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This is my story. Written by me. You can't take it without permission. Tina lied awake in bed. She had just awoken from an awkward dream, though not necessarily a bad one. She turned her head to the alarm clock/radio/CD player on her nightstand. The current time was 4:30. Since she didn't have get up for another hour, she lied there thinking about her dream. She recalled the flashing red lights that kept going during the entire dream. It started with a little girl. She looked about six. She was running with her mother who was wearing pigtails longer than her body, and at the same time screaming. She appeared scared, as if she was being attacked. She tripped; her mother fell with her. A spider was behind them. He turned into a ghost, or what Tina always imagined one to be, and then a white tiger. Light shot out of the tiger's mouth and hit the mother. The light appeared to have strange powers for it seemed to have killed her. Seconds later, she disappeared and the small girl stood up, a tear went down her cheek, and walked away with her hair, also in very long pigtails, blowing in the wind. Tina had no idea where this came from. She didn't know anyone who looked even similar to the girl or the mother or even seen a spider like that one. Tina heard a noise. It sounded familiar. The faint sound of her favorite Japanese music went threw her head. It was her alarm clock. She had fallen asleep once more. Slowly, she sat up in bed. She had no desire to turn it off; she adored being able to hear music she liked every morning. Tina only liked Japanese music. Of course, most seventh grade girls living in Long Grove, Illinois do not understand Japanese (Tina was no exception), but she tried her best to sing along anyway. Tina first went to her dresser. She found a pair off socks and soon had them on. That’s when it occurred to her. Something cold was touching her right foot. Seconds later she had thrown the sock off and discovered a ring inside of it. She had never seen the ring before nor did it appear like something anyone in her family might own. It had a large stone on it that changed colors in a rather beautiful way. The ring seemed to shine even though the room was currently quite dark. She put in her pocket hoping to take a better look at it later. Tina crept downstairs for breakfast. She put in some toast in and turned on the TV. Bored out of her mind she turned it off and grabbed some manga, which was far more interesting. The day at school was more the same, but went by far more slowly. Finally, she was home. Almost immediately, she collapsed on the couch and grabbed the manga she had started that morning. When she finished, she went off to the computer. She had just started downloading an RPG game when she remembered the ring. She slipped her hand into her pocket. It wasn't there. She checked the chair, this was also unsuccessful. She went to the couch, she couldn't find it. She looked under the cushion. Fortunately, it was there in a corner surrounded by tiny parts of popcorn. Not wanting to lose it again she placed it on her finger. That’s when it happened. Tina lost control of her body. She couldn't make the slightest movement anywhere in her body. Even her eyes moved and blinked on their own. She walked up the stairs while inside her mind she was screaming in fear. She was taken into the upstairs bathroom and stood before the mirror. Seconds later, a painful light surrounded her body, it went into the mirror. Then She heard a voice. It was her own. "Give me my body, and I will spare your soul," it said, "surrender my body. I have lived far to long in a body with you." Tina had control now, but she didn't even notice. Her head was enveloped in thought. She did not feel like herself. She somehow knew it. "Who am I?" Tina cried, "tell me!" "Gladly. You are Sunspirit, The Nebula goddess of Nikkitan, the dimension of the three suns," the voice answered, "now like I said before give me the body!" Sunspirit. Is that who I am? Is that the name I have been seeking for? I remember. I am, I was to protect the Nebula civilization, along with the Nikkitan civilization which it was united with. I wasn't alone. There were five others, each from different dimensions, all united. Starspirit, she was my partner, from the land of Nikkini. Together we would someday temporarily unite and become the Angel of Light. There was also an Angel of Hope and an Angel of Life. The Nebula nation disbanded, due to the death of Windspirit. She was like the pillar that held the whole thing together. Her daughter was only six when it happened. She never left. She was still there. Alone for ten years… "The ring…"wandered Tina (she will be addressed as Sunspirit from here on). "Was created by me to bring you here," completed Tina. The instant this was said light surrounded Sunspirit and went into the mirror. She cried out in pain but she couldn't hear her own voice. She felt like she was being pulled by the very top of her skin into the mirror. At that moment it came to her; she was being pulled into the mirror. What lasted only forty seconds felt like a lifetime. Sunspirit couldn't move at all. Sometimes she saw herself invisible, others a yellow glow. Soon, her body gave up and flew itself to the mirror. She felt like she was being pulled threw it but her vision was completely dark. It got stronger. Her mind raced faster but it couldn't match the extreme speed of her heartbeat. She felt like she would surely die while seconds later she thought that she was already dead. Each moment had a mind of its own; each pain filled second had a different feeling. Memories from the past, both good and bad, kept coming threw at seemingly random points during this painful and impossible living nightmare. Then, it was over. The pain was gone, entirely. For about two seconds her body remained two feet above the ground against the huge bathroom mirror. Then she fell back. She stood up and soon noticed the change in her body. Her medium length, brown hair had transformed into a long brown color. Her eyes that where once a light blue where now a strange gold. Her mind was different, she could sense it. She was different. She could tell. She was Tina no longer. She looked down at her feet, she wanted to panic. Her toes where gone. Her feet where started to go with it. She was disappearing. It wasn't painful, but she would never know. As her legs disappeared inch by inch her mind filled in all confusion with imaginary excruciating pain. Soon, it got to her waist and seconds later her chest she attempted to scream for help but was cut off with the shock of the sound of her remarkably changed voice. Then, as it took her mouth nose and eyes, she attempted to pray in her mind for she believed she would die. "Am I in heaven?" Sunspirit asked herself, looking around at her surroundings. She saw a town, buildings as far as she could see, but it was disserted, and completely silent. To be continued....