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F o r e i g n - L a n g u a g e s - a t - C a n e y - C r e e k

Welcome to the website for Foreign Language studies at Caney Creek. Please click on your teacher for the pprpriate assignment page.
Why study a Foreign Language?

Tips for studying a Foreign Language

Spanish 1 French 1 Spanish 2 Spanish NS 2 Spanish 1
French 2 Spanish NS 3 Spanish 2
French 3 Spanish 3 H
German 1 Spanish 4 H AP
German 2 Spanish 5 H AP
German 3

Other Sites of Interest on the Web


English-French Online Dictionary
French-English Online Dictionary

Cultural Connection

The Paris Pages: A collection of everything involving the City of Light
Links to French Museums
Find out about French Holidays

French litterature

French Online Magazines and Newspapers
French Poetry
French Literature

For Fun

French Cuisine with Recipies
All about French Sports
Test your French Vocabulary