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CREATED BY: Darren Antoney Kerwin


Our story begins in the centre of the orange islands where Darren and his friends are sailing upon the waves on his Lapras. "We have been swimming for ages now and we haven't had anything to eat either!" said Mason stubbornly. "He's right Darren, we need to get to an island for the night!" said David. "Don't worry, I'm sure we will find an island sooner or later" said Darren As he looked at the map he had been following. "Lapras needs a rest too" said Mason "I know, but I am certain there is an island around here some place" said Darren. Just then, in the distance, David spotted something. "It's an island!" said David excitedly. "At last!" said Mason. "Come on Lapras, let's get to that island!" said Darren. Lapras speeded off towards the island.

"Lapras return," said Darren as he made Lapras return to the pokeball. "I wonder where we are," said David. "Well, if my map is correct, we should be on Sunburst Island," said Darren. "That's correct!" said a voice from behind them. Darren turned around. It was a girl. "Are you 3 kids pokemon trainers?" said the girl. "Yea, why who wants to know?" said Darren. "Me, my names jasmine and I used to be the leader of the olivine city gym in Johto, Let's have a pokemon battle" said jasmine. "Ok then, lets battle." Said Darren Eagerly. "We'll have a 3 on 3 pokemon battle no time limit you may choose first" said Jasmine. Darren threw his pokeball into the air. Out came Victreebel. "In that case, I choose Skarmory," said Jasmine. The battle went on. Victreebel beat Skarmory. "Skarmory return!" said Jasmine as Skarmory returned to its pokeball. " Ha, you can't win me," said Darren. "Ok then, see if you can beat this pokemon," said Jasmine. She threw another pokeball into the air. Out came Forretress. The battle went on like that for some time until both Darren and Jasmine was down to their final pokemon. "Your pretty good Darren, but your nowhere near strong enough to beat my Steelix" said Jasmine and with that, she threw her final pokeball into the air and out came Steelix. "Ok then, we will soon see who is the strongest," said Darren and he threw his final pokeball into the air. Out came Ditto. "Your ditto can't win my Steelix," said Jasmine "Well, my ditto is has a great deal more experience than any other Ditto" said Darren. "Ok Steelix, use your takedown attack!" said Jasmine. Steelix smacked Ditto with a massive thump. "Ok Ditto, use transform," said Darren. Ditto quickly transformed into Steelix. "Ok Steelix, use your bind attack" said Jasmine. Steelix used its bind attack trapped Ditto and it couldn't escape. "Ok Ditto, get ready to us your Hyperbeam attack" said Darren. While Ditto was in bind, Ditto was storing energy to use its Hyperbeam attack. Then Ditto was released from its bind attack. "Ok Steelix, time to finish it off, use your Hyperbeam attack!" said Jasmine. Steelix was getting ready to use its Hyperbeam attack. "Ok now Ditto," said Darren. Both pokemon used their Hyperbeam attacks at each other. Both attacks got caught up with one another in the middle and there was a huge explosion! When most of the smoke had cleared, Steelix was on the floor. But where was Ditto? Then, when the rest of the smoke was gone, Ditto was just standing there. It had used its barrier attack and was ok! "I believe you have won this battle Darren," said Jasmine. "Good battle, you almost had me!" said Darren. "I think we better get your pokemon to a pokemon centre to rest" said Jasmine. "I think your right," said Darren. "Why don't you three come back to my little get away, I'll be happy to have you there for a few days?" said Jasmine. "Thank you" said Darren, Mason and David all at the same time. "The pokemon centre is just over here," said Jasmine and with that, Darren Mason and David followed Jasmine to the pokemon centre. But in the bushes was somebody spying on them. It was team rocket. "There's that kid again" said Jessie "I wonder what there doing here?" said James "Well we better follow them or well never find out where there going" said Meowth "Yes, lets go" said Jessie and James.


Darren, Mason and David got to the pokemon centre thanks to Jasmine. "Well, here we go," said Jasmine. They all stepped inside the pokemon centre. " Good evening, welcome to our pokemon centre, May I take a look at your pokemon?" said Nurse Joy. Darren handed his pokemon to Nurse Joy. "Thank you, we will heal your pokemon back to full health" said Nurse Joy. Nurse Joy placed the pokeballs onto a special heeling device. But as the pokemon was getting heeled, nurse joy looked puzzled. "That's strange, your Lapras doesn't seem to be heeling" said Nurse Joy. " What do you think is wrong with it?" said Mason. " It seems to need a lot of rest, how long is it since your Lapras had a rest?" said Nurse Joy. "Well we have been travelling quite a while, we couldn't find an island for ages" said Darren. "I see, well, your Lapras will have to stay here for a few days because it needs a lot of rest," "said Nurse Joy. "Ok then" said Darren. "The rest of your pokemon are fully healed," said Nurse Joy as she handed the rest of Darren's back to him. "Thank you Nurse Joy" Said Darren.

Darren, Mason and David arrived at Jasmine's house. "There's are party tonight at the central house, if you would like to come, you will be more than welcome" said Jasmine. "Thanks" said Darren. "What is the party for?" said David. "It's a tradition we have every year, legend has it that a shining Magikarp lives in these waters. Every year, we go out across to an island believed to have a special pokeball they say that it's the only way to catch the shining Magikarp. The island is protected by giant whirlpools, which nobody can get past, only once a year do those whirlpools disappear and allow people onto the island. Then they come back again!" said Jasmine "Wow!" said Mason. "They say that the person who finds the mysterious pokeball will find the shining Magikarp. Without it, catching the Magikarp is supposed to be impossible," said Jasmine. "That's amazing!" said David. "Yes it is" said Jasmine. " I wonder what it looks like." Said Darren. "How strong is it?" said Mason "It's just as weak as any other Magikarp, but it's one of a kind and that's what makes it kind of special" said Jasmine. "So when does this party start?" said Darren. "It starts at 8:00. We take out boats to the island at 10:00, then we come back at 11:00 for more celebrating right through until the morning" said Jasmine. "Is there a phone I can use, I've got to tell Professor Oak about this!" said Darren. "Sure, there's a phone just in the corner there." Said Jasmine. "Thanks" said Darren and he went over to the phone to use it.

Darren dialled the number. Professor Oak answered the phone. "Hello Darren, where are you calling from" said Professor Oak. "I'm calling from Sunburst island" Said Darren. "I see, and what is it you called me for Darren?" said Professor Oak. "I called to ask you if you knew about a legend about a shining Magikarp?" said Darren. "A shining Magikarp? I haven't heard of that before. Where did you hear about this?" said Professor Oak. "I've been talking to Jasmine the leader of the olivine city gym. "Jasmine is on the island there with you?" said Professor Oak. "Yes, why is something wrong?" said Darren "Jasmine had gone missing for quite sometime, that must of been where she has been hiding out, I would like to find out more about this legend Darren, please explain to me how the legend goes." said Professor Oak. Darren explained all about the legend to Professor Oak. "That's unbelievable Darren, and you say that it's in the waters around sunburst island?" said Professor Oak " Yes that's right" said Darren. "Ok Darren, I'll look deeper into this legend and see what I can come up with. I'll ask professor Elm if he has any information about this. Darren I will be in touch." Said Professor Oak and with that, he put the phone down.

Outside the house, Team rocket heard everything that had been said. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking James?" said Jessie "I think so Jessie, we can find that pokeball and catch that Magikarp!" said James. "But not only that, we can swipe all those other trainers pokemon as well!" said Meowth. "That's a great idea, but we need a plan, and I know the perfect one" said Jessie.


The party had begun outside the central house. Lots of people turned up for the party from other islands. Darren, Mason and David was there dancing and eating. "This sure is a great party," said Darren. "I agree, it's great!" said David. "I wonder if we will see the shining Magikarp?" said Mason. "I hope so," said Darren. Just then, the music stopped. Jasmine stood up on a small platform and began to speak. Everyone quietened down. "Ladies and gentleman, thank you for coming to this party. Now, this is the moment we have all be waiting for, each year, we send people across to an island to search for a mysterious pokeball that is said to be the only way to catch the shining Magikarp. This legend has been passed down for years and years. This year is very special because it's the year scientists believe we will see the shining Magikarp. Every 5 years, a huge group of Magikarp passes the island. This year, we could find the shining Magikarp among these Magikarp. Please get your water pokemon ready and follow me down towards the waters edge." Said Jasmine as she finished her long speech. Darren, Mason and David followed the others down to the shore. But all of a sudden, they was a crash of thunder and it began to rain. Then the wind started to pick up speed. By the time everyone got to the shore, the storm was too strong. Most people turned back, but some got out their water pokemon and battled the waves. "We have to get across to that island to find that mysterious ball" said Darren as he walked up to the water. "What do you mean, how can you get across to the island if your Lapras is still with Nurse Joy?" said Mason. "Oh no! I forgot about that," said Darren. "It just looks like you can't get across to the island," said David. " We will take you to the island" said two voices from behind them. Darren, Mason and David turned around. It was two mysterious people in a boat with a Meowth. "Thanks very much!" said Darren. "Please step aboard and we will take you to the island" said one person. Darren, Mason and David stepped onto the boat.

Darren Mason and David was on the boat sailing towards the island when a big wave smashed down onto the boat! Everyone was soaking wet. "Is this boat safe?" said Darren "Don't worry, this ship is very strong, it always sails in stormy weather, don't you worry." Said one of the people. One of the people was a man, the other was a woman and the Meowth was there pet... "Hang on a minuet, a pet Meowth, Your team rocket!" Said Darren "That's right!" said the old man as he took off his disguise. So did the old woman to reveal that is was really teem rocket.

Prepare for trouble
Make it double
To protect the world from devastation
To unite all people within our nation
To do denounce the evils of truth and love
To extend our reach to the stars above
Jessie, James
Team rocket blast off at the speed of light
Surrender now or prepare to fight!
Meowth that's right!

"Oh no, not you guys again!" said Mason. "What do you want this time?" said David. "We want your pokemon," said Jessie "Well, your not getting them" said Darren. Just then, a huge tidal wave came over the boat and smashed it to pieces! Jessie, James and Meowth were sent flying towards the island. "Team rockets blasting off again!" they all said. Meanwhile, Darren, Mason and David were sent flying into the water. Luckily, it wasn't far to swim to the island, and they made it there safe and sound. "Whew, that was lucky," said Mason. "Now, lets find that mysterious pokeball," said Darren and he ran deeper into the island. "He doesn't give up does he" said Mason. "Not a chance!" said David as they ran after Darren.


Darren, Mason and David found themselves in a large forest. All around them, they were pokemon of all types. "Wow, all these pokemon look really healthy!" said David "Even without a pokemon breeder around, they look just as happy and healthy as if they would if they was a pokemon breeder" said Mason. "I wonder if there is some really rare pokemon around here," said Darren. "Look at that over there!" said David and he pointed to a cave opening. "I wonder if the pokeball is in that cave," said Mason. " Well, lets have a look then," said Darren and he went towards it. Darren, Mason and David went through the cave. Inside was a tunnel leading straight ahead. "Let's go through," said Darren. "It looks kind of creepy" said David "Come on, we have to go through here we need to the end of this tunnel" said Mason. So Darren, Mason and David went through the tunnel to the end. "Oh my, look at this" said Mason. There at the end of the tunnel submerged in the wall was the pokeball they had been looking for. "Quick, lets grab it and lets get out of here before the whirlpools come back up" said David. Darren placed his hands around the golden pokeball and tried to pull it out of the wall. It was stuck fast. "Ok, it looks like we will just have to let our pokemon get it out" said Mason. He threw a pokeball into the air and out came Rhydon. "Ok Rhydon, use your horn drill attack and help us get that ball out of the wall," said Mason. Rhydon used its horn drill carefully on the wall. Out came the pokeball. Darren crouched down and picked it up. "Ok, let's get out of here," said Darren. Suddenly, they heard a rumbling. Bits of rock started to fall from the ceiling. "Quick, the walls going to cave in" said David. Darren, Mason and David started to run to the exit. They just got out in the nick of time. The full cave had caved in on itself. "Wait a minuet, I can still hear rumbling" said Darren. Suddenly, a crack formed underneath them and the island cracked into two. "The island is cracking in half!" said Mason. "Quick, let's get to the main beech." Said Darren. Darren, Mason and David started to run back to the main beech. By the time they had got there, other people who got to the island first were gathered on the shore. "How are we going to get off this island?" said one person "I have an idea, lets use our pokemon to make a raft so we can sail off this island" said another "We can make the raft out of some trees logs in the forest" said Mason. "Good idea" said David. "Ok everyone, to the island" said Darren. Everyone ran to the forest. When they got there, they got their pokemon to chop down trees and tie them together. It was strong enough to hold everyone. They got their pokemon to get to the raft to the shore. When they got to the shore, everyone got on. "Ok everyone, paddle away from the island. The raft sailed away from the island just as the whirlpools came back up. "Everyone, I found the pokeball!" said Darren as he took the ball out of his pocket. Everyone looked in astonishment. Just then, they everyone saw a glow in the distance in the water. As it got closer, people started to wonder what it was. "What is it?" said a woman. "I can't make out what it is," said a small boy. Everyone looked as it came closer and closer. "I can't believe it!" said Mason. It was a group of Magikarp and right in the front of those Magikarp was a shiny looking Magikarp. "IT'S THE SHINING MAGIKARP!" said Darren. Everyone looked as the Magikarp as it stopped right in front of Darren. "I think it's up to you to catch it now Darren," said Mason. "Ok, let's do it," said Darren. Magikarp was ready to battle. "Go Porygon" said Darren. Darren threw a pokeball into the air and out came Porygon. "Ok Porygon, use your zap cannon now!" said Darren. Porygon used its zap cannon attack. It almost knocked out Magikarp! Magikarp used its flail attack and knocked out Porygon. But Magikarp was already weak enough for capture. Ok then lets see if you can be caught now," said Darren. Darren threw the golden pokeball at the shining Magikarp. It hit Magikarp and sucked it inside. It tried very hard to escape, but, it was too late. The Shining Magikarp was caught. "YES I CAUGHT IT!" said Darren. Everyone cheered.

Ok, lets get back to the island and tell everyone the good news!" said Mason. But suddenly, the rest of the Magikarp in the water started to glow a bright white. "Oh no!" said David. The Magikarp were evolving! Each and every one of them evolved into Gyrados. "Quick, paddle the raft back to Sunburst Island quick!" said Darren. Everyone began to paddle. It was moving, but nowhere near fast enough to get away from the Gyrados. Then all of a sudden, the Gyrados began to swim in a circle and spin around and around really fast. "Quick! It's going to use its dragon rage attack!" said Mason. Everyone started to panic, people jumped off the raft to safety, just in time before the Gyrados unleashed a powerful dragon rage attack. "Quick, lets go!" said Darren. "Nobody has ever got away from dragon rage!" said Mason. "Ok everyone, hold on tight." Said Darren. The dragon rage hit the raft and everyone was sent flying into the air.


"Darren, wake up!" said a voice. Darren slowly opened his eyes. "Where am I?" said Darren. "Your at the pokemon centre on Sunburst island" said Nurse Joy. "What happened?" said Darren. "You was attacked by a group of Gyrados. We found you washed up on the shore" said Nurse Joy. "Where is everyone else?" said Darren. "There fine, They swam back to the island, but nobody knew where you were" said Nurse Joy. "OH NO! MAGIKARP" said Darren. Darren got up and looked at his belt. Magikarp's pokeball was still strapped to his belt. "I caught the shining Magikarp Nurse Joy!" said Darren. "I think you need some rest Darren, you've had a very nasty experience!" said Nurse Joy. "No, honestly look," said Darren. He showed Nurse Joy the golden pokeball with Magikarp inside. "So what everyone else was saying was true!" said Nurse Joy. Just then, Jasmine walked up to Darren. "Is it true, you caught the shining Magikarp?" said Jasmine. "Yes it is look," said Darren and he showed Jasmine the golden pokeball. "Oh my! You really have caught it! Said Jasmine. "I found the pokeball in a cave" said Darren "I heard that the island has been destroyed is that correct?" said Jasmine. "No, not quite, it split in half" said Darren. Just then, Mason came flying through the pokemon centre doors. "It's the Gyrados, there back!" said Mason "What?" said Darren and he got up. "OWW!" said Darren. "You have a broken arm and leg, you need to rest. "I can't, those Gyrados need to be stopped" said Darren "Ok, I'll help you" said Jasmine "Thanks" said Darren. Darren got up and went towards the door. He fell to the floor. "DARREN!" said Jasmine as she went to help him up. "Don't worry about me, ill be fine" said Darren as he tried to get up but fell to the ground. "Please let me help Darren," said Jasmine and she picked up Darren and helped him to the door. "Thanks" said Darren. So Darren and Jasmine got outside. When they got to the shore, they saw the Gyrados. "Gyrados, stop this now," said Darren. Just then, team rocket came around the corner. "Were here to catch your pokemon this time Darren!" said James. "This isn't the time nor the place to be catching pokemon team rocket, this full island could be destroyed unless we stop these Gyrados" said Darren. The Gyrados started to get ready for their Hyperbeam attacks. They aimed it at Darren. "Darren get out of the way now!" said Jasmine. The Gyrados unleashed their Hyperbeam attacks. They came straight for Darren. Just then, The shining Magikarp came out of its pokeball. It sent the attacks straight back at the Gyrados. The Hyperbeam attacks missed the Gyrados. "Magikarp!" said Darren. "I can't believe it!" said Mason. "It's unbelievable, it protected Darren against those Gyrados." Said Jasmine. The Gyrados turned their attention towards Magikarp. The Gyrados used their dragon rage attacks at Magikarp. Magikarp used its gold scale attack and sent their attacks flying back at them. This time, the attacks hit the Gyrados and sent them flying back out into the ocean. They didn't return. "That was unbelievable Magikarp!" said Darren. Magikarp looked happy. "Darren, let's get you some rest" said Jasmine. "Oh no you don't" said James. "We want that shining Magikarp, and were not leaving until we get it" said Jessie. "Ok then, we will soon see about that, Magikarp, lets show teem rocket how powerful you really are!" said Darren. "That pathetic Magikarp can't faint our pokemon." Said James. He threw two pokeballs into the air. Out came Weezing and Victreebel "Ok Weezing, Victreebel, Tackle attack" said James. "Ok Magikarp, use your golden scale." Said Darren. Magikarp used its Gold scale; it tackled Weezing and Victreebel and sent team rocket flying into the sky. "How come were always the one who lose?" said James. "Maybe it's just because were just not powerful enough" said Jessie. "Or were just too brainless to see that he is more powerful than us" said Meowth. "Oh well, It looks like team rockets blasting off again!" they all said as they blasted off.


The next day, Darren was sat in bed in the central house on Sunburst Island on the phone to Professor Oak. "Congratulations on your capture Darren" said Professor Oak. "Thank you" said Darren. "I've been studying the legend about the Magikarp and I have heard that it is a lot stronger than any other Magikarp" said Professor Oak. "Is that right?" said Darren. "Yes, and I have been in touch with Professor Elm too, and he asks if he can study Magikarp for a while" said Professor Oak. "Yes ok" said Darren. By the way Darren, I heard about your accident, It sounds serious, you should get it seen to" said Professor Oak. "Don't worry, It seems to be getting better now," said Darren. "I have to go now, but when you're feeling better, please bring Magikarp to me so I can check it out" said Professor Oak and with that, he put the phone down. Just then, nurse joy came in. "Hello Darren, How are you feeling today?" said Nurse Joy. "A lot better thanks," said Darren. "Your Lapras is back to full health now, I just came to return it to you" said Nurse Joy and she handed Darren His Lapras. "Thanks" said Darren. Just then, Mason and David and Jasmine came in. "You three are welcome to stay here as long as you need to" said Jasmine. "Thanks, but I won't be stopping long, as soon as my leg and arm are a lot better, I will be on my way" said Darren. "That's fine," said Jasmine.

A week later and Darren was ready to leave Sunburst Island. "Your very welcome to stay here on Sunburst Island" said Jasmine. "Thanks, but I still have a lot of travelling to do on my pokemon journey, but if I ever need to get away, I know where to come" said Darren. "Ok then, In that case, I have a gift for you," said Jasmine and she handed Darren a set of keys. "What are these for?" said Darren. "It's the keys to my gym in Olivine city, I've decided to stay out here a while, so I would like you to take care of it while I'm gone" said Jasmine. "So that means, I'm a gym leader now?" said Darren shocked. "Yea, I suppose it does!" said Jasmine. "I don't know what to say," said Darren. "Just say that to keep in touch and look after my gym until I return," said Jasmine. "Ok then, thanks," said Darren. Darren, Mason and David got onto Darren's Lapras and got ready to sail off. "Take care now!" said Jasmine. "We will!" said Mason. As Darren, Mason and David sailed off into the sunset, Darren thought to himself. "I am going to train even harder to be a pokemon master no matter what" he said to himself, and maybe now that Darren has learned more about pokemon, maybe he will be more determined than ever to be the worlds greatest pokemon master of all time.