The Byakkotai (the White Tiger Brigade) was a group of 30-40 young bushido Warriors who were between the ages of 15 and 17 who were ordered into battle against the Meiji government soldiers by the last of the Aizu clan daimyos, Katamori Matsudaira.

During the Meiji restoration, The city ofAizuwakamatzu was the last in Japan to westernize. In fact, They resisted, and the Byakkotai helped to defend against the intruding Shogun's who were forcing westernization on all of Japan.

They retreated to the nearby Iimoriyama hill, and Looked out over the valley. Upon seeing the Castle Burning, they commited suicide, or Jisatsu, because they felt they had dishonored their Shogun. So strict is the bushido code.

In Actuality, only the town around the Castle was burned. After the Fires subsided, the castle was still standing.
One boy, Sadakichi Iinuma, survived and so the details of the story were recorded

The Medalion
Byakkotai Medalion