IRC and Tavern Stuffs

This is my little place for my irc stuffs...
not much up yet... but um... ::looks for somethign to put up::

Friends... me... people.. ya know, stuff..
((Blah! i look stupid... i need a new pic..))
(Me, Jadey-Chan ^^;)

((now, is THIS the face of a cute wittle boy you could trust? no.. but for dia's sake let's say yes ^^;))

((Cute little Daro-creature, she's nice-like and unboreingful))

((hee hee i always thought he was a puppy untill i saw his piccie ^^;))
(DW-puppy-creature-ness/ DireWolf)

That's all i have for now ^^; i'll get more soon, hopefuly.
#ElvynTavern... and stuf...
i own a little tavern on irc and guess what i called it? #ElvynTavern! you lucky ducky! how'd you guess. (<-- self needs more brain cells...)i also need to get the char pics i've been waiting for.. ::Glares at Mary::
