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Welcome to Anna's and Fawna's Anime Website!

Hey Dudes, Welcome to our FANTABULOUS Site. It is under construction still, so bare with me, while I kill Fawna, cuz she's too stupid to do HTML herself, so I have to do all the work while she sits on her lazy ass 'side me. Since she doesn't have a 'puter, we have to do it allll here. All she does is look for some pics and stuff, while I post 'em up and do ALL the hard labor. *L* Poor me.
Fawn: Poor you.
Oh Fawna, shut up. *LOL*

Anywho, dudes, Enjoy our page.. while it lasts, hehe. Come back laters, when we gots more stuffs posted up, and y'know... yeah...

If you're dumb like Fawna, and you don't know what to do, click on the links to the left to y'know... yeah.

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Last Updated: March 31, 2000

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