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Main Menu > Current News
Current News: Tyrant is now recovering from a brutal bat attack. He spent two days in the hospital and is now recovering. There will be a recreation of the acts on the site very soon. ----- CMCDBZ is still in need of more dedicated staff members. Please contact Tyrant or Tapion if you are interested. ----- Dragon Ball Z Movie #6 is to be expected around October 2002. #5 will not be released theatrically, and #6 is unlikely. ----- New episodes of the original Dragon Ball are expected to air at 5:30pm beginning February 11th, 2002 on Cartoon Network. ----- New episodes of Dragon Ball Z are going to be aired sometime in September, 2002 on Cartoon Network. Until then they will be showing re-runs from the Annoyichi Budoukai to the beginning of the Buu saga. ----- Infogrames/Wizard Works is currently producing the upcoming DBZ games. First game is "The Legacy of Goku" for Game Boy Advance, expected around March or April 2002.

Site of the Week

Just some small things...
Posted 02-04-02 by:
I've just made a little bit of coding changes around the site, nothing drastic, just making it look a little more "shiny and pretty". Real updates soon!

Y'know, stuff and junk...
Posted 02-03-02 by:
A few big things:

- The Saga Summaries is up, and accompanying it is the first DBZ saga, the Saiya-jin Saga. More to come on that tangent.

- Also, I noticed that there hasn't been a site of the week for like, a month. So I put a new one up there. It's great, and huzzah, it's mine... no wonder...

- Look up. There is some additional/edited news on the ticker, including the official air date of new Dragonball episodes on Cartoon Network. That's all for now. End communication

Fired?! More like Promoted!!
Posted 02-01-02 by:
Ok, I would like to make the statement that Tapion is not fired. He is infact, God... We needed hard workers for this site and he already did one section. Keep up the good work Tapion! We are still looking for staff and affiliates. Lata!

Probably overstepping my bounds but, hey, he wouldn't fire me the first day... right? O_o
Posted 01-31-02 by:
Well, hopefully to Tyrant's liking, I did a quick "overhaul" of the Techniques section. I fixed some of the inaccuracies and added more detail. Also, you'll find some pretty, shiny pictures to stare at like an 8 year old kid with dyslexia. If he doesn't like what I did then I guess I'm fired, so see you in cyberspace.

Objective One - Infiltrate hole-in-the-wall DBZ fansite... Completed...
Posted 01-31-02 by:
Welly well well, seems we have a new Staffy here. Well, if you can read (look up, slickness), you all know my name, but you're probably wondering: Yo, who dis cracka foo?! Well, maybe not, since the African-American DBZ fan is rare. But anyway, enough incoherent rambling. Because Tyrant is such a good... em, aquiantance of mine and he is dangerously understaffed, I agreed to help him out. I'll be doing a lot around the site so don't turn your back, or else one second, you'll be playing catch the string of yarn with Fluffernutters and the next, BAM! Oh no Fluffernutters! What did that 40 year old DB fanatic do to you?!

Note: I'm not 40, just to clarify...
See ya around...

Staff Time!
Posted 01-31-02 by:
Ok, I just realized something, I need staff badly. I've even quit doing stuff because I was loaded down with work. I need some people to help me out. If you would please and I stress Please email me for a position. I need and info guy, media guy, java or html guy, picture guy, rom guy, or even a seperate anime guy.(Being non sexist, I should include that girls are not excluded from being staff members.) Thanx a bunch.

Posted 01-27-02 by:
Why am I lacking updates? I hate my life.

Yah, yah
Posted 01-18-02 by:
We have now joined a new topsite. I will post it on the side bar as soon as I can. Right now I am in my school library and they don't allow any use of the internet for "non-educational" uses, so I'm about to get busted. Lata

Posted 01-16-02 by:
Well since school has begun again, I have made hmmm... three updates! I am making a new Site Of The Week. It is C-ya!

Small Update
Posted 01-10-02 by:
Look at the top of this page. New site of the week thingy.

Posted 01-10-02 by:
School distroys websites. I just want all of you to know that. I really havent done anything new, but i am gonna upload a butt load of pics soon. Well until then, w00t.

Back on Track!
Posted 01-09-02 by:
All right, if I ever find the son of a bitch that hit me in the ribs, im gonna kill him. Ill post the story later. I just thought to post a quick update. I am also putting up a new site of the week. The site is Good luck guys!

Sorry Guys... :(
Posted 12-30-01 by:
I havent posted for a while due to a few broken ribs... Its ok though. hehehehehe..

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