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Sorcerer Hunters

Chocolate Misu- Chocolate_Misu_Bakuretsu_Hunter

Chocolate Misu is the oldest Misu sister. She is in love with Carrot and if anyone threatens her chances with Carrot, she gets pretty mad. At times there looks to be hope for her and Carrot....but Carrot will never learn. She is usually using a garrot and she can kick @ss.

Tira Misu- marron_lover

Tira Misu is Chocolate's younger sister. Some people believe that Tira likes Carrot. I don't know what to believe sometimes. Chocolate and her sister have a unique bond. Other than the fact that both were taken in by the Glaces when young. Tira's weapon is well anything! From a broom to a whip (used to whip Carrot when he transforms) she's one kick @ss character as well.

Dota or Daughter- dota22

Dota is also called Daughter. She is a fairy type girl. She has wings on her back and uses magic. She acts as a secretary to Big Momma. Her and Big Momma tell the Sorcerer Hunters what their missions are. I think Dota is a very important need, because without her, who would do all the paper work?

Carrot Glace- carrot_glace

Carrot Glace is the oldest of the Glace brothers his sex life(as empty as it is)tends to be his favorite interest(and goal). carrot use to protect his little brother, Marron, when they were children. Carrot's very silly but his heart is almost pure when it comes down to it. When anyone whomever it may be uses magic on him or it accidentally hits him; he reverts into a large bull shaped giant with incredible strength and it ussually take Tira and sometimes Chocolate to beat him back down to normal.

Big Momma- satori_mitsu

Big Momma started the Sorcerer Hunters after leaving Zero to take a different route. Zero said it would never work. She is a strong believer in God and loves the Sorcerer Hunters. She watches them, protects them, and helps them. She also gives them knowledge before an assignment and is in charge!

Tanka Glace- carrot_glace_alone

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name: tanka glace, age:carrot's duh! sex:male of course, hobbies:chocolate misu. Tanka is Carrot's twin brother and is very different from Carrot. Due to the fact that he notices Chocolate unlike Carrot.

Gateau Mocha-densetsunobroli

Gateau Mocha is a large, powerful, bronze and not too intelligent man very proud of his manly physique. He is the newest member of the sorcerer hunters and is always the one to rush into a hand to hand fight. He has fought demons hand to hand and even tried to plow through brick walls. (didn't quite make it though, owie). He Once got possesed and one of his secrets is his greatest fantasy is to sell body oils. Quote Gateau, "C'mon ladies, there are oils and there are OILS. But nobody sells oils like I sell rub down with every purchase."

Marron Glace- It's a role up for grabs!

Marron Glace is Carrot's younger brother. Marron has been taught in the arts of the Forbidden Magic. He is the calm one and very oppsite from Carrot. Some think that he doesn't like girls. *from Chocolate's point of view* I don't know what's going on in his mind.

Peach- Peach_Mage

None Available at the Moment

Name: Peach
Age: 16
gender: the female one
hobbies: art, and what ever suits the occasion
Peach is a Fairy, the pointy ears, wings and ability to glow should be a major tip off. Peach seems to like to do things on her own, yet is easily frightened. However for the most part She's sweet, dependable ...ahem... hyper. That is if she sticks around long enough to be so.

Crumpet- devonix_winnosh_master

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Age 19
Complection dark brown
Powers: Lightning manipulation
Clothes: a long gray cloak drapped over his body black boots with gold buckles up to his calf Tattered black tunic & leather pants
Weapon Graninos a mystical sentient wheelblade (aka a shield that acts also as a sword)
his face is hidden by his cloak which he always wears he is a good guy but very cynical & not real friendly
hight 5'11
wieght 160 lb
history Crumpet is an ex merc who was cursed after killing a sorceress now travels the world fighting sorcererss & ess to find a cure. Crumpet will tell no one what the curse (( unless the prY a lot))

Cinnamon Sherbert- wild_cinn

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Bad Guys

Eclair Mocha- Darshu_chan

Eclair Mocha is Gateau's little sister. (and since i don't know why she really is bad) She became evil because she was told/brainwashed into believing that the Sorcerer Hunters (Tira, Chocolate, Carrot, and Marron) had killed her beloved older brother. Deciding to take revenge no matter the cost, she sides with evil. Why doesn't she recognize her brother dear? Because she was brainwashed into believing that he is an imposter posing as her brother, in cahoots w/the evil sorcerer hunters.

Kuroi Champagne- Kuroi_Champagne

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Name: Kuroi Champagne
Who/What: A human who works for any Socerer who pays her enough money to get rid of the Socerer Hunters. -she just doesn't like them...
Age: 19
Likes: Anything that has to do with ridding the world of the soccerer hunters.
Dislikes: The Socerer Hunters- at least for now.
Special Strengths: Martial arts, even though she doesn't look like she could hurt anything.
Weaknesses: Men, good looking men.
Favorite Food: Just about anything.
Favorite Animal: Just about anything but spiders.
Signature Phrase: "The destiny of light, shall be death; There is honor in everything that you do."
Powers/Attacks: Raging Heart: used by the staff, it gathers energy and shoots out fire balls in the form of little hearts Other attacks: She uses attacks in the martail arts field, and other hitting techniques in the feild of weaponry, and hand-to-hand combat
Weapon of Choice: Long staff with the sword at the end of it, and dragon head at the other end of it.
Physical Appearance: Short black hair, tied in a braid with red ribbon though it. Body is similar to Tira's, except a little more covered.::sweatdrop:: 5' 5". One blue eye(right), one velvet eye(left). She wears a cape, and underneath it she carries her weapons, small sword, and on her back is the staff. Dark blue shirt, high neck, peice cut out from it, somewhere along shoulder blades, and silver hand cuffs. Pants are black, and somewhat tight, high heel boots.
Personality: Well reserved, and if you pick a fight with her, deadly. She gets along only with those who she likes, so in other words, piss her off the first time that you see her, and she'll forever hate you.
History: Born in a nice peaceful village, raised by a socerer... (you know where I'm going with this...) One day, Kuroi, went off to play with friends, and when she got back, most aof the village was dead, either by the Socerer, or the Socerer Hunters. Having both hers eyes purple, at this time, when she saw her socerer die... Tears ran down her face. Part of the socerer's sould went into her body, making one of her eyes identical to that of her towns socerers. Ever since that day, she will help out any socerer that is targeted by the Socerer Hunters, to get her revenge...

Lily Cake- Padme_the_Angel

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Name: Lily Cake
Age: 16
Why she became evil: Fear. La Leche killed off most of her family when she was little. He told her she had a choice; her could kill her now, or she would join him. Since then she has feared that if he was to know she always wanted to be good, he might kill her.
Her personality: She is a giving person. She risks her life for the sake of another if the case presents herself. Her only friend is Eclair so she would do anything to help her.

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