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Friday, October 27, 2000 (About 12:30 am)
Hi Minna-san! Ok, here's the news: This page has alot of my old artwork on it so take a look around if you like! My 'new' site is at, although that's actually been around a while too, but I'll be updating that one from now on, k? Also, please support Project GiGA and pay a visit the Bishoujo and Bishounen Otaku Alliance known as Atlantis. Peace and thanks all! ^-^

ALSO!!: My old email address,, NO LONGER WORKS!! My 'new' email address is!! Sorry, but any mail sent to the Cristalle address is lost forever! Gomen Nasai!!

May 4, 2000 (about 2:00 pm) - Ya know, I really think it's funny that right after I start to move my page, Angelfire goes and fixes one of the things that made me leave in the first place (multiple uploading...) But I think I'll still move since it still has limited space and... banner ads *shudders*... But I dunno... I may move again since my new site takes forever to save and load the edit screens, etc unless you're on at 3am... which I usually am, but still... Hmm... While I'm babbling I might as well say again that I'm sorry for not updating in a while. I've been working on moving this page, as well as the Atlantis Project, the Girl Gamer's and Otaku's Alliance, as well as many many offline projects and college stuff (Yes, I actually have a life outside the internet...) Ah well, Peace all! ; )

May 1, 2000 (about 8:50 pm) - Sorry for the lack of updates lately, but I have had plenty of schoolwork to keep me occupied... Also!... ((I've been working on a new version of this page elsewhere as well as another web project... *Shhh!* Is secret!))

March 12, 2000 (about 6:30 pm) - I haven't updated in quite a while... due mainly to the excessive amount of schoolwork I've had in one of my classes lately... A project a week seems a bit much... even for an ap class... but anyways, I've added a REALLY beautiful piece by Abby Hamaker to the fanart section - go see it, it's beautiful! Also, sorry about the pop-up ads, Angelfire didn't use to do that, I don't know why they suddenly started to... grrzm...

Mission Statement/Fanworks Submission Request and Old Updates

Konnichiwa! Welcome to Hoshi Kara Ame, home of the fanworks of Aeralea and birthplace of upcoming artistic stars.

If you would like to purchase artwork or a cel (reproduction or original idea) by Aeralea, email me with an idea or picture, ok? (Price varies by detail and material costs) Want to see a sample cel or two? Also, please visit the ordering info section and scroll below for copyright info.

Peace, no da!

; )

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Bottom counter added when top one was at 477! (However, bottom counter is somehow linked to my other counters so... oh, blargg....)

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See something you like? Ask Aeri if you can buy it or have something made, but be sure to read the rules first! ; )

Vincent's Corner: Coming Soon...


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(From the second version - "Hoshi Kara Ame: Gemini")

(From the current version - "Hoshi Kara Ame: Wandering Monk")

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All images are created by and therefore property of Aeralea unless otherwise specified or on the links page. Characters, Others Fan Art and Fiction, and Links artwork are property of their respective owners.



YAY! Random Stuff!!!!!!!

Um... I took the love tester out because it was making some people get messages to download things - sorry! Look at the shockwave games on angelfire and you'll probably be able to find it. Ah well. I'll add some other random stuff later...

BTW! Did you know that the symbols found on the Seishi of the show, Fushigi Yuugi are all named after the 28 main Chinese constellations???

For example, Chichiri, one of my FAVORITE characters ever, has the symbol "Sho" meaning "water well" on his left knee and represents that chinese constellation which is located just about where the constellation Gemini is.

Just a random fact I thought I'd share.

Peace, no da!


; )

Viva Vegeta!
Viva Bishounen!
Viva La Vida!!