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The WHO and the WHERE

Saffiro and I, after he became COY

My name is Annerie Myburgh. I live with my husband, Eben and our two little girls in Bethlehem, South-Africa. We are fortunate to own a big house with a huge garden.

Except for about 14 cats, we have a staffordshire terrier (with a big respect for cats), three ducks, two chickens, two canaries, lots of fish and a couple of hamsters. I also own a horse, but luckely he does not live here too!

Eben is a Diagnostic Radiologist with his own practice, and in my spare time (which is when I do not look after my animals) I am his Practice Manager. I am a registered nurse and my knowledge in medicine helps me a lot when it gets to my cats. It is also very beneficial to have a radiologist as a husband, and he is more than willing to do ultrasounds and X-rays on my cats when needed. Nice to have him around!

Last, but not least, is Liesbet, my "cat assistant". Like in most households in South-Africa, I have a housekeeper. She is just the best thing that happened to us in Bethlehem, and I love her dearly. She knows every cat by name, and when I am not at home, they are her full responsibility. She bottle feeds, gives pills, bath cats, and is very quick to tell when a female gets on heat. Without her Anleo Cattery would not be possible.

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The front yard and the house.

Our yard is devided into a back and front garden. The whole yard is fenced with electric wires on top of concrete walls. In the back garden is a wooden house, complete with electricity, carpets and furniture. This is where the Peterbald stud will stay when he starts spraying. Adjacent to the house is a big cage (5m X 4m)that used to be a caravan parking place. Inside are two wooden houses, and the cage is also devided into two. But most of the time only one stud and a female (for company) lives there. We recently built a new room in the house especially for the cats. I have my study in there, and it also serves as the children's playroom. It is huge - 6mx4m - and it is my domain. There my cats and I can do whatever we like. Saffiro, my one Sphynx stud, also lives there, because he does not spray.

The back yard


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Everything about the Sphynx

Everything about the Peterbald
