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The DBZ Force Clan

DBZ Force

Feel The Force...Or Feel Our Wrath...

Hello people and welcome to the DBZ Force.I am your host, dbz_force_vegeta, owner and operator of the Yahoo! Clan DBZ Force and this page.I update as often as I can which is quiet a bit.Please vote for me on my top site and vote on my poll at the bottom.If you want more hits to your site just add your site to my top site list and to my search engine and you'll have an increase in total hits per day.Have a nice day and enjoy the DBZ Force.

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    January 9, 2000

    dbz_force_vegeta - Hey.I havent been able tpo update the page much because my homework eats up alot of my time on the weekdays and my ISP started screwing up on me and wouldn't let me on.I am sorry for this and I will try to update more.I have finally been able to make the new poll down at the bottom and I am working on a special page.I am making a page where it tells people how to speak German.I know its not Japanese but I dont have that program yet.It will take me awhile to put up the page but learning German isn't that hard.Its one of the easiest languages to learn and speak.I will wipe out all these old updates once I get the German page up because it looks kind od weird with all these updates down the page.Once again sorry for the lack of updates and remember to add your site to my search engine and top site list so you and I both can get more hits and vote on my poll so I will know what you people want more of.

    December 31,1999

    dbz_force_vegeta - Hey.I'm sorry for the lack of updates but I've not been feeling right but as promised I added the new "Power Levels" page which isnt quite finished but has most of the information I was going to put on it so I'll get that done later on because I have to go somewhere now.I'll also have to add the other poll later on aswell.Please add your site ot my search engine and my top site list and vote for me on my lists that I'e enrolled in.

    December 28,1999

    dbz_force_vegeta - Hey.I know it doesnt look like I'm updating but I do update everyday but it just seems pointless to put an update message every small thing I do.Yesterday I changed up the navigation a little for better searching around which I think looks cool and today I added two dragonball z songs to the songs section and a couple new sounds aswell,so check those out.Please vote for me on my top sites and on the poll vote for what you want in the new section come this new year.Also add your own site to the search engine and my top 300 so you and I can get more hits.

    December 26,1999

    dbz_force_vegeta - Hey.Well people I finally got around to finishing the second page of pictures which all my pictures are in .JPEG format.The pictures I think are somme really cool pictures but thats just my opinion.I am working on some more sounds that I'll upload and add soon so there will be more to come so dont worry.I am also working on a mailbag for you to send me email about questions on my site and things you think I should do.I dont get why my highest day here was on the eightteen of December.I guess is was because I made my sounds page and started my second pictures page that day.I'll add more sounds and pictures more often,maybe that'll bring up the total of hits to my site.I also added my banners to my links page below the links to others,please do me a favor and add my banner to your site.Remember to vote on the poll so I know what you people want most in a new setion which will be added on the New Years Day and I will setup another poll then aswell.Please vote for me and add your site to my top site list and search engine so you and I can be benifited with more hit points.

    December 24,1999

    dbz_force_vegeta - Hey.I have added three new songs to the songs section and they are all from Weird Al.The first one is a short version of Windows 95 Sucks,but its still kinda funny and I have put the full version of Amish Paradise in there aswell which is seriously funny.Last but not least the other song is The Saga Begins which is a cool song to.I am working on getting the song Pretty Fly For A Rabbi by Weird Al aswell.Soon I will have the song Chef's Chocolate Salty Balls from South Park which I know everybody loves,the song is funny as hell.I've added a link to my search engine on every navigation system on DBZ Force,should you encounter one page that doesnt have it or another link please send me an email at dbz_force_vegeta@hotmail.com !Please vote on our poll which will be taken down and a different one will be put up on New Years if Y2K doesnt do anything which I doubt it will,after that I will set to work on the page you people voted for most.I've changed the logo above our navigation system and I think its cool,dont you?Please add your site to my search engine and on DBZ Force Top 300,I made a new logo for the DBZ Force Top 300,go take a look on its page.I took down the banner to my other site because it looked weird to me.My club, P.V.N.S is hosting a millenium party on New Years Eve starting at Dec. 31 at 11:00 PM eastern time on through the night.The big question is will Yahoo! crash?Marry Christmas everyone and have a Happy New Year,may Y2K not bother anyone.

    December 23,1999

    dbz_force_vegeta - Hey.My schoool MRMS has finally let us out today for Winter Break!We get out now because all the snow will give us at least ten more exellent days off of school.You'll see many more updates now that the break is going and my dad will be at work for most of the time so I'll have the computer to myself all day to update and review new things for DBZ Force.I've added a new text color and link color as everyone can see because it will go better for the image map I'm making and will have up soon so that will be very good and easier navigation system.I'm currently working on an online RPG with another one of my friends and there is a link to it above the updates which will stay there unless I find a better place for it.I moved the link to my search engine to a regular link to a page on this pages settings only.I will eventually set it up on every page.Remember to add your site to my Top 300 list and add it to my search engine aswell.It would be a great help to if you voted on the poll below the updates so I can know what you people want for the site.

    December 22,1999

    dbz_force_vegeta - Hello.As anyone can plainly see I've added another feature to the DBZ Force.Its OWN Search Engine!Hell yeah.Please go add your various Dragonball,Dragonball Z,and Dragonball GT sites to it so the Search Engine can grow and become more popular plus give you more hits to your site!You can also add your site to my DBZ Force Top 300 for even more hits to come to your site!Also I've figured out a cool new look for my banners,if you look up a little you can see the cool background which I made on KPT Texture Explorer 2.0!All the other KPT products are very good aswell and I'll learn how to use them better sooner or later!

    December 18,1999

    dbz_force_vegeta - Hello.I would like to announce that today I finished the first page of sounds which I might add that it has some very funny ones.Also I have started the second page of images which only has seven images on it, I need to gather eight more images that I like and place them on the second page so I can go on to the forth page later on.Each page when finished will contain fifteen images.I have taken off the cross hair on the page because it is beginning to annoy me.I have also taken off the little scroll text on the bottom of your browser because that to has annoyed me.I hope you like it this way because I am going to leave it this way.

    December 17,1999

    dbz_force_vegeta - Hello.Hey I would like everybody to please vote on our first poll down below so check that out.As anyone can plainly see I've made a new logo.I hope you like it because I've added it to all the pages because I think its sweet looking and a little better than the last.I've added the awards section and DBZ Force has recieved its first award so check that out aswell.Please sign the guestbook and vote for us on the top site lists on the right...

    December 15,1999

    dbz_force_vegeta - Hello.I'm going to start doing my updates like this instead of lining them up on top of each other,I'll just do alot more before I say it on the updates.Ok the new updates are that I've changed the movies section layout and I had to get rid of some of the movies because they're file was some how screwed up.I've managed to make my songs page with great songs by great artist,no they're not Dragonball songs,they are songs by artists like Lenny Kravitz,Blink 182 and some other,I will add some more later on from other artist and from Dragonball series.I've also finished my first page of pictures with some great graphics,these pictures are really neat I suggest looking at them.Thats all I got down for now I will make my sounds page next and dont for get to sign my guestbook with any questions,comments, or ideals to make my page even better...

    DBZ Force Monthly Poll
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    DBZ Force does not claim copyright or copyright infringement on anything here.Dragonball-Z-GT is all mad by TOEI Animation,Akira Toyiama,Jump Cooperations,FUNimation,etc etc etc...DBZ Force did not take part in the making of Dragonball-Z-GT and will probably never take part in the making of it either.DBZ Force is just another way to increase the population of Dragonball-Z-GT lovers and share the many artworks and designs of people who make and create the things of Dragonball-Z-GT.If you have any questions,comments or ideals to improve or aything or that nature for me to answer about the DBZ Force please direct them to my email at dbz_force_Vegeta@hotmail.com and I will answer them as soon as possible.
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