him within its depths once more, and his own body replied with an answering stirring ache. Even from his chamber at the top of the tower, he could feel the mass of the Maelstrom contained within the pit far below, and yearned to lose himself within it once more; it was a call that was nearly impossible to resist, and only the strength of his iron will kept him from returning to it whenever he had a free moment.

Irritatingly, Dalzien found his thoughts drifting to the boy even as he sat gracefully upon the edge of his bed to comb the tumbling cascade of his onyx locks, after kicking off his shoes with sharp, precise movements. He wondered what the other would think of the Maelstrom--what he thought of Dalzien himself. No doubt he perceived him as a monster, incapable of kindness, incapable of anything other than evil and cruelty. He, like all others, would never understand what Dalzien saw when he looked at everything.....from a summer dawn to sounds of the screams of the dying, there was beauty in everything, fragile, crystalline, sometimes subtle....but nonetheless there.

Just as it was there in a pair of luminous golden eyes.

Feh. Weakness. He would possess the boy, yes. But in no way would Dalzien become bewitched by him. Such things were folly in the extreme. As though to echo his thought, the Maelstrom-fragment surged violently within its containment, and Dalzien reached out to caress the crystal of the orb once more. With you I am never weak, my precious, he thought, extending the dark tendrils of his thoughts to brush in a feather-light touch over the Stygian essence, reassured by the familiar cool murkiness that stroked through his neural pathways like liquid.

He would deal with the boy in the morning, decide if he had any purpose for him. He had to be useful in some way; he had discovered the packet of charms, which meant that he was a magic-user as well and might have some sort of knowledge to share with the dark one. If not....well, there was sure to be some other use for him. And if not, well then he could always kill him.

Morning....already? It seemed that Marron had hardly fallen asleep before he was awakened by the few bright shafts of gold that penetrated the dungeon, their slight warmth falling upon his bedraggled form and chasing away some small margin of the chill that had seeped into his bones over the course of the night. Or perhaps it was not the morning that had awakened him, but the painful, twisting knots in his stomach that signified several days without food. He wondered idly how long he had been unconscious in the rank darkness of the dungeon, but immediately dismissed the question as one he would never have know the answer to.

He had only been awake for a moment before he heard the slightly familiar "chink" of the bolt sliding in the door's lock, and then the creak of the door itself sliding open; moments later a pallid figure ducked its towering height beneath the doorframe, and Dalzien slipped into his cell. Had he been waiting for me to awaken?

The Lord of the Dark Tower was as immaculate now as he had been the night before, dressed neatly in a flowing blouse of white silk tucked into a pair of perfectly pressed black slacks. The glossy length of his hair was bound at the nape of his neck; stray tendrils framed his elegantly chiseled features perfectly, and the tail swept nearly to his hips with each lithe, leonine step as he strode smoothly towards his prisoner.

"Good morning, pet, " he said calmly, and paid no attention when Marron deigned not to reply--only continuing to mock him. "I trust you slept well."

Silence was Marron's only reply, serene and unbroken; he had hoped that it would break his captor's icy composure, perhaps annoy him, but Dalzien only favored him with a chilling glance that promised dire consequences should his ire be aroused.

His silence was broken when Dalzien withdrew an iron collar, seemingly from thin air, and clamped it firmly around Marron's slender neck.

"What do you think you are doing?!" he protested, struggling against his confinement and straining as though he might break free from the bindings at his wrists and ankles. Now it was Dalzien's turn not to reply, only bending to touch elegant fingers to the cuffs at Marron's ankles; at his light touch a small spark of blue, like some chill flame, flew from his fingertips to the cold metal and the iron circlets parted, falling away like dead leaves and leaving Marron's legs free. He was sorely tempted to kick the silver-eyed man while he was thus unguarded, but common sense and self-preservation smothered that impulse in the face of the punishment that he would surely receive.

The cuff binding his left wrist followed, but before his right was released Dalzien removed the chain that had held his sore arms upright and hooked it to the large captive ring protruding from his collar. Moments later his right wrist was released, and it was with an involuntary wince that Marron lowered his arms, his sore, much abused muscles protesting the action vehemently and sending spasms of pain shooting throughout his body.

Rubbing at his abraded wrists, Marron lifted his eyes to look up at his captor, who towered nearly a foot above his own height--and abruptly froze, his breath catching in his throat, as he met the full force of that shifting silverstarshatter gaze. He felt his blood ice over as penetrating silver eyes bored into him, seeming to read his very soul and exuding a mind-numbing darkness that threatened to swallow him to feed the man's inhuman hunger. No desire colored Dalzien's stare today; only hard, cold diamonds faced him now, glittering with a hint of some strange, flickering violet flame beneath the mercurial surface that flared for a moment before quickly extinguishing itself.

"You will behave, " came Dalzien's whispered command, his voice raking over Marron's skin like fingernails and the words bearing a power subtly woven beneath the soft tones that would brook no opposition. "You will behave, or face the consequences." A light tug upon the collar's lead chain emphasized the low utterance, and reminded Marron of his utter helplessness in the face of this dark man's will even as he stumbled away from the wall involuntarily.

Still, he would not be cowed, and he only tilted his chin upwards proudly, facing Dalzien's gleaming gaze with a calm golden stare and a silent nod, as though acquiescing graciously to a request rather than submitting to a command. Dalzien only turned and strode towards the door, disregarding the golden-eyed boy's poise utterly as he tugged lightly but insistently on the chain, forcing him to either follow as he was bidden or be dragged along.

Marron chose to follow rather than humiliate himself, folding his hands neatly within the tattered sleeves of his robe and pacing quietly after the slender gargantuan, easily keeping pace with the other's long strides--willowy and graceful even in his captivity, his bare feet padding over cold, damp stones. He was led from the cell down a hallway, past other cells whose interiors he could barely see through the door-slits in the flickering torchlight; most were empty, but a few were populated by wretched, filthy specimens of humanity that seemed nearly dead in the swift glance that was all that he could spare before he was forced to sweep past.

The beast, he thought, feeling the hatred well once more; Dalzien's kind of cruelty was the reason that Marron and his companions hunted sorcerers. No living creature deserved to be kept in such a state for another's pleasures; his gorge rose at the thought of what the sorcerer might use these poor beings for, even as he was led from the dungeon onto an ill-lit stairwell that curved upwards around the tower's main column. Light from sparsely scattered torches jittered over the walls, casting living shadows that seemed to writhe and reach for the young Sorcerer Hunter even as he mounted the first roughly cut stone step.

Silence blanketed the pair thickly for long minutes as they climbed the seemingly endless ascent, and then suddenly the taller man's voice shattered the echoing stillness like glass. "Tell me your name, pet, " Dalzien ordered diffidently as he rounded yet another curve in the spiraling stairwell. Once more Marron disdained to reply, holding his cool, aloof silence, but Dalzien only countered by hardening his smooth tone and tugging sharply on the chain, causing him to stumble dangerously on the steep steps. "A name, pet, or I will name you myself and strike you should you choose not to respond to it."

"Marron." The two syllables were spoken softly, arrogantly, as though Marron had volunteered his name to some lesser creature of his own accord rather than surrendering it by force.

No reply. Only another tug on the chain, and Dalzien continued to lead Marron up, up, ever up, past several closed doors--so many that they began to blend into each other in the monotony of the climb. Marron took the opportunity to study his captor, for lack of anything better to do; he wondered what he was, with his elongated, pointed ears, delicate fangs, and inhuman height. He had thought him Elven at first, but no Elf that Marron had ever seen bore teeth like that--pointed like a vampire's, but neither was the man a vampire....at least, he didn't think so. He was an enigmatic creature indeed, with his dark power that he made no display of but still oozed in such quantities that it was almost tangible.

Marron could see the sleek muscles of his narrow back shifting beneath the nearly transparent fabric of his blouse as the taller man moved up the stairs ahead of him; he was thinner than Marron himself, but something warned the young man that he was far stronger, stronger than the hard plates of muscle beneath the velvet-smooth skin might lead one to believe. He was dangerous as well--that much was obvious. He exuded malevolence, like a fiercely stalking jungle cat--lazy strength, carefully controlled and predatory.

In truth, Dalzien was beautiful in an almost frightening way. That much Marron had to admit; the taller man's every motion was nearly impossibly graceful, like tendrils of spidersilk drifting in the wind, and his face made him think of some dark angel borne from the pits of Hell and sent to seduce the unwary into destruction....and even Marron envied his lush, thick black hair, longer than Marron's own even when bound--the dark angel's wings.

His thoughts were abruptly interrupted as Dalzien came to an unannounced halt before him, pausing before the last doorway before the stairwell terminated in a final archway leading somewhere that Marron could not discern in the darkness. Hmph. A tower as black and dismal as its Master.

"You will stay on this floor, below my private chambers, " Dalzien said quietly, just barely breaking the silence by his mechanically stated words as he fixed that disconcerting gaze on Marron once more--but he was not given time to reply as the door was opened and he was led through into the darkness beyond. At least now I know what lies past that archway, he thought as he followed Dalzien past several closed doorways to the single open one on the entire short hallway.

He was greeted by a well-furnished chamber--neither large nor small, but tastefully decorated in muted ivory and somber greens and blues. It seemed to be a sitting room of some sorts, with a small writing desk situated beneath one of two windows at one end, a small dining table against the back wall, and two plush chairs situated before a crackling fireplace at the opposite end. An open doorway to one side of the table gave him a glimpse of an equally luxurious bedroom, this time decorated in ivory, black, and deepest crimson; the smoothly wooden paneling of the walls of both rooms gleamed a warm, rich golden brown in the flickering firelight and soft amber lamplight. All in all, a rather comfortable establishment, and starkly contrasting his previous squalid dungeon quarters.

Marron turned to look at Dalzien after thoroughly surveying what was visible of both rooms, lofting a questioning eyebrow; in response, the taller man favored him with a cold glance. "These will be your quarters, for now, " he said quietly, without any explanation of just why. "There is a bathing chamber beyond the bedroom, and food will be delivered regularly. Everything that you require will be brought to you; you will not leave this suite for any reason, and should you attempt to escape you will be forcefully restrained. Do you understand, Marron?"

"Quite well, yes, " Marron answered tartly. "I should hope you will provide me with something to read to keep myself entertained?" he dared to continue. "Since you have gone to so much trouble to keep me in such luxury, surely you wouldn't want me to be bored."

He had hoped to irritate the man, at least provoke him somehow. Once again, he had failed. Dalzien only nodded once. "If you wish, books will be brought eventually. Should you require anything else, ask your guard and it will be brought, if it is within reason."

"Why....?" he started to ask, but was cut off as he was led further into the room. Before he could even blink, nimble fingers had removed his collar, finding a seam in apparently seamless metal; this time he felt the chill of the faint spark of flame before the ring parted and fell away from his neck, numbing his skin and leaving behind an almost painful tingle.

"You will not attempt to leave, " Dalzien repeated--and then he was gone, pivoting sharply on his heel and striding out the door without a backwards glance. The door closed behind him, the faint "click" of a lock followed, and the Lord of the Dark Tower was gone again, leaving Marron alone in his prison--from a rusted cage to a gilded one, but still a cage.

He immediately attempted to open the door, and found that it was, of course, securely locked; several long minutes were spent banging upon the door, to no avail. Not even a sound came from without; if there was a guard out there, he was not responding. Exasperated, Marron abandoned that particular effort and set to investigating his new surroundings. To his relief, he found several pens, ink-pots, and blank paper within the desk's multiple drawers; if anything, he could occupy himself by writing should he find himself without anything to do. A swift glance outside of the two tall windows removed any doubt about escaping through the portals; the drop the greeted him down the sheer walls was dizzying, and he could not even see the ground through the mist that the tower's column disappeared through.

He didn't bother to spend much time exploring the bedroom; only the bed, a small vanity with a mirror and a few combs and brushes, and a tall standing closet were there, and after sparing a quick moment to peek inside the closet at the multiple and varied items of clothing within he moved on into the bathing chamber. The room itself was rather small and square, tiled in black, and most of the floor was taken up by a bathing pool roughly six or seven feet in diameter; the water within steamed, seeming to invite him to enter, and a pile of lush towels waited next to the edge, begging to be used.

Oh gods to be clean at last.....Marron wasted little time in stripping out of his filthy, tattered clothes and plunging straight into the soothing heat of the water; he could have cried with joy as he submerged fully and then surfaced, his wet hair plastered to his head and sticking to his chest, back and shoulders. He may have still been a prisoner, but at least he was a clean prisoner--and comfortably situated. Sighing with pleasure, he reached for a towel and began to scrub at the filth caking his skin, languishing in the warmth of the deep bathing pool.

Not so very far away, Dalzien watching his unwitting prisoner at his bathing through the scrying glass mounted against a wall in his chambers, a thoughtful expression on his face as he watched Marron lean against the side wall of the circular pool and close his eyes, surrounded by the swirling tendrils of his hair that floated on the surface of the water. Silver eyes flicked over the play of taut muscles beneath pale, water-slick skin; for a passing, unguarded moment he wondered how that skin would feel beneath his fingers, heated by the temperature of the water--and then he dragged his mind back where it belonged, shaking his head with a small sigh.

I don't have time for this....he thought irritably, even as he watched the golden-eyed youth pull himself from the pool with ease, the musculature of his arms and back bunching and slithering like snakes beneath a velveteen covering as he lifted himself to the edge and then stood, fully exposing his smoothly chiseled body before wrapping a towel about his waist--almost as if he knew that he was being observed. He truly is perfect....

Unconsciously, Dalzien nibbled on his lower lip, fully captivated by the boy as he paced from the bathing chamber into the bedroom, moving like some caged beast--slender but powerful, serpentine and lovely. He watched for a few moments more as he wrung his dripping hair out over a basin and then twisted it into a tight knot at the base of his neck before turning to the standing closet.

When Marron began rifling through the assorted odds and ends of clothing, Dalzien turned away; an idle wave of his wraithlike hand banished the vision in the glass, and the sorcerer paced to his bedside, sparing a negligent touch for the Maelstrom orb before slipping into the chair at the bedside desk. He had business to attend to; the Maelstrom was growing restless for human life, and he would have to see to its needs soon lest it become disruptive. That, and he still had not found the means for attaining the power he required to depose King Oberon and Queen Tatania and resume his place among the Faerie court, and while he had plenty of time to attain his goal he found himself growing rather impatient.

With a resigned sigh, he reached for one of the worn, ancient scrolls piled upon the desk and opened it carefully, slender fingers sliding over the fragile parchment with a delicate touch and baring the arcane text to his questing sight--and, marshalling his infinite patience, he began to read. He would figure out what he intended to do with Marron....later.

I suppose this will do....Marron plucked fussily at the loose-fitting drawstring trousers of beige linen that encased his legs and the calf-length, sleeveless white tunic that buttoned halfway up his neck and was slit up the sides nearly to his waist. He felt strange without a sash binding his waist, but much better after a bath--and these garments were the closest that he could find to the comfort of his robes within the closet's confines. He supposed he could wash his sash in the pool later, but at the moment he....well, he basically didn't feel like it at the moment.

Yawning delicately, he ventured from the bedroom into the antechamber, idly twirling a loose strand of his damp hair around a finger and his bare feet whispering over the thick rugs beneath the sweeping legs of his trousers with every step--and was abruptly reminded of his excruciating hunger by the delicious smells wafting from near the doorway. He hadn't heard anyone enter from within the bathing chamber, but there before the door was the evidence that someone had indeed: a tray resting upon the small table next to the door, with a small stack of books to one side and a covered plate in the center, from whence the tantalizing aromas came.

Honey-glazed chicken on a bed of wild rice disappeared within moments, its inevitable demise only delayed as Marron took a few moments to transfer the tray and himself to the table, as was proper. Wild roots, steamed and doused in some spiced sauce, followed quickly, washed down with what he thought might be white grape juice. A light dessert of custard topped in crystallized, caramelized sugar finished the meal, and it was with satisfaction that Marron leaned back in his chair, a slender hand resting upon his full stomach as he closed his eyes to savor the feeling for a few brief seconds.

Hm...from destitution to absolute comfort in so short a time, he mused, wondering yet again at the sudden change in his confinement. What could possibly be motivating Dalzien, that he treated his captive like an honored guest? He almost felt as though he was sojourning on vacation--but there was no doubt in his mind that he was still a prisoner, and would remain so until he escaped or until Dalzien saw fit to dispatch him. He had no illusions about being released; he could only wait until the opportunity for escape presented itself. Here he was not constrained by irons and chains--but he was just as effectively bound, and his situation was just as impossible.

For now.

Rather than linger on thoughts that were, for the moment, utterly useless, Marron turned his attention to the pile of books as he stood, snagging the first atop the stack and carrying it with him as he wandered back into the bedroom, dropping lightly onto the edge of the black-covered bed and sliding back to prop himself against the headboard. He thought that perhaps he would read before he slept; removing his tunic and slipping underneath the coverlet, he flipped to the first page and began to idly peruse the text of what appeared to be the history of a long-dead civilization--but he had not even finished the first paragraph before he was asleep, neatly wound hair loosing to spill across the satin-covered pillows behind him as he drifted into slumber.

Six days passed in singular monotony; over that time the abrasions on his abused wrists and ankles healed without leaving even the faintest trace on his flawless, milky skin, and sore muscles melted away leaving only a remaining hint of stiffness. Not once did he see any sign of his captor, or any other living creature; food was always shoved through the door onto the smaller table, but never while he was in the room to witness it, which effectively prevented him from attempting to escape during the brief moments in which the door was open. Someone even emptied the chamber pot nightly--but always while he was asleep. It was almost as though he were attended by ghosts; he had even tried banging on the door to get the guard's attention, but once more met with no reply. Any requests that he made, for more books or anything else, were promptly delivered with his next meal, resting neatly on the tray next to his food.

Frankly, he was growing rather bored and irritable. He devoured the first stack of books, and the second delivered, and the third voraciously, within minutes it seemed; after the fourth day he no longer even felt like reading, and tried to occupy himself by writing--but even that wore on his nerves, and by the time that the evening of the sixth day came he was pacing the floor of his chambers like a caged beast, the linen of his trousers swirling about his leanly muscled calves with every stalking step. If he did not talk to someone, anyone, soon....he just might scream. Not to mention that he was dying for some kind of physical activity, a workout, anything--and no, pacing did not count.

However, on the evening of the sixth day, his dinner was brought by none other than Dalzien himself, who entered the room with the tray balanced neatly on one arm but appearing nothing like anyone's servant. Marron felt a strange jump in his stomach as he watched him from his seat before the fire; after so long without another living presence, even the entrance of the tall, sinister man was a welcome sight. What he did not welcome, however, were his almost unavoidable macabre thoughts about just why he had come--was he finally through with stringing his prisoner along in wary anticipation and had now finally come to take whatever it was that he wanted?

And yet it seemed that he did not intend to stay long at all. "You are well, I trust, " Dalzien queried formally, his tone as chilling as ever but oddly distracted as he idly deposited the tray with its covered plate on the dining table and then straightened, fixing a hawklike, unblinking stare on Marron--unnerving even normally, now doubly so after being without company for so long.

Still, Marron turned out a glib, serene reply with ease--but there was no mistaking the sarcasm underlying his tone. "How could I not be, when caged amidst such luxury?" he asked, gesturing with lightly curled fingers around the chamber. "I feel less like a prisoner and more like royalty."

"I'm sure...." was Dalzien's only murmured, diffident reply; as usual, Marron had failed in eliciting a response, any kind of change in demeanor--but he was favored with a sharp look as well as a slight harshness to the silver-eyed man's tone as he continued, "You are my prisoner. Never forget that. I can return you to the dungeons easily if you displease me, or simply dispose of you."

Without waiting for Marron's carefully worded counter, the Lord of the Dark Tower turned on his heel and long legs took him towards the door with swift, flowing strides. Marron pressed his lips together, watching him thoughtfully--and then swallowed his pride with much difficulty, raising a hand as he did the unthinkable.

He called him back.

"Wait...stay." When Dalzien turned to look at him, surprise clearly written upon his elegant face for a moment before vanishing smoothly behind the unruffled visage, Marron lowered his eyes demurely to his lap, suddenly and annoyingly shy. "Please--I find myself wanting for company." He cast a wry glance towards the books that were piled upon the desk. "Company that can speak."

"I have things to attend to." The harshness of Dalzien's tone made it clear to Marron that he was at the level of an insect--or below--on the priority level of his precious time, and he nearly shrank into himself from irritation at his affronted dignity.

"Yes, well, if you are going to keep me here like a jewel inside a case you could at least talk to me!" he snapped, almost before he realized that the words had left his mouth; aghast, he clamped his lips shut, mentally berating himself for speaking without thinking of his current situation. How did he expect to get out of here if he angered Dalzien enough for the man to kill him on impulse?

He managed not to allow his trepidation to show on his face as Dalzien cocked his head to the side, studying him through narrowed eyes, the shadow of heavy lashes only making the silver depths glitter even more strangely. Sensual lips twitched ever-so-slightly, and slowly, like a stalking cat, Dalzien paced towards him with deliberately measured steps. He was toying with Marron--making him feel wary, nervous with anticipation, cruelly drawing out the time before he spoke by pausing next to Marron's chair and staring down at him from his towering height in glacial silence. The man had made an art out of unsettling others--and unfortunately, his mastery of his craft was working rather well on the golden-eyed young man.

"You, " he said softly, his voice deceptively mild, "want me....to talk....to you?"

Marron managed to swallow the lump in his throat and keep his expression cool and calm as he nodded once before tilting his chin upwards proudly. "It would be nice, rather than being left with nothing more than books to entertain myself with." He might as well finish what he started; he was damned either way, now.

Dalzien's expression never shifted from the skin-shivering stare, nor did his voice lose that mild tone with its frightening undercurrent of dangerous darkness. "Very well, " he said, and Marron practically gaped in shock. "But not tonight. Tomorrow evening I will dine with you, and we will....talk." He spoke the last word as though it were alien, some word in a foreign tongue that he was molding his mouth around for the first time.

"I...." Snap out of it, Marron! "That would be appreciated, " he continued smoothly after a moment's hesitation, falling back into the comforting safety net of formality.

A curt, perfunctory nod was his only reply--and then Dalzien was gone again, disappearing in a swirl of his bound hair and followed by the usual "snick" of the door's lock sliding home....leaving Marron to slump against his chair in stunned, wide-eyed silence. He must have been out of his mind to request the dark sorcerer's company--but enforced solitude and boredom caused one to do strange things, and there was no harm in simply talking....was there?

The next day passed with agonizing slowness. He could find nothing to keep him occupied for even a few moments, and found himself pacing once more; after what seemed like years, the sun slowly set and he was faced with only an hour before the time that his dinner was usually delivered. To pass the time, Marron disgusted himself by actually "dressing up" for dinner. The beige linen trousers that had become a daily part of his ensemble remained, but the white tunic was discarded for one of deep emerald silk of nearly identical design--but rather than buttons, it was held closed by neatly knotted ribbons of a dark, rich yellow-gold. He had managed to find a matching scarf of transparent silk in nearly the same color in the closet's cavernous depths, and he wound this around his waist as sash, letting the ends trail and flutter to one side; the gold complemented the dark green well, and accented his molten eyes strikingly.

His hair he combed meticulously and bound into a neat tail at the nape of his neck, much as the Lord of the Dark Tower preferred to do--and as he glanced at his reflection in the mirror, it struck him forcefully how much they looked alike...especially with Marron's hair bound. Both had the same pale, flawless skin and long, raven-black hair; both had delicate features, although Marron's face was more rounded, and slender frames accented by wiry muscles despite Dalzien's superior height. Marron's eyes were larger and gold, Dalzien's longer and silver--but both were heavy-lidded and lazy beneath long, lush lashes, distinctly feline. Were it not for the ears, Dalzien could more than likely pass for Marron's brother--certainly much more easily than Carrot did.

His brother, or some demonic distortion of Marron himself.

Shuddering, the young Sorcerer Hunter banished the distasteful thought just in time to hear the door open and shut followed by the telltale sound of the lock sliding home--from the outside. Silence followed, and for a moment he thought that the Lord of the Dark Tower had reneged on his vow of the night before and he would enter the room only to find his repast awaiting in solitary splendor in its usual place--but to his surprise, Dalzien was there, easily balancing a large, heavily laden tray on one arm as he bore it to the dining table. His every motion was executed in perfect silence; no wonder Marron had thought that he was still alone.

Sickeningly perfect as always, he thought as he studied the dark sorcerer from his vantage point at the doorway, ignoring the fact that others had no doubt thought the same about himself on numerous occasions. Dalzien wore his hair swept back as usual, although several stray tendrils persisted in escaping to fall into his face or be tucked behind his ears; long, leanly muscled were encased in snugly fitted breeches of black velvet that disappeared into black riding boots, and a suede doublet richly dyed in almost the same green as Marron's own tunic hugged his slender torso over its traditional accompaniment of a white linen blouse, complete with billowing sleeves bound in place only by ruffled cuffs. It was almost as if they were dressed to match, and made quite a pair set against the backdrop of golden wood accented in green, blue, and ivory.

"Ahem." He coughed politely, if only to make his presence known; Dalzien didn't even twitch, save to swivel one delicate ear in his direction.

"Sit, " he only ordered quietly as he placed two of the larger dome-covered plates before the seats at the opposite end of the table, leaving the other assorted dishes and their contents a mystery for the moment.

Marron complied--but slowly, at his own pace, refusing to give Dalzien the pleasure of seeing him scramble for his seat at a single command. As he folded himself into the high-backed wooden chair, he placed his hands neatly in his lap, suddenly wishing for the familiarity of his robes so that he could hide his slender digits within the voluminous sleeves rather than worrying that the sorcerer might see the nervous twitching of his fingers. He had to be mad, voluntarily requesting the man's company--and yet here he was, sitting across from him in all of his elegant splendor, and eyeing him coolly from the length of the table--which suddenly seemed far too small for Marron's comfort.

Rather than meet the unnerving silver gaze, Marron lifted the dome over his plate to reveal the main part evening's repast--salmon in some kind of thick cream sauce, flecked with spices and smelling quite delicious. Another glance towards Dalzien showed that he had removed the covering from his plate as well, but seemed in no hurry to begin eating as he only continued to watch Marron through hooded, snakelike eyes over steepled, tightly interlaced fingers.

I suppose I should go ahead and start, then, he thought, reaching for his fork and taking a tentative bite, glancing once more towards his dinner partner for any sign of disapproval--and was answered only by that same stony, silent mask, beauty carved in elegant, unmoving ivory. He wondered if Dalzien even ate the sort of food that most did--but he must, or he would not have among his staff whatever cook prepared Marron's daily meals.

Uncomfortable silence fell across them like some thick blanket; birdlike, predatory, Dalzien continued to watch his captive across the table as he ate daintily, without touching his food himself. "You're not hungry?" Marron paused in his repast to glance towards the silver-eyed Lord again, politely inquiring--anything to break the choking stillness.

"Not at the moment, no, " came the only nearly-whispered, dispassionate reply--and then all was quiet again.

So much for that, Marron thought, continuing to pick at his food--but he suddenly found that he was no longer hungry, and was beginning to wish that he had never requested this audience.

"I suppose you wish to talk." Dalzien's low voice shattered the stillness once more, and a startled Marron nearly choked on his current bite of salmon in surprise. Recovering smoothly, he dabbed at his mouth with a linen napkin and lifted his gaze, golden eyes fixing on silver ones calmly as he laid his fork aside.

"That would be nice, " he answered archly, lofting a delicately sculpted brow.

One slim shoulder lifted in a minimal shrug, barely shifting the doublet or the flowing fabric beneath it--but still no expression altered that stony visage. "I am here, as you requested. Talk, then."

"Ahhh...." Oh dear; this was a predicament. Just what was he to say? He could not exactly open a normal conversation with this man; casual pleasantries were impossible, and anything else would more than likely be folly--voluntarily treading on dangerous ground. There was only one route to follow that might provide some avenue of safety: information. "May I ask you a few questions?"

"If you wish." The man could irritate a priest with his minimal replies, but for Marron it was all the encouragement that was required.

"What are you?" he ventured tentatively, daring to get straight to the point rather than dancing around with casual conversation; he doubted that a prisoner had much to worry about in terms of impressing his captor with his skills at small talk.

To his surprise, Dalzien answered him without hesitation. "Fae." A soft sigh followed, and suddenly Dalzien's tone turned strangely pensive, his gaze shifting distant as he focused it over Marron's shoulder and out the window. "Or I was....a long time ago."

"What happened?" Marron could not contain his curiosity, and waited almost eagerly for the Fae-born's reply, his food nearly forgotten; knowledge was knowledge despite its source, and he devoured it hungrily--especially anything that could cause this frozen man to display any sort of expression.  He was fascinated by the Lord of the Dark Tower and the mystery that he presented; on the outside, he did not seem like a cruel man, simply a cold, distant one--but Marron had heard the stories of his sadism, had witnessed some of it for himself, and would not be deluded by his curiosity or by that pretty, elegant face.

Dalzien, however, seemed reluctant to discuss his past with his prisoner, and several long moments of silence passed before his throaty voice spilled forth again. "I was cast from my people for my crimes, " he said quietly, and from his tone Marron knew better than to ask what those crimes were. "Banished to the void between worlds. There is a civilization there, a crossworlds city known as Limbo where the outcasts survive....as did I. I learned the forbidden magics there....learned to overcome my Fae nature...and then the Maelstrom took me."


"Feh....it is not something that I can explain quickly." A long-fingered, slender hand unlaced itself from its mate and fluttered dismissively as he fixed glittering orbs of smoky quicksilver on Marron once again, unblinking. "Suffice to say that it is the substance that glues the surface of the different worlds to the surface of Limbo--it is the space between the space between, alive but not. Dangerous, dark and powerful....it was the Maelstrom that allowed me to escape from Limbo."

Now this was fascinating indeed; the scholar in Marron hungered for more, and he listened with avid attention. "How, though? Where does its power come from?"

The glimmering gaze, which had been hard and cold before, iced over completely now, warning him that he was prying beyond his limits and the boundaries of Dalzien's graciousness. A silent stare warned him to change the subject, and Marron managed not to frown as he lowered his gaze to his plate yet again.

"I would like to know why you've kept me here, " he dared to ask, keeping his voice soft--partially in a prudent effort to keep from angering the Fae-born before him, and partially out of his own hesitation and trepidation.

"I have my reasons, " was Dalzien's enigmatic reply--as though Marron was not even worth the simple courtesy of a true answer.

Suddenly angry, the young man lifted narrowed, furiously sparking golden eyes to shoot the other a glare, his voice rising slightly as he snapped, "I am quite sure that you do, and I would like to know what they are rather than being teased and taunted like some kind of child or...or....a worthless puppet!"

He knew the folly of his words even before he left his mouth, but he could not stop them; his tension had been eating at him after his days of inactivity and solitude within this velvet-lined prison cell, and he found tact abandoning him to the vagaries of a flaring temper. Oh dear, I've done it now....Marron silently cursed himself for a fool as the Lord of the Dark Tower rose swiftly to his feet and closed the distance between them, splendid and terrifying in his sudden icy fury.    Golden eyes widened, luminous with apprehension as the shadow of the towering man fell across him, and Marron caught his lower lip between his teeth as he stared upwards into those crackling silver eyes.

"You are my prisoner, never forget that, " he stated in a low, hissing tone, made all the more terrifying by its very low, soft, note--and then slender fingers snaked around Marron's wrist in a movement so swift that the young Sorcerer Hunter had barely seen it as more than a flash of whiteness before he found himself effectively captured in a cruel grip.

"Let me go!" he snarled, tugging at his wrist angrily--and was rewarded by a painful tightening of the already uncomfortable grip, manicured nails digging into his flesh harshly as he was jerked roughly from his seat and forced against his captor's slim frame.

He saw his death in liquid silver eyes that somehow burned even as they froze the soul, flickering strangely with that undertone of chill violet flame once more; he saw his death, and those of a thousand, a million others as Dalzien pinned him with that terrible stare, his voice remaining low and even, his fingers colder than ice around Marron's wrist.  "I own you, " he hissed, speaking the words with such calm certainty that they struck Marron to the core.    "I will do with you what I wish, when I wish, for whatever reasons that I wish--and you will not question me.  You are my slave, whelp; I choose to treat you as an honored guest, but I can easily revert you to your true status.  Never, ever forget that."

"Beast, " Marron growled in defiant return, his golden eyes burning a molten amber in fury that this creature dared to think that he could ever, ever own Marron Glace.  "I will never be your slave, no matter what you do to me!"

"You think not?"  That soft laugh shivered over his spine, striking terror into his heart, but he refused to show it; rather, Marron kept his expression locked in its fierce frown--and suddenly he found his other wrist captured, locked in an identical grip, Dalzien's fingernails digging bloody crescents in his moon-pale skin.  He barely had time to gasp in surprise as he was dragged away from the table with a brutal strength that should not have been possible for such a thin, fragile-seeming man--and then he was slammed roughly against the wall, his head striking the wooden paneling with a painful thump that elicited a soft grunt from his throat.  "Perhaps you would like me to demonstrate."

Marron struggled like a wild thing, straining against his imprisonment, but it was like trying to escape from steel bindings; the taller man did not even flinch as a carefully-aimed knee snapped into the flat planes of his stomach.  "Gods be damned, release me this instant!"

"No."  Only that single low utterance before Marron's wrists were forced over his head, and then together so that Dalzien could capture them both in the long fingers of one elegant hand--and then his free hand was at the neck of Marron's tunic, ripping it apart in a single savage movement without a care for the fine fabric.  Golden eyes widened in horror even as their owner struggled not to cry out at the pain of the cloth biting into his neck, and he could only writhe helplessly as the garment was torn open from neck to waist with another sharp jerk, the ribbons holding it closed shredding with a harsh ripping sound.

Dalzien's fangs gleamed stark white in the golden lamplight as he parted his lips in a feral smile, thoroughly enjoying his prisoner's acute discomfort and reveling in Marron's near-palpable hatred of him.  Pale fingertips traced lightly over his exposed chest, and Marron shuddered in revulsion as the man touched him as a lover might, claiming him with light caresses that he could do nothing about.  "Get your filthy hands off of me, " he spat--and he was rewarded by trails of pain raking like fire down his chest, followed by lines of crimson velvet that blossomed wetly on his skin.

"What was that, pet?" the Lord of the Dark Tower queried gently, smiling almost sweetly--a shark's smile, a predator's slow grin.

Marron could not answer; sickness choked his throat, thick and sour--sickness and hatred.  This is not happening to me.    Not to me.  He gasped as he suddenly felt himself lifted, the single hand tightening around his wrist and hauling him upwards with a frightening, inhuman strength until he was on a level with those stark, hungry eyes and then above, dangling helplessly from the sorcerer's grasp as the man's fingertips smeared the blood in scarlet trails over his chest, vermilion against ivory that stung every time that his fingertips touched the fresh scratches.

And then the horror of it--an ebon-topped head dipped, a pink tongue-tip darted from between pale lips, and Marron trembled as Dalzien tasted him, flicking his tongue over the blood on his skin before dragging it up the length of a shallow gouge that ran from just above his navel nearly to his neck, savoring his sanguine fluid with slow languor.  Dizziness overwhelmed him from the force of his revulsion, so much that he thought he might faint then and there; even the will to struggle escaped him, and he could only squeeze his eyes shut and try to pretend that this was not happening.  Not to him.

Yet the torture did not stop there....no, he was not that fortunate.  The path of Dalzien's tongue continued, dancing lightly over the pale marble column of his neck, and cat-sharp teeth nipped at his skin once before shifting ever-upwards until the dark sorcerer's lips rested at his ear, their touch upon the lobe softer than even his whisper as he spoke.  "Do you still doubt who is master her, my Marron, my pet?" he asked, following it with another light nip that made Marron shudder, sending strange, unfamiliar and frightening tinglings rippling over his flesh even as he cringed away.

"Just....get away from me..." he choked out, almost whimpering--but he still had enough control over his illness to keep that single pathetic sound from escaping.  "Please...." he added on, reluctantly--but he would do anything to get this monster away from him, to get his filthy hands off of his flesh....even compromise what remained of his pride.  He would surely go mad if he was not released soon.

Cold breath tickled his ear and chilled his flesh as Dalzien chuckled--a mirthless, dead sound that caused him to shrink away even more.  "So the little pet learns, " he murmured into his ear, lips sliding silk-soft over his skin before he withdrew--and suddenly Marron found himself tossed aside carelessly, crumpling to the floor like a dead leaf and biting back a cry once more as he struck the carpeted surface painfully.

"Now behave like a good little pet....or perhaps I shall choose to demonstrate further."  Marron squeezed his eyes shut, remaining motionless on the floor, and after a few moments he heard soft footsteps moving slowly away from him--and then the door opened and closed, the lock slid home, and he was alone.

Dear gods....Marron sat up quickly, fingers scrabbling almost frantically at the sash binding the ruined tunic to his body, ripping the torn garment from his frame as though it were soiled with filth.    He felt....tainted....sickened....and he scrubbed vigorously at his scratched and bleeding chest, as though that might somehow remove the foulness staining his body.    Trembling, he forced himself shakily to his feet and staggered into the bedroom, collapsing onto the bed and curling around a pillow as though for comfort; he felt that he might cry, but could not bring himself to do so.  Allowing that weakness would be the ultimate compromise of his self-control....an even greater compromise than admitting that....for a single short moment....he had enjoyed that horrid creature's touch.

If only it had been Gateau....even Chocolate....someone, anyone other than Dalzien--but then, they would never have dared to take such terrible liberties with his body, never would have dared to touch him so intimately without his permission.  To them he was a treasure, a creature to be worshipped and revered; to Dalzien he was nothing more than a toy, a slave to his desires.    Bile welled in his throat once more at the thought of being that inhuman monster's puppet, and he curled tighter around the pillow, shaking; he had to escape before he touched him again, before he experienced the pleasurable agony of that sinful caress once more.

Before he went insane. 

Trembling uncontrollably, he buried his face in the pillow's satiny covering and tried to lose himself in the sweet peace of sleep, in the oblivion of slumbering visions of freedom....but thoughts of fangs, bright silver eyes, mocking and malevolent, haunted his dreams.

Only one level above, Dalzien lay in his bed as well--not shaking, but only lying in utter stillness, staring upwards at the canopy overhead and his thoughts locked on the golden-eyed boy.  Marron, he corrected himself absently even as his mind lingered over the glorious sensation of that slender, pale body trembling sweetly against him, once again tasted the flavor of his hatred and fear....and his blood, oh darkness his blood..... Dalzien was not a true vampire, but he still understood the savour of the sweet bouquet of life and relished it as any creature of the undead might--perhaps more so.  Marron's blood was like none that he had ever tasted, and even now he found himself hungering for it once more, longing to taste that coppery sweetness on his tongue, feel the warmth filling his mouth even as Marron cried out beneath him, begging, pleading for him to touch him, to take more, anything....

An imperceptible shudder racked his frame as he shifted onto his side, pressing his the cool skin of his cheek against the pillow's soft satin slip; the Maelstrom orb came into view, and his thoughts drew into sudden focus as he stared at the shifting black mass.  Its hunger reached out to touch him, swarming over his very essence like some coiling, malignant plague of locusts--but to him, harmless....familiar and soothing, and reminding him that he should not be lusting after delicious morsels like Marron; the boy could easily become a potential weakness, or even find some way to turn Dalzien's desire into an advantage.    He had not spend centuries building his impenetrable wall of power only to lose it to one foolish indulgence.

The living blackness surged once more, as though in approval, and Dalzien sighed as he slid smoothly into a sitting position.  He could feel the Maelstrom calling to him, a sweet siren song of Cimmerian power, even from its pit hundreds of feet beneath the earth; perhaps submergence in the sentient substance of chaos would clear his mind utterly and help him reorganize his thoughts and focus on his ever-distant goal.  The Faerie court would not wait while he wasted time in ravishing a beautiful young prisoner--and neither would Maelstrom.

He found himself on the stairwell outside his chambers almost before he realized it, descending into the ill-lit gloom and his keen vision piercing the dusky, spiraling corridor easily--but he only made it down one flight before he paused, indecisive, before the door leading to the secondary level.  Barefoot and bare-chested, his hair spilling about his shoulders and swaying at his hips, he froze, lazy eyes seeming to pierce through the thick slab of wood to the other side.

Once more he suddenly found himself in another location with no knowledge of how he had arrived there--this time standing outside the door to Marron's chambers, idly combing his fingers through a few strands of his hair and his smoky silver gaze flicking from the door to the stone golem that stood guard over the chamber.  He could sense the boy on the other side of the door, sense the raw heat of his life pulsing through the undercurrents, melting along the fine strands of the web of consciousness that underlaid reality.  He was sleeping--fitfully, troubled by his dreams; even through the walls separating them, Dalzien could taste the savour of his torment on the air.  It beckoned him, a sweeter lure than even the Maelstrom's subtle siren song, creating a stirring ache in the pit of his stomach--and slowly, almost reluctantly, he touched a slender fingertip to the lock, summoning the familiar brief spark of power required to set the primitive gears inside to tumbling.


He couldn't have possibly recognized the sound, especially not in his sleep, but Marron did--and instantly he was awake, golden eyes wide and luminous in the darkness, his slender frame frozen in the center of the bed.  There it was again--the whisper of bare feet over wood, then over the thick nap of rugs....and then a shadow drifted into the bedroom like a leaf upon the wind, and even that faint sound was silenced as the intruder stepped quietly, warily, to the edge of the bed.

Marron caught his breath as he stared up at the tall, slender silhouette poised such a scant distance away from him, too startled to even attempt to hide the fact that he was awake; even though the intruder's face was concealed in night's darkness, he knew it could be none other than his captor and "master"--Dalzien.  Surely this must be some nightmare, some visiting horror that his subconscious chose to gift him with in his dreams--but the shaft of moonlight that suddenly burst through the uncurtained window to highlight features so perfectly chiseled as to be almost sharp was only too real, and Marron felt a sinking in his stomach as he continued to gaze with anxiety-widened eyes up at the beautiful Fae-born man.

Dalzien stared back at him through half-lidded, heavy eyes that glittered like twin stars in the murky gloom, and with a sudden sickness Marron knew--the Lord of the Dark Tower had come to claim his "property."  So stunned and horrified was he that he could not even shift away as he so wanted to as the taller man seated himself on the edge of the bed with the light, easy grace of a feather coming to rest--and even more stunning and horrifying was the strange coiling in the pit of his stomach as he gazed, frozen, upon that leanly muscled frame, at the finely sculpted chest that gleamed in silver moonlight like fragments of pearl flashing beneath crystalline waves.   Starshatter eyes drifted over Marron's body, leaving behind trails almost like a physical caress, paths of ice traced upon his flesh that made him want to shiver--but he could not even do that in his petrified state.

He squeezed his eyes shut again as the bone-white dove of a slim hand fluttered to brush his hair from his eyes, and then trailed down over the line of his jaw, tracing his neck and then sliding over his bare shoulder--softer than the touch of a butterfly's wings, and infinitely more gentle and tender than any touch Marron had thought this man capable of.....but still cold, terribly cold, as though an ice cube were being drawn over his skin.  Cracking one lid, he peered at Dalzien warily....and found the man to be staring at him, almost enraptured as his eyes followed the path of his lightly caressing hand--nearly reverent.

This was strange indeed; what had happened to the savage creature that had brutalized him only hours before, whose clawing touch still stung upon his chest?   This man seemed almost in awe of him--desiring, yes, but softer and somehow less frightening.  His touch still made him shiver with loathing, but it was not unbearable....but it had not been unbearable before, as much as he hated to admit it.    He had never allowed anyone to touch him, never allowed anyone close enough to even try--but someone had dared to more than try, had dared to forcibly touch him....and somewhere deep within, on the most primal level possible, he had enjoyed it.

Sickened by his own thoughts, Marron let a low, strangled noise escape from his throat and rolled away, turning his back to Dalzien--but he was not allowed that escape.   Slender fingers locked about his wrist once more, fitting almost perfectly into slots marked by fresh bruises, and he found himself jerked back around to face those horribly mesmerizing silver eyes.  Ah yes....here was the beast that he remembered, hungry, powerful, dark--only waiting for the right moment in which to devour him after first watching him suffer unbearably.

"Be still, my little pet, " came the soft, hypnotic whisper--an open, terrible mockery of a lover's reassuring murmurings as the steel-banded grip tightened painfully around Marron's wrist--and then, suddenly, cold lips touched warm in a firm kiss, and he found himself frozen once more, in completely and utterly stunned.

Dalzien kissed him gently but insistently, sensually curving lips held to Marron's lightly before nipping and sucking at the golden-eyed boy's lower lip--always light and tender, but utterly possessive, claiming him fully.  A warm flush raced through Marron's body, involuntary but most certainly there, and he nearly whimpered at the shame of it, that this soulless thing could inspire such feelings in him and cause his cheeks to bloom roses against fields of pristine ivory.   A moan was what escaped instead, released around the pressure of parted lips; he felt himself melting in the impossible heat that the Fae-born emanated--heat born from ice in an impossible flood of sensation as he felt his body fully possessed; unresisting, he allowed himself to be pushed onto his back, allowed his arms to be pulled over his head and his wrists to be pressed firmly into the bed's soft resistance.  He would not submit....could not surrender....and yet he found that even as his mind protested, his body was quickly taking that choice away from him.

He could not understand it...he did not want to.   Never had anyone touched him like this, kissed him the way that Dalzien did, tongue-tip questing hotly into his mouth, caressing lightly over his teeth, twining around his own tongue and sucking on it in a manner that made him feel as though he were dissolving into the silken coverlet even as he reveled in the heightened sensation of the fabric slithering over his skin.   Rationality deserted him even as he attempted to clutch feebly at some semblance of coherent thought, tried to cocoon himself in his loathing of the Fae-born man--but then Dalzien touched him, lowered his lips to kiss the column of his neck, and he was lost to the relentless assault, swimming in pools of liquid mercury.

Dalzien wanted him....darkness below, did he want him, so badly that he could taste it, feel it, almost experience it through the pure force of his desire.  What little clothing that remained on either of their forms vanished swiftly beneath his nimble fingers, and he pressed the chill of his thin body to the warmth of Marron's slender one, relishing in the feeling of the pale, sleekly muscled frame beneath him....at first struggling weakly against him, tossing and writhing half-heartedly....and then, slowly, Marron warmed to his touch, tossing now towards the teasing caress of his fingers as they roved freely over that lotus-pale skin, traced the outline of perfect musculature, shivered over skin that rippled like velvet over smoothly curving steel plates.

Sweet surrender....he did so love it when they struggled, but somehow Marron's uncontrollable acceptance of his tender violation only made the slow ravishing of his body all the more delicious.  Hatred and passion entwined in one sultry, golden-eyed feline creature--and that creature was his and his alone, to do with as he wished, to awaken to his touch.  If he was not mistaken, his alluring captive had never felt another's intimate touch, and it brought him a sadistic pleasure that it would be he who took what Marron had held so precious--and against his will, at that.

Cool fingers stroked over warm flesh, tantalizing with expert skill, and he felt Marron tense beneath him as his hand brushed lightly across his turgid need; his every reaction, a combination of shock and pleasure, delighted the dark man and drove him to commit further acts of "depravity", biting at his skin and leaving faint red marks even as his fingers grew ever more daring in their explorations.   Night-black hair spilled down to trickle over skin paler than fragile starlight, ran in onyx rivulets into the pools of ravenblack spread across the pillow beneath his willing captive.   Such a delicate flower, beautiful, mysterious, golden eyes glazed and fiery as he cried out in protest and longing with each touch....truly one of the most lovely sights that Dalzien had ever beheld, and he could not stop himself from claiming those soft lips in another plundering, hungry kiss.

Marron was drowning.  Pure sensation surged over him, and yet still it was not enough; this time, when Dalzien kissed him he returned the embrace of lips eagerly, and each time that flesh parted from flesh another low moan escaped from his throat, pleading, desperately begging the graceful Fae-born for something that he did not even know as anything more than a feeling, a coiling ache in the pit of his stomach that seemed to intensify with each passing moment--and then the unthinkable happened, his need answered in a pinpoint of pain that was quickly forgotten, and he sank into a molten swirling of sensually rioting color and heat, unable to do anything other than clutch frantically at moon-white shoulders, clinging to the taller man desperately.   He bled life, sensation, color in deep hues of red and violet and flaring gold that danced before his eyes and flowed through his veins.

Heat filled him, concentrated at the burning pinpoint that joined Dalzien's body to his--gold and silver, fire and ice melding in slow, languid pulsations, life and death feeding upon each other and each pushing its counterpart towards twin pinnacles of ecstatic glory that were identical in their very paradoxical contradiction.  Marron tasted blood, and vaguely realized that he had bitten his own lip; the pain mattered not, and he was aware only of the fey creature poised above him, ethereal darkness embodied and seeming as though even now he might spirit away to some forgotten place, leaving behind only a trace of softly glimmering light that faded away with the elusive sound of mocking laughter.  For just these few moments he could forget what Dalzien was, forget what he was, and simply......savour.

Music flowed between them--dark, somber strains that throbbed and pulsed with deep, sinister notes writhing and twisting around shining filaments of a lighter melody, threatening to eclipse it but always only weaving through it, creating a triumphant orchestral shout tinted with bloodsong as Dalzien bent to lap at the crimson fluid staining Marron's curving lips--and then stars exploded in a crash of cymbals, and neither was aware of anything else.

Marron was awakened by the sound of shouting--voices that nagged at his sleeping consciousness, sounding strangely but impossibly familiar.  Slowly, reluctantly he dragged himself from sleep, peering about the empty bedchamber groggily as he attempted to disentangle himself from the silken sheets twined sinuously about his nude form; he felt tired, unbelievably so,  and for some reason his muscles were painfully sore...and then he stiffened, his eyes flying wide, as he remembered the events of the night before.

That was a dream.  Dear gods tell me that was all a dream....

It hadn't been a dream; he realized this as he licked dry lips, blushing--and his tongue passed over the roughness, the slight break in the satin-smooth skin of his lower lip where he had bitten through it, and he stared in dazed wonder and chagrin at the twisted sheets in the now-empty bed, reliving his own reprehensible acts with something akin to horror.  How could he....

His frantically spiraling thoughts were interrupted by yet another shout, closer this time, almost right outside his door--and then something heavy slammed into the door, and he scrabbled for his trousers, managing to slip into them only fractions of a second before the splintering of heavy oak heralded the arrival of a large, heavily muscled man who came windmilling into the room amidst a shower of splinters, blonde hair flying.

Gateau.  Of all the people he had expected to come bursting through that door, it had to be Gateau.

"Come on Marron; we're busting you out of here!" he yelled, and when the dazed young man did not move quickly enough for his liking he stepped forward as though he might throw him over one massive shoulder--but Marron stepped away from him adroitly, quickly collecting himself as he saw Chocolate, Tira, and his older brother Carrot waiting warily outside the chamber.   Tilting his chin upwards proudly, he stepped smoothly from the room, paying no mind to his bare feet and exposed torso and resuming his accustomed distant composure--that is, until his brother grabbed him in a crushing hug.


"Ahhh....oh my...." Marron struggled feebly, more to find the room to breathe than to escape as he choked, "I am happy to see you as well, Nii-san....how did you manage to rescue me?"

"No time for that!" Chocolate interrupted, snagging her darling Carrot's arm and dragging him towards the exit to the stairwell.  "We'll explain later!"

Sighing, Marron could only follow the other Sorcerer Hunters as they ran from the Dark Tower--though what they were running from, he did not know, since the Tower was as echoingly silent as it had always been....with no trace of its Master to be seen, which would have puzzled him had he not been trying to match his light jog to his brother's frantic pace.

Nearly an hour later, the small band settled at their rude camp a safe distance away from the tower, and after Marron had changed into his spare robes that he had left behind, Carrot took a moment to explain.  "We blew our way into the Tower, " he explained.  "We thought it would be hard, but Dalzien was waaaaay off guard--like he hadn't even been thinking about the possibility of a rescue attempt; we whacked him easy.  It was strange, when you think about it, but hey I didn't mind an easy job for once.  Anyway....you okay, Marron?"

Not so strange after all....he thought, almost morosely, before he answered distractedly, "Yes...yes....I am fine.   I have face worse treatment at others' hands."  But never had I faced.....He allowed the thought to trail off as he lapsed into reflective, troubled silence; even if his companions did not, he knew why Dalzien had been unprepared for an attack, why he had relaxed enough to let his guard down.....and Marron felt a strange twinge of guilt, despite the fact that it was his job to hunt and kill sorcerers just like Dalzien--most less twisted and depraved, but none had ever made him feel what he had experienced with Dalzien....none had ever touched him in such a way, both physically and on some deeper level that he could not name.  Remorse creased his brow; Dalzien had given him the gift of his strange, cold kiss--and he had returned that by causing his death.

"Come on, Marron, lighten up!"   A meaty hand clapped him on the shoulder, and he felt Gateau's arm drape roughly over his shoulders.   "You're out of there now; you can leave it behind and stop brooding."

Yes...he thought, favoring his traveling companion with a minimal smile even as the others burst into raucous, rowdy conversation around him.   I can leave it behind....but I will never forget.   In my own way, I am sorry, Dalzien.

May you find your own painful ecstasy, wherever you are now.