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Usagi/Sailor Moon

Sailor Moon!

English Name/ Serena or Sailor Moon

Japanese Name/ Usagi Tskiuno or Sailor Moon

Age/ 13-14

Birth Date/ June 30,1999

Astrological Sign/ Cancer

Height/ 4'11

Blood Type- O-

Hobbies/ Eating, shopping video games

Favorite colors/ White and Pink

Favorite Food/ Ice Cream

Least Favorite Food/ Carrots

Favorite School Sub/ Music

Least Favorite school sub/ Math

Strengths/ Crying, loyalty, spirit

Weaknesses/ Lateness, school, thunderstorms

Goal/ To marry Chibi Mamorou (Darien) someday

Powers/ ~Moon Spiral Heartache

~Moon Scepter Activation ~Moon Scepter Elimination

~Crisis Power ~Tiera Action ~Moon Rainbow Heartache

~Moon Therapy Kiss

Transformations/ Moon Prism Power Make Up

~Moon Crystal Power Make Up ~Moon Crisis Power

Defects/~Empty Mind

~Easily Distracted (food, cute guys, Video Games)

Phobia/ Storms