The Crest's Of Friendship And Courage: Part 1

By: Kelly

The snow finally stopped falling down from the heavens; by now, the digidestens came to a frozen river. Everyone came to a hold; Tai looked up and down the river. It looked pretty bad, no bridge to cross and there was absolutely no way to jump across, the base was too wide. Tai sighed and said that they had on choice but cross the river.
"Are you sure that there isn't a bridge that can cross?" Nimi asked as Palmon walked up.
"Don't worry Nimi," Said the Digimon talking her friends hand, "we'll cross together."
Agumon sighed as a drop of sweat revealed on the sighed on his face. Tai stepped on and started to walk across; everyone else build the curie to step on the thin ice. When they reached the half way pint; Matt heard the ice brake, Tai heard it to. He stepped out of the way and painted to land. Everyone started to run for it. The ice broke around Tai's feet, he lost his balance and plunged into the icy cold water.
"Tai!" Matt cried as they all turned to see him go down.
Everyone gasped in horror when they saw their friend and leader go down in the water, Matt started to run toward the water when Joe and Sora pulled him back. He told them to lay off so he could rescue Tai; he finally freed himself and jumped in the water. Gabumon stepped up with fear on his face as Comamon digivoled to Ikkakumon and jumped in after Matt. One minute later Ikkakumon rose out of the water. Everyone's face lit up to see that the responsible Digimon brought them to safety.
Matt slid down the Digimon as he powered down to Comamon, Agumon ran up and asked if Tai was all right. Matt said that Tai was very week and that they must find a spot where his friend could heal. Nimi dropped to her knees and said that her feet were killing her; TK said that he wanted to rest. Matt sighed and said that he would go on to see if any shelter; he started to walk when Gabumon said that he would accompany him.
The Digidesten didn't mind having his Digimon come along, as they walked; Matt didn't say a word. Gabumon never seen his friend like this, it was like time it's self froze Matt was worried about Tai. It wasn't long before Matt saw shelter. The structure was not much to look at. The roof was made out of wood and the windows where unkempt.
"I'll cheek to see if it's safe."
Gabumon walked up and opened the door to peak inside. There where many cobwebs and the furniture looked as though it hasn't been dusted in about a year. Gabumon turned and said that it was safe to come in. Matt stepped up as the Digimon opened the door the rest of the way. They both walked in, Matt turned his head to see a large mattress on the floor.
"Should I get the others?" Gabumon suggested watching Matt lay Tai down on the mattress.
"Good Idea."
The furry Digimon turned and was about to walk out when he turned to see Matt binding down in front of Tai. Gabumon cared about Matt very much and couldn't leave without knowing if he was all right. He stepped up and asked if he was all right.
"Don't worry about me! Just concentrate on getting the others to safety!"
Gabumon gasped in shock; he never heard him speck that way before. Matt sighed; he knew that he hurt Gabumon and he didn't mean to. He rose to his feet walked to his friend bent to one knee to hug Gabumon with tears in his eyes.
"I'm sorry that I yelled at you...I didn't mean to hurt you...I'm sorry."
The loving Digimon leaned his head against Matt's to close his eyes with a smile on his face. He rubbed his back for one moment getting a worm loving feeling though his heart. The one thing Gabumon didn't know was that Matt was feeling the same way.
"I'll always be here for you Matt..."
"I know you have and it means a lot to me." Said Matt letting go and wiping his tears.
Gabumon felt better that he was willing to help his dear friend Matt. He turned and was about to walk out when Gabumon stopped turned to call Matt's attention. The Digidestend turned and asked in a loving voice when he wanted; Gabumon blushed to look at the floor and then back at Matt. He really wanted to say how he felt about his friend but he was to embarrass to say it.
"Are you sure that there's nothing wrong Gabumon?" Matt asked.
"There's nothing wrong...but I should get going."
Right then Matt noticed something in Gabumon's eyes that he never saw before; love and passion. The Digimon turned and walked out closing the door as Matt stood there for with a stunned look on his face. Then it occurred to Matt and smiled; the answer was written all over Gabumon's face from the get go. Be safe my friend, Matt thought turning and walking toward Tai.
He looked down at his friend; I've got to get these wet clothing off or his condition will get worse. Matt bent down to strip Tai all the way down to his undis. Tai groaned in his sleep as Matt pulled the covers up to his neck. The young lad kept on staring at the other Digidesten. Matt desided to take Tai's goggles off and run his fingers though his hair.
"Don't worry Tai...the others and I will take care of you."
Just right then Matt's crest started to glow, he gasped and looked at it when it stopped glowing. What does it mean, Matt thought, does it mean I'm doing something right? Right then he realized that he was doing; I've got to control my self! But I just can't let the others down, they're all counting me to protect Tai, Matt thought clutching onto his crest with closed eyes great pain on his face. His crest started to glow again, Matt opened his eyes to see that it was still glowing, what it the crest trying to tell me? He knew that he had the crest of friendship, but this was the first time that he saw it glow more than once.
The First time it glowed; Joe needed Matt's help and that was how Garurumon went to the next level, the young Digidestened smiled remembering how Weregarurumon finished Divledmon and apologized to Joe for being so mean. Matt started to get a worm fussy feeling all over his body as he clutched onto the crest even header. Now I understand why we have these crests, he thought again, it's to show where are true strength lays!
Matt looked down at Tai's crest of courage, if it wasn't for you, Matt thought lifting the rest up, I would've never found Tai in time. He bent closer to kiss the crest. Matt rose to his feet when he heard Gabumon voice, he's face lit up when the door opened. Everyone entered the room, Agumon ran up to Tai with fear on his face.
"Matt, is Tai going to be all right?" TK asked.
"it's heard to say," Matt answered, "but you guys should get some rest...I'll be doing to first watch tonight."
Before anyone could object, the door already closed, Gabumon sighed and walked out too closing the door behind him. He found Matt staring at his crest, Gabumon stood next to his friend. The sky was cloudy and the icy cold wind blew Matt's hair. Gabumon asked what his friend was thinking about; Matt sighed and closed his eyes with tears forming under his eyelids. Gabumon rubbed his friend's back for one moment; the poor thing's under a lot of stress.
"You better get inside before you get sick," Said Gabumon, "I'll do the watching right know."
"I guess I do need to rest...see you in the morning." Said Matt turning and walking toward the house.
"...There's one more thing I wanted to say..."
"What's that?" Matt asked turning around to see Gabumon blushing.
"I love you..."
"...Love you too, Gabumon." Matt smiled
The young Digidesened turned and walked back into the house as the Digimon turned to continue guarding. After looking at the scenery for about an hour Gabumon started to lose his concentration. He started to become very tired and the wind rustled against is fur like walking through stinging neatly. Right then he heard his name being called; Gabumon turned to that it was Comamon. The Digimon walked up and said that he could like a turn of standing watch.
"Are you's cold tonight."
"I'm not doing much...and besides, I need some fresh air."
"if that's what you want," Said Gabumon, "see you in the morning."
The Digimon turned and walked in the house to see that everyone was sleeping. Gabumon tried to walk quietly to the other Digimons but his long claws kept on taping on the floor. Agumon opened one eye, then smiled to see that it was his friend. Gabumon laid next to Agumon and fell asleep.
It wasn't long before the sun came; the sunbeams lit up the house. Matt sat up and rubbed his eyes. He turned to see that Tai had color in his checks, Matt smiled with joy in his eyes. That's right Tai he thought, your going to make it. The others woke up; Agumon ran up as the others crowded around their leader. Joe bent down; took the cloth off to feel Tai's for head.
"The fever has gone down some...just a few more days and Tai should be back on his feet."
Joe got to his feet and said that he was going to wet down the cloth; Comamon suggested that he could go with him. Joe didn't mind having some company along. They both walked out as the Digimon closed the door behind him; TK turned to Matt and said that he was hungry. The others said the same; the Digidesten said that it was all right for them to go find what they can. They turned and walked out with their Digimon.
Matt turned and sat next to Tai; Agumon smiled at the Digidestened and said that Matt was a good friend. The young blond haired boy looked at Tai's Digimon. Agumon looked down and then back at Matt. He wanted to tell Matt something that he was told by Tai.
"Tai like's you very much," Agumon finally said.
"H---he does?"
"Hmm-hmm. He told me awhile back. I told Tai that he should tell you how he really felt but the poor guy couldn't."
Matt knew that he was a friend but he never knew that he was something special to Tai. He turned to look at his friend still out cold. The door opened right then and Joe walked in with a wet peace of cloth in his hand; the other Digimon's greeted Comamon with a hi.
"How's Tai doing Matt?" Joe asked bending down to place the wet cloth on his for head.
Joe noticed that Matt didn't answer, he asked if everything was all right, Joe leaded closer to put his hand on Matt's shoulder to comfort him. Matt looked into Joe's eyes when he spoke.
"Try to have more faith in Tai...he would be hurt if we all let him down."
"I suppose you're right...thanks Joe." Matt smiled putting his hand on top of Joe's hand.
That night, after having a small porcine of food, Matt lad there trying to sleep but he couldn't; Agumon's voice echoed in his dream. He snapped awake and sat up to see that everyone else was still sleeping. Gabumon opened one eye to see Matt opening the door and stepping outside. He got to his feet and tiptoed outside too.
"Matt? Are you okay?"
"Ho," He jumped and turned around, "don't sneak up on me like that."
"I'm sorry..."
"That's okay. But what are you doing out of bed?" Matt asked.
"I was wondering if you were okay," Said Gabumon studying his face, "it's what Agumon told you about Tai isn't it."
Matt sighed turned and walked to a near by log to sit down. He didn't how to feel or what to think of the new issue. Gabumon sat next to him not saying a word. He knew how Matt felt, or at least that's what he thought when he started talking. Gabumon didn't say a thing nor asked questions at Matt talked.
"I never knew that someone like Tai would have a crush on me..."
"It's obvious," Gabumon smiled, "I mean...think about. He allway's wanted to sit by you and allway's asked for your help when he needs it."
"...I allway's thought it was because was the leader and wanted to boss me around." Said Matt staring at the wet ground.
"---I think you should talk to Tai and get the truth. In the meantime, we just need to take care of him like a friend would."
Gabumon hopped off the log and walked back into the house. Matt sat there staring at the ground. He held up his crest, 'we need to take care of him like a friend would.' 'Tai likes you very much'; those words echoed in his mind, memory's wised though his mind. Matt started to smile when his crest started to glow. They're right, he thought, I just don't know why I didn't see it before! We need Tai, noting isn't the same without him. He's the only other person who knew how I felt when I felt down.
He continued to sit when the sun rose; he looked up when Matt heard a cry. He literally jumped up as he gasped; Matt turned and ran in bursting the door open. Everyone turned to see Matt panting; the blond haired Digidestened grew in shook to see that Tai was awake. Matt ran up bent down and took Tai's hand to squeeze it.
"You gave use quite a scare." Said Joe.
"...Sorry that I..."
Matt right then put his finger to Tai's lips and said that he needed to rest. At first, Tai was a little shocked at Matt's reaction. Everyone else nodded their heads in agreement. Tai couldn't argue with that, he did feel weak and numb so he closed his eyes. Agumon curled up beside Tai; he opened and closed his eye again with a smile. It felt good knowing that he had close supportive friends like Agumon, Matt, Joe Nimi, Sora, Izzy and the rest of the Digimons.
"I'm hungry," Said Nimi, "lets go get some food."
"Me too."
"All right, lets go," Said Matt rising to his feet and walking to the door, "oh, and Agumon..."
"Take care of Tai for me."
"I will Matt." Agumon responded looking down at the sleeping comrade.
Izzy was the last one out and closed the door behind him; Tai opened his eyes to look at the ceiling. Agumon studied his face and asked what he was thinking about. Tai smiled and said that he was thinking how grateful he was of having good friends.
"I know...but what about Matt...if it wasn't for him and Ikkakumon you wouldn't be here."
Tai was a little stunned; Matt and Joe's Digimon saved me? But why Matt? Of all people , I thought he would be the last person how would try to save me Tai thought. He was so much in thought that he didn't even hear Agumon telling him to come back to Earth.
"Hmm? I'm sorry Agumon...I was thinking again...."
"About Matt...I know...honestly Tai, you got to have more courage in your
"I know..."
The Digidestned looked at his Digimon; Agumon drew his arm back to bring it forward and slapped him across the face. Fore one blink of a sec Tai was shock but then he realized why Agumon did that. He sat up and pulled his Digimon close and hugged him tight.
"Thanks Agumon. I did need to have some sense knocked into me."
"And I'll do it again if I have to..."
The door opened and the others walked in to see Tai letting Agumon go. Matt walked up with a hand full of fruit in his arms to sit next to Tai. He handed him an apple, Tai took it and started to eat it. Everyone looked relived that Tai ate. Everyone else sat down and started to eat what they had in their hands.
Tai felt much better after he had and apple and a orange, he was in the mood to get up and start going after Myotismon. But he couldn't up sense everyone else was standing right there. Just then Tai's crest started to glow; he lifted it with a serious expression on his face. Tai knew what the crest was telling him, that he was ready to go.
"I think it's time we move out," Said Tai looking at the others with a grin, "what do ya say?"
"Yea!" Everyone cheered.
"All right! As soon as I get dressed we cam move out."
Matt handed Tai his goggles rose to his feet as the others walked out of the house. Matt was the last one out; he stopped and turned to wink at Tai as if to say 'It's good to have you back'. The door closed as Tai turned to put his cloths on. As he was putting on his shoes, he smiled at the thought of all his friends, including Matt. Tai shook his head violently; I got to get a hold of my self, he thought, Matt's my best friend...same as the others and I'm not going to let them down!
"Ready to move out?" Tai asked opening the door.
Everyone nodded their heads once; they all stepped a side so Tai could lead them. So they walked all day with an occasional stop to eat or simply rest. That night, they made camp; Joe and Izzy collected firewood as Nimi and Sora went to gather rocks. Tai and Matt dug a small hole to get the fire ready; but Tai noticed something different about Matt. He was acting as if Tai was a brother to him. The boy didn't mind it at all and Tai all way's thought the whole group was one big family.
Matt couldn't stand it any longer he had to find the truth why Tai was all way's acting so close to him. Matt finally looked at Tai; the leaderabl Digidestned looked at Matt too with a drop of sweat coming down his face.
"Come one Tai," Agumon insisted, "tell Matt how you feel!"
"I...I...I can't." He said lowering his head as Agumon lowered his head in disappointment.
"I like you too...ever sense we met, there was something about you that caught my attention." Said Matt slipping his arm around Tai.
"What's that...?"
The others right then walked up with all the stuff they needed to build a fire. The fire was roaring and cracking after Agumon used his Pepper Breath. Izzy got out his lab top to look at a map of the Digitalworld; the others stood behind him, the map was not easy to read even for Izzy. Agumon and Gabumon looked at the map with confusion on their faces, when Agumon face went from confusion to wide-eyed.
"What's the matter..."
"I'm so stupid," Agumon responded hitting himself on the head, "this path right here is the same one that is shown right here on the map. See?"
Everyone looked down the road and then back on the computer screen; Agumon was right. Izzy pointed at the screen and said that the road will lead them to the castle were the Myotismon is living. Izzy typed on the key bored and said that the trip there will take them about two days. Nimi collapsed to her knees and groaned.
"Two more days! I just don't know how much longer I can take this!"
"I know how you feel," Said Palmon, "but we should stick together if we're going to beat Lord Myotismon!"
"Then it's settled," Said Tai, "tomorrow we get Lord Myotismon!"


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Email The Author: Kelly