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Name: Akio Ohtori
Voice actor in Japan version: Kosugi, Jurota
Voice actor in US version: Josh Mosby
Sex: Male
Birthplace:Japan or India ^.~
Zodiac Sign: Have no clue

Position: Deputy Trustee Chairman and Acting Dean of Ohtori Academy
Eye Color: jade green
His strong point: a womanizer
His victim: Utena Tenjou
Age: appears to be 18, probably over a million years old..
Appearance: In Episodes 13-15, 17-23, 25, 26, 28-39

Original Character Design: Chiho Saito
Date of Birth: Have no clue...
Blood Type: Immortal, huh...

Name means: ohtori = "pheonix"
Full translation: "Pheonix Dawn Living"
Dueling Rose Color: Luscious Lavender
Siblings: younger sister named Anthy Himemiya, which he mmfffss....
Hair color: Luscious like his duel rose

About him,..
Akio has a younger sister named Anthy Himemiya who he treats very poorly. He seem to abuse her alot, but yet, he also seems to care for her in some way. Akio's main victim is Tenjou Utena, the beautiful tomboy girl in eighth grade. He needs her for the power of revolution, otherwise he could never achieve it. He also needs Anthy to help him with the power of the revolution, other wise, he would be in great danger of losing his power and the world. One of his main helpers or assistant from the student council would be Kiryuu Touga, the student council president. Kiryuu helps him accomplish the task of looking for 'The Golden Goose'. It appears that Utena is not the destinied to be victor apparently, and also that because Utena is not Dios she cannot save Anthy's life. Akio's plan is to use everyone to his own benefit and for his accomplishment.
