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New as of 6-21-00

What's New at Wing Zero Plus.

Totally revamped it.

Also, there are no more fanfics in WGZ Plus, it has been moved to WGZC Plus.

Some fanart has been transfered to WGZC Plus as well.

New as of 6-21-00

NEW! Wing Gundam Zero Custom Plus

Info site!

Fanart site!

Fanfic site: Where GW 001Z is.

Picture site: Where the Custom pictures have been moved to.

New as of 6-21-00

What's New at The Heero Zone.

Yaoi 1x5: A site full of Heero and Wufei pics, I'm sorry I just think they make a better couple than Duo and Heero.

Back to The Shrine to Wing Zero and Heero.