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This is where I will post the results of the match as they happen. Also a note on fighting, if you are able to morph because of a full-moon or you can turn into a super-mode it is YOUR responsibility to tell me before, or during a fight.

Spider vs. Triel on Vasectomy

Spider began the fight against his saiyan opponent by firing a super Kamehameha at him. Triel's saiyan strength was enough to send the blast flying harmlessly away. Triel then fought back by powering up with Kaioken X 4 permanently. Spider had his opponent right where he wanted him, and used his un-dodgable Triple Attack to kill Triel with his sword.

Phoenix vs. Goky on Namek

When Phoenix realized they had collected all the dragon balls, he unhatched his diabolical plan, attacking his searching partner Goky with a special beam cannon. The beam incinerated the saiyan, and Phoenix took his dragon ball for himself.

Goku, Cell and Yagrat vs. Cris + Triono vs. Kien on Arlia

Goku began the fight by confronting Triono after coming out of the other dimension. He started by sending a mental signal out to the warrior Yagrat, to come and aid him. Cris far off sensed his brother's ailing need, and quickly flew to him. Once he arrived, he and Triono quickly performed the fusion dance together, creating a new saiyan-human hybrant warrior, Crono. Goku realised he had maybe made a mistake, and quickly used his tri-form attack. Yagrat suddenly arrived, and also used his tri-form attack. Crono smirked and shot a Special Beam Cannon at his fellow saiyan Goku. The beam tore through one of the bodies of Goku and left the other two in disarray. Goku quickly retaliated by eating a senzu bean and then striking with a triple attack. Crono's armor took most of the blow from the three forms of Goku, but still took minor pain from the attack. Yagrat, sensing an oppurtunity, began preparing a spirit bomb after eating his only senzu bean to regain the neccessary ki energy. Crono was now split upon what to do, seeing that if the spirit bomb hit, it was almost surely death, but also that he couldn't let Goku get away in good health. He finally decided on trying to prevent his own destruction, and hit Yagrat with a special beam cannon. However the bug like alien survived because of his three forms, and continued preparing the massive spirit bomb attack. Goku was sensing victory, and quickly ate another senzu bean, and used another Triple Attack on Crono. Yagrat followed the assault on the already hurt Crono by firing his now prepared spirit bomb, and striking the saiyan human fused fighter with it. Indeed it would've been the end of Crono, but his super armor kept him alive. He was now hanging onto life with a very thin thread, and to help out, he ate a senzu bean and then killed Yagrat with his Zankuu ki attack Goku took the time neccessary, then fired a special beam cannon at Crono. The saiyan-human easily blocked the blast, and replied by eating a senzu bean and attacking back with his own special beam cannon. Cell suddenly appeared and quickly ate a senzu bean, then began preparing a spirit bomb. Goku also did the same as his partner, eating a senzu bean and preparing a spirit bomb. Suddenly Kien jumped in, and just to give a little insurance, powered up to kaioken X 5. Crono remained focused though, and shook his head towards Goku. He ate his last senzu bean, and then tore through the remaining body of Goku with another special beam cannon, killing off the saiyan. Cell, in outrage, through his now completed spirit bomb. The attack hit Crono and sent him flying through the atmosphere. In just a while, he came crashing back to the ground. Even after absorbing the punishment from two spirit bombs that fight, Crono held onto life by a thread, almost phasing into the other dimension. Kien then saw his chance, rushing at Cell and hitting him several times with hand-to-hand combat. Cell was badly beaten by Kien, and then passed away into another dimension. Meanwhile, Crono got up, and having no more senzu beans at his disposal, he simply rushed Kien, hoping to do as much damage as possible to his fellow saiyan. Kien laughed at the pathetic attack, and easily killed Crono.

Cell and Gozita vs. Toran on Arlia

Both Cell and his saiyan counterpart Gozita wished to hopefully kill off another of the Arlian invaders, named Toran. Cell began by striking Toran with a Dynamite Kick, while Gozita took a more front-wards approach of powering up to Kaioken X 10. Toran saw he was outmatched, but still managed to attack Cell with hand-to-hand combat. Cell responded by going into his tri-form mode, while Gozita once again took a much more direct approach, killing off Toran with an all out hand-to-hand combat.

Gohan vs. Saibaman on Earth

Gohan began the fight after coming out of training under Kami. He started, and finished, the fight with a special beam cannon that easily tore through the blue saibaman.

Gozita vs. Monster on Vasectomy

Gozita quickly picked a monster from the array of them on Vasectomy, choosing one 10% weaker than himself. He began the fight by firing a two handed ki-beam blast which the monster easily avoided. The beast then replied back by attacking with a form of hand-to-hand combat. Gozita replied by hurling his own fists in hand-to-hand combat. The monster resented Gozita's onslaught and then fought back with another hand-to-hand combat session. Gozita returned the favour, hitting back with a bit weaker hand-to-hand combat attack, before the monster went all out on Gozita again. Gozita then replied by eating a senzu bean and striking back with an all out hand-to-hand combat. His beast opponent also attacked with hand-to-hand combat. Gozita, looking to make the fight last as long as possible, attacked back with a lax hand-to-hand combat, but his monster was less nice, striking back all out. Gozita then tried a Kamehameha which moved to quickly for the monster to dodge, and struck it, but did not kill it, instead throwing it to the ground one final time. It managed to rise up one more time and attack back with another hand-to-hand combat. Unfortunately, the beast also took damage from the combat session and was killed in doing so.

Gojita vs. Gohan on Arlia

The circle had come full circle, and Gojita decided to extract revenge from Gohan for killing his team-mate Ace. Just to insult his saiyan brother though, Gojita quickly sliced off Gohan's tail before the young warrior could do anything about it. Gohan then tried to run away, but Gojita easily caught him and extracted full revenge for Ace's death. He shot a special beam cannon that incinerated Gohan's body in a second, and he also claimed his prize of the dragon balls from Gohan's saibaman.

Goky vs. Monster on Vasectomy

Goky began a fight with a monster 10% weaker than him. He started by firing a special beam cannon at the beast. The monster managed to dodge the attack and strike back with hand-to-hand combat. Goky responded by eating a senzu bean and then attacking back with an all-out hand to hand combat. The monster was now badly wounded, but managed to attack back with yet another hand-to-hand combat session. Goky finished the fight by killing the monster with hand-to-hand combat.

Goky's Saibaman vs. Monster on Vasectomy

Also choosing to fight a monster 10% weaker than he, Goky's saibaman also started the fight with a special beam cannon. The monster again dodged it, and replied by attacking with hand-to-hand combat. Goky's Saibaman proceeded to attack back with hand-to-hand combat. The monster retaliated with his own hand-to-hand combat attack. The Saibaman then ate a senzu bean and retaliated with his own hand-to-hand combat. After the monster had attacked back with hand-to-hand combat, the Saibaman finished off the beast with a final hand-to-hand combat.
