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Sailor Jupiter's Thunder Palace

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Hello and welcome to my Thunder Palace! Let me introduce my self. My name is Lita, also known as Sailor Jupiter, Scout/Senshi of thunder and trees. Please explore my palace to find out more info on me and my friends,the Sailor Scouts! Enjoy your stay!

**UPDATE**- October 14

Hey guys, webmistress here. I haven't updates in months (it's all school's fault). Anyhow, I just changed the lil' floating snowflakes into pictures of Jupiter and Venus. I'm thinking of moving this site to another server, but it's not decided yet. Nothing more to say, hopefully more updates to come.

Dont make Sailor Jupiter cry, sign her guestbook!

Explore the palace!

Moon Crescent Palace
Sailor Venus' Love Circle
Sailor Mars' Fire Temple
Sailor Jupiter's Shrine
Sailor Mercury's Ice Realm
The Outer Scouts' Chamber of Strength
Sailor Neptune's Ocean Tide
Feline Sailor Friends
The Gallery
Free Graphics for you!
Link to Me
Win MY Award for your site!