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Answer To Fate Well no...I'm reformatting the piece of $#1+ right now so there's a bunch of broken links and such. It'll be back to normal sometime in the future (when this message goes down obviously). It's viewable go ahead and enter.-No Name Needed

Before going on, there are the "rules of the site" and such, for all those legal people. I suggest if you have parental control wanting you to NOT get in trouble, you should read them incase our ideas conflict, pertaining to myself and your parents or self. If you fail to go check, and run around my site "getting bad influence(s)", it is not my fault because this is the first thing you see! It says, plain as daylight, you can't blame me for anything because there are cautions are right below this.

Disclaimer: I am not responsible for any "offensive material" contained on this site. This includes suggested "gang" affiliated phrases or words/slang, profanity (swearing, which I do a lot), or other graphic violence/content. As well, I do not own any of Akira Toriyama's artwork. Toriyama's art on this site was received off other sites, and are generally Toriyama's own work. Excluding any pictures of Picolo, all artwork is probably my own.

"I know this: If life is illusion, then I am no less an illusion, and being thus, the illusion is real to me."

"The stone cannot know why the chisel cleaves it; the iron cannot know why the fire scorches it. When thy end is near, when danger and despair leap at thee, when thy life is cleft and scorched; beat not thy breast and curse thy evil fate, but thank the Builder for that which has shaped thee."

-Hammerite Tennant, Thief: The Dark Project

Now that that's over with, you can enter the site by clicking on the picture of the two thieves.
