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This is the rules and "how to play" page.

How to play:
1.You must first join by filling out the join form.

2.All battles are done through me. If you are on the same planet as another person, you can attack them by e-mailing me with the name of the person you want to attack, and the move you want to attack with (for a list of moves go to the moves section). I will then decide if your attack will make contact, based on your basic stats. Occasionally attacks will be reflected back towards the attacker, or blocked from use, but most commonly if they don't make contact they will simply be dodged. If none of the above occur, the attack will automatically hit (unless the defender has Zanzoken, in which case they can use that as their turn). After it has hit, the defender can then turn on the offensive, and e-mail me with the move they want to attack with. You must reply withing 24 hours from the sending of the e-mail. The same process for the fight will be repeated until there is a victor or someone runs away.

These are your choices when you are in battle:
Engage the opponent in hand-to-hand combat.
Use a ki-based move.
Transform into a different mode (if the situation is correct and you meet the specified criteria).
Use Zanzoken to dodge the attack the opponent attacked with (if you posess this skill).
You can try and run away from the fight, but if the other person catches you, the move they attacked with will hit, and you miss your turn.

If you are starting a fight or if your opponent has used a power-up attack such as Tri-form attack, you can only attack.

Also before each round you are given the choice of using a senzu bean to replenish your health and stamina before you attack your opponent. You may only use three in any fight though.

3.Each player begins with 5000 Hit Points (HP), and 300 points to distribute amongst their three basic stats: Strength, Speed, and Stamina. There is another stat called Ki, but that is expressed as a percentage, starting at 100% and going down as you use attacks (different moves use different % of your ki). Your Power Level (PL) is determined through adding the 3 basic stats.

4.Battling is fairly complex but you don't have to worry, I will do most of the work. When I e-mail you to tell you that you have been attacked I will give the HP, PL, Stamina, and Ki of the other person as well as your stats. This will hopefully be enough to let you plan your next move. If you want to really know how I figure out how much damage you give and take I have created a few formulas.

Regular hand-to-hand attack: Take your PL multiply it by any factor between 1 and 5 and give that much damage to your enemies HP. But since hand-to-hand combat is never an exact science you will also take 15% of your opponents PL for each multiple used and subtract that much HP from your health.

The formula is: Opponents HP - Your PL X 1-5
Your HP - 1-5 X 15% Opponents PL

Any Ki-based attack: Take your Strength plus your Stamina and multiply that by 1/2 of the % of Ki used in the attack, that is how much damage is done to your opponent.

The formula is: Opponents HP - (Your Strength + Stamina X 1/2 % of Ki used).

IMPORTANT NOTE: Every turn (that is every time an attack is attempted), you lose 10% of your Stamina. This means that your PL and attack power go down every turn as well. Also if a person uses Zanzoken, for every attack that they are dodging, they lose 15% of their stamina.

5.Training and healing is done on a weekly basis. Much like battles you must e-mail me to tell me how you are going to train (this goes for movement among planets, searching for dragon balls, and building of items as well), and under which master. While training under a master you are obligated to train and halt any searches you may be beginning and train for a month. During that time you cannot leave your master, for at least 2 weeks, after that you can ditch the master, but if you do, you can't learn the masters last move. In the first week you will learn the masters first move, in the second week you will learn the second, and in the full month you will learn the third and most powerful move. See the masters section to see what moves and stats are learned under each master. Healing is automatically completed in a week and during that time a character cannot build items, he cannot train, search for dragon balls, but he can heal while on his way to another planet. He can also not be attacked in any way.

6.Your stats will also go up after you fight. This depends on how much your HP decreased in the fight from your remaining HP. This prevents more powerful fighters from destroying newbies as soon as they join. How much each stat goes up is based on this formula. If you die this formula does not apply and your stats do not go up.
Level of Stat Currently + (% that stat goes up X % of HP you lose).

The % that the stat goes up by is dependant on the species you are. Each species stats go up different amounts in the four different attributes (HP, Strength, Speed & Stamina).

Sayin: Strength: 100% HP: 75% Speed: 50% Stamina: 25%

Human: Speed: 100% Stamina: 75% Strength: 50% HP:25%

Namek: Stamina: 100% Speed: 75% HP: 50% Strength: 25%

Freeza's People: HP: 100% Strength: 75% Stamina: 50% Speed: 25%

This prevents one species from dominating all the others.

Note:If you use a move that hurts yourself, such as Kaioken, you will not recieve an increase in stats from that damage, only from other damage that you recieve in the fight.
Also now you must heal after the fight to get the increase in stats.

7.When you have been killed in a fight you go to the other dimension. There you can train by yourself or go to King Kai's place on snake way, to get there takes 1 week and going back takes 1 day. After 3 weeks you are given the choice of returning to the normal dimension but if you wish to, you can remain. When you return you can return to whatever planet you wish too. If you are on King Kai's when you are given the option, you must run back on snake way to reach the regular dimension. Running down Snake Way the first time increases your Stamina by 3%.

8. There is now the ability to spar to increase your stats as opposed to training. To spar you need two people who are willing to spar with eachother. Simply e-mail me to have me ask someone if they would like to spar with you. The two people can be training by themselves on the same planet or training under the same master together. You can spar for 1 day to 1 week. For each day you spar together you get 1% of your oppononents stats. Ex. You have 100 Strength and spar with an opponent with 1000 Strength, you would get 10 points of strength added to yours per day. At the end of the period it would be at 170 Strength. Also the person with 1000 Strength would get 1 strength extra each day, putting his total to 1007. While you are sparring though, you cannot learn moves, or get an increase in stats from your training. This could delay your master training by a week if you sparred for that long. Also if you and your partner are undergoing Gravitron training while you wish to spar, you can add whatever number of gravities you are training under to your increases, based on your partners stats. So if you were sparring under 100 Gravities, and your strength was 1000 and your partners strength was 2000 it after a week of training you would get 340 added to your strength instead of 280.

1. Don't battle directly through each-other's e-mail as I will not be able to record the stats of the battle and I will NOT take your word for what happened.
2. Be polite to eachother, I have no problem with some casual swearing but don't escalate it beyond that please.
3. Be sure to tell me when you plan to travel around planets, begin training, and search for dragon balls so I can update it on the page.
4. Per round, you can only attack one person if you are fighting a group of two or more people (the max is three people on each side). Although you can now use a senzu bean before the round, allowing you to regain some stamina and strength before doing an attack.
5. If you are un-responsive for 2-3 weeks (not responding to my e-mails for 2-3 weeks), without telling me a reason, I reserve the right to kick you off the game to make room for someone who will take an active part in it.
6. Once your character has reached the 1,000,000,000 Power Level plateau, you have three options. You can retire from the game and be put in the hall of great Z-Warriors, you can become a permanent master on any planet, and you can choose the moves taught, and the percent increases for your students (they must be reasonable), or you can remain in the game, and continue just as you always would, but you must stay out of the affairs of characters below 1,000,000,000 PL's. This means no looking for dragon balls, no fighting opponents below a billion PL, and no training under masters. You can only train alone, or fight opponents with PL's above a billion.
7. If I suspect you of throwing a match, or delaying on purpose I reserve the right to throw you out of the RPG. Battles are the most important part of the game, and if say for instance, I mailed you telling you that you had been attacked by a weak attack, and then you reply asking a question about the fight, but not telling me what move you want to reply with, I will consider kicking you off the game because you are allowing your opponent to hurt you just to gain more stat increases, this is against the basic law of fight your hardest every time.
8. When you join this game, your e-mails will not purposly be given out, but I reserve the option to send you whatever e-mails I wish, although none will contain Hentai (porn).
