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What's New with Denise:

last updated March '06

Mar 2006- Your Fountain of Youth (products): find it

For an affordable computer, it does it all: go see

been updating my Interests and Activities pages

Nov 2005-Music is important for children. It helps develop their mind in Art , Science and more! Here's an interesting link:

8/2005-Added a San Diego Page here under Interests

5/2005-Check this out San Diego: They provide mobile service, so just call!!

You may just hear me on broadcasted radio (mostly oldies) or on your fm dial in Hollywood!

Ron keeps getting medically extended! They want to keep doing surgery in Georgia. Well at least there is "leave."

Yikes! I need to do some serious updating on my links, sorry about that.

3/2004-Did you know there are free classes in San Diego? Computer, art, parenting and more. Look here.

Gotto get slim: Susan Somers (one M) Diet is helping out. She's my hero! Look her book up here for cheap. I don't have stock or anything. It just may help you pass your tape and weight!

Back in CA, but up north with mom and baby! See you during drills.

Husband is back and safe. Hooah.


Thanks to all for praying for our men/women and spouses in Iraq. Thank you especially to the Savannah Church for prayers and kindness.

Disciple Bro's: Have you ever been out with a Southern Bell? Warm climate, cheap gas prices, low state tax, etc. Single bro's encouraged to visit this beatiful, coastal city and the church. Web sites: visit! employment

Disciple Families: The Savannah Church of Christ is looking for a leader/preacher! If you have a heart for the military, a heart for the lost, a child or children, and excited to be in a church of about 30, you may have my vote.

I heard an old rumor about me...I didn't know how to respond, since it was utterly false. I thought people would know me too well, guess not. Let me just say, as a disciple, before God, that the only man I've ever had "intercourse" with is my present husband. Think about it, how much sense would it have made for me to do that? Apperantly it is easier to think I'm stupid than that guy cheated on me.

Churches: New changes (or old now). They haven't reached every city, but they certainly have reached the church in Savannah. They say that "no more rules" is just the beginning. The leadership will be changing the way they do things. There is a 33 page letter going around about what caused this. I think it started in the London Church (Elder Henry Kriete-sp?). I think we should be mature and rejoice when we hear the news and the changes come to us. You don't have to be a drama king about it or be all critical and angry. Just repent with godly sorrow. We were read Ezekial 34. It was very fitting. I really hope that if the leaders are serious then every church will get the changes quikly and grow from there. Then we'll be unified. Here is one of my favorite scriptures: Hebrews 8:8-11. May the changes be radical!!!more here

I'm in Georgia, hooked up with the Savanah Church of Christ. We are meeting Sundays 10am; Wendsdays 7:30pm, at the Hilton De Soto. Fired Up!!


My baby page is being updated.

Baby Holly
I'm building her a web page: click- scanner is down! please wait, whole compuer system on fritz.

Right now I'm hanging out with my first baby. She was born mid Feb. I'm hooked up with the Central Region of my church. My husband is doing well in Korea. He will come to visit this August!

2001: Spent mostly in Korea

world time

I will try to check email weekly.

where's church? see here.

Spent about a year in Korea, "2ID." I got to visit the Korean Church International Ministry. I think Korea has a lot of inexpensive tourist attractions. It's also, supposidly, a "shopper's paradise."
...More to come about my trip.

My dad's back in San Diego.