EDO Title Screen

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Date Masamune, the fearless shogun of northern Japan in the mid 1700's sets out on a journey as a young boy(with the wit and humor of a modern teenager) to discover his past, Make his future, and how a mystic sword given to him by his grandfather is the key to both.

Date Masamune, the Hero

Date's Dog, Inu

Byako, the Blackbelt in multiple arts

Akibono the Sumo Wrestler

Latest download Update (5-23-2000)
Changes are minor graphics and added music
and a few more people in the villages.

EDO DEMO update Rpg file only
OHR UTILITIESUtilities to run Edo.rpg
First time users need to download both files and unzip to the same directory. then run Game.exe and select EDO.
If it isn't working send an email request to Edo mail request

Click here to get winzip

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Background image supplied by Hiroaki Samura and Dark Horse