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This page is dedicated to the devices and transportation that the detectives use!
Kaichou's Fan- Ok its not a device, but its important! This fan shows Kaichou's status as the president of the Student Council (I'm guessing this b/c Utako has one too!). The fan is also used to display some of Kaichou's feelings and sometimes what he is trying to say.
CLAMP Campus Database- The CLAMP Campus has an extensive database. To give you a hint about its knowledge think of the Congressional Library crossed with everything the FBI has! Its got information on businesses, their profit, and just about anything you need to know. If there is something the database doesn't have, I'd be surprised.
Micro Floppy Disk- This is a tiny floppy disk that has a massive amount of memory on it. It was developed by the CLAMP Campus Engineering Department. As far as I know, only the trustee's can use these so far. They are still in the experimental process. The major problem with these tiny disks is that they can be carried by just about any bird. They are so tiny that they can be easily misplaced or carried away.
Special Tracking Devices- These tracking devices not only keep track of whomever or whatever they are attached too, they also warn when others (of the same speices) get close to them. These devices are only used to find a peacock once and aren't really that great.
Lock Picking Tool- This is a small wire that Souh carries in his mouth (wow!). He uses it to pick handcuffs and he is rather good with it. He didn't even think he was ever going to use it!
Spear Heads- Souh uses these once. He hids them somewhere on his body. He pulls them out and they are technically spear heads, but Souh uses them like throwing stars, which might I add is rather effective.
Penguin Toy- Kaichou used this toy to summon a massive Penguin blimp -_-**. Its rather strange, but it helped them make a quick escape!
Transportation: Blimp- The first transportation to appear, the blimp. This blimp is like a moving version of the Student Council's office.
Penguin Blimp- Its a giant blimp in the shape of a Penguin... wow.. Unlike the earlier blimp, the Penguin Blimp has no observation deck area. Its pretty much a big balloon with a ladder extending off of it.

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