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Mirc Info

Hi! I thought I would tell you a bit about what else I do while I'm on the internet. I go on a cool chatline called: Mirc. It's a great way to chat with people and make friends. When I am on there, I go to certain channels! Still not convinced that it's no good? Well, have I got soething to say for you! You can catch Pokemon Online! scroll down for more info!

About The Channels

I go into a lot of channels, but these are my favourite 4.
  • #Pokemon_Hunt - The best channel! If you do decide to download Mirc, this is the place to set on AutoJoin! In here, you can hunt Pokemon! Yes, its true! To find out more, try going to this channels webpage. (Click Here) If you do check out that site, you will get: Rules, how to play, tips and more!
  • #Digi-Domain - This place is also a lot of fun! Type: !digimon on entering, and you get a digiegg! i got Izzy's digimon, and recieved an AOP! (Auto Operator) I guess I'll have to put a page up about terms and stuff! Don't worry I will. You can battle digimon too!
  • #PokemonSilver - This is my favourite channel to RPG. (role play game) The channel runner is: John_Ketchum. He's cool, and when you RPG, you play a Pokemon Silver RPG. We are currently in the middle of mone, but it is barely getting anywhere!
  • #Pokemon__Palace - My channel! Read on below for a special document on my channel! It's fun most of the time when we have our hunt bot (Charisaur) in!

      Basic Info
      Ok! Here are the basics! Before you enter Mirc, you should think of atleast 4 nicknames. You need one that you can use as your ID, and one thats an Alternative. If someone already had your nickname, you need to turn to the 3rd or 4th one. The next thing you do, is enter a name, but be sure to NEVER give our your real name. Then enter an e-mail address. But remember NO REAL E-MAIL ADDRESSES! Next, you can choose a server. The scroll down box is where you get MANY choices. Best bets are: vancouver or Liberty. Vancouver is normally the server that the bot is on. Now, click the connect button to connect! Ok, when you get in, a channel folder pops up! Don't worry about that, just click cancel. Then to join a channel, simply type: /j (the channel name here) Please, when you do come on, join my channel! Ok! Scroll down to hear all about my chan, and the services online!

      Language Used Online

      Ok, there are some things you need to know. A lot of us Pokefans out there use a lot of slang language that I am sure most of you don't know! Since I am such a nice gal, I'll let you in on al the stuff!
      • BRB - Be Right Back
      • GTG - Got To Go
      • BBL - Be Back Later
      • BBIAB - Be Back In A Bit
      • LOL - Laughs Out Loud
      • ROFL - Rolling On Floor Laughing
      • LMAO - Laughing My Ass Off
      • ROFLOLALMAO - Rolling On The Floor Laughing Out Loud And Laughing My Ass Off
      That about sums it up! Hope you can understand our language better now!

      Ok! Here's the moment you've all been waiting for...(I have ALWAYS wanted to say that...)AHEM, drumroll please! Now you can download Mirc!!!!!!
      Click Here!
      Look for me on there! My nick is Scyther^16!!!!