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What's New:

(4/29/03): Now school is done until the summer session, so I was able to resume work on the new chapters that have been in the works. :P Chapter 28 is up now. Go check it out!

(2/26/03): Contrary to popular belief, I did not fall off the face of the earth. :D I've just been bogged down with school work. Anyway, I've put up chapter 27, and 28 is in the works. Hope you guys like it. I've been just itching to tackle the fight with the androids (jinzouningen), and I'm getting ever closer to it!

(11/30/02): Well, chapter 26 is up. Hope you guys like it. Vegita and Goku get into a little skirmish in this one. :P

(11/21/02): This is not a very worthwhile update, but it's here nonetheless. I have once again become the victim of plagiarism, and this time, I won't let it go. Go to the fanfic page to read more about it, and who committed this crime against me. :(

(11/3/02): Chapter 25 is up. It's a good one this time. :) Especially for all you Trunks fans out there.

(10/7/02): Chapter 24 is up. I hope you guys like this one better than the last one. It's definitely not as weird, and it deals with issues that we all knew were coming. Hope you like it! :D

(9/19/02): Another chapter. :) It's a weird one, but it took a while to write. Thanks for checking!

(8/22/02): Just an ordinary update. Chapter 22's up. :) Enjoy!

(8/6/02): I forgot to put the previous update in here, so I'll just say that it was chapter 20 of my fanfic, lol. Anyway, chapter 21 is up now too. Hope you like it!

(6/17/02): Here we are with another chapter update! Hope you likes! Go see 19! Now!!! Lol.

(5/28/02): Hello again! Only one thing to mention today: Chapter 18 is up! ^_^ I knew you'd be happy. I know what you're thinking. "Kamejen, you put a new chapter up only a week ago!" Yes, well, to be honest, things are getting interesting now, and what with Memorial day (God bless the soldiers who died for our country! Show your support, everyone!) weekend to give me time to work on it, you guys lucked out. Enjoy the new chapter, and let me know what you think!

(5/21/02): Welcome to Bulma's Digital Dojo! As you can see, a lot of changes have taken place to "My Shrine to Bulma Briefs." For example, it has a new layout, and a new name. :) Unfortunately, not all changes are good. I've had to leave off a lot of stuff that I had on the old site. The others' fanart section has been totally whacked, and so has my links, awards, and about bulma pages, among others. I've retained only the fanmanga from my visitors' art, simply because it was the only part of the fanart page that I couldn't bear to part with. Unfortunately, I am no longer taking fanart submissions. If you have a fanmanga you would like to submit, however, I may be interested. :D

Now then; on to other business. As an added bonus for the opening, I have a new chapter to my story, and a new fanart piece for you guys. Although the new chapter may not be the most exciting, at least my new main page pic turned out nice. :D Be sure to navigate throughout the new version of my site, and take note of the changes. Please keep in mind, however, that I'm not really finished yet. I've left the links page blank for a reason. That will be explained in due time. And I intend to add more to my site as free time allows. But in case you haven't guessed by now, the main focus of version 2.0 is going to be my fanfic. I know it's selfish; I know it's mean, but it's just the way it is. A big apology goes out to all of you who submitted art to my site. I'll be sending an email out to let you know too. For reasons of bandwidth, I just couldn't keep the big pretty images forever. ;_; Gomen nasai.

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